Chapter 324 Dispute
For Huangfusong, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty is still very optimistic.

Since he said that he can assess the rebellion without a single soldier from the court, it is naturally a great benefit to him.

Huangfusong smiled faintly, and said: "Your Majesty, I'm already old and frail, and I don't have the ability anymore. I want to recommend Guo Jia, governor of Yunzhou!"

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, the officials immediately exploded.

This name does not have a good reputation in Shilin.

What the scholars hated the most was the ten permanent servants, and Guo Jia, as the running dog of the ten permanent servants, naturally didn't like them well.

Huangfusong was deposed because of Shi Changshi.

It's really unreasonable for this person to recommend someone who is a ten-time attendant!
He Jin and Yuan Kai tried their best to trick Guo Jia out of the box, how could they let Guo Jia out so easily?
As an offensive and defensive alliance, the officials naturally had to cover for the two.

"General Huangfu, the matter is not that serious. Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, and Liu Yu, governor of Youzhou, are both veterans of many battles. Naturally, they are easy to deal with the horse bandits of the Huns and the rioters of Xianbei."

"That's right. Nomads are used to looting. As long as Bingzhou and Youzhou defend their cities and don't move out without permission, the enemy will naturally retreat if they can't take advantage. As for Jizhou, it's even simpler. The Black Mountain Army is just a gang of bandits. Inspector Wang Fen recruited county soldiers on the spot to fight against the Montenegro army."

"Guo Jia was ordered to pay homage to his dead parents. This is an act of great filial piety. Our Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety. If Guo Jia were to break filial piety and go to the battlefield, I'm afraid it would be inconsistent with etiquette!"

Everyone refuted Huangfusong's words one after another.

In a word, Guo Jia is not allowed to go back!

A cold light flashed across Huangfusong's eyes.

He was born as a military commander, and he was very dissatisfied with this civil servant's filthiness.

Didn't these people see that all these troubles were caused by Guo Jia?

Huangfusong felt a little annoyed.

Huangfusong is well aware of the power of Guo Jia and Yunzhou.

At the beginning, Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu ​​were all beaten by Guo Jia's men.

Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion was quelled by Huangfusong, at least half of Yunzhou's credit was responsible for it. If Guo Jia hadn't made concessions in the end, the stronghold of Julu would definitely not have fallen into Huangfusong's hands.

At that time, Huangfusong felt powerless in the face of the Yunzhou Army.

Now that the Yunzhou Army has defeated the Southern Xiongnu again, its combat effectiveness has skyrocketed. Even if Huangfu leads the elite of the Han Dynasty, it may not be the opponent of the Yunzhou Army.

It can be said that Yunzhou has become so powerful that it can control the situation of the big man.

This battle cannot be fought, only peace can be made!

But these bastards didn't know what to do, and they blindly stomped Guo Jia to death.

How could Guo Jia be willing?

He is [-]% loyal to the big man and the emperor.

Guo Jia ordered the Southern Huns, Xianbei tribes and the Montenegro army to invade the border, which made Huangfusong hate him very much.

But it makes sense when you think about it carefully.

If someone wants to kill you, you can't stretch your neck out!

Huangfu Song was foolish and loyal, and dedicated himself to the court, but others may not have such a high level of consciousness.

No wonder these guys are so ignorant.

His Majesty!

Huangfu Song clasped his fists and said, "Guo Jia is the one to do this! I am willing to recommend Guo Jia at the cost of my wealth and life."

He knew very well in his heart that no one could solve this mess except Guo Jia.

Guo Jia is flexing his muscles to the opposing forces in the DPRK.

Huangfusong knew the relationship between the Black Mountain Army and Guo Jia.When Yuan Shao was defeated, he was stabbed from behind by the Black Mountain Army.

Most of Zhang Yan has been subdued by Guo Jia, so the Black Mountain Army will attack Jizhou.

The Huns had just been cleaned up by Guo Jia, and they were almost driven into the depths of the grassland, respectful to Guo Jia's request.

As for Xianbei, he has always been the younger brother of the Huns. Guo Jia took care of the Huns, so Xianbei is naturally no problem.

The three together are a force not to be underestimated, and there is also the Yunzhou Army who is eyeing it.

The current imperial court is weak, and they are their opponents at all, so they can only be wronged first.

Crazy crazy!

All the ministers turned pale with fright.

This old lunatic would actually recommend a ten-time attendant.

Has he forgotten what happened to him?

"Your Majesty, absolutely not, besides Guo Jia, is there no one I can use as a big man?"

"Your Majesty, Yunzhou is surrounded by rebels, even if Governor Guo rushes back, it won't help."

"Your Majesty, Guo Inspector Guo is extremely filial, that is an example for the people of the world, and this reputation must not be ruined."

Everyone spoke in unison.

In short, Guo Jia is not allowed to go back.

Ha ha!

Huangfu Song sneered, and said: "If Guo Jia is not allowed to go back, who among you can stop the Black Mountain Army?"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

They really have nothing to do when they meet a stingy emperor.

At this moment, the eunuch outside the palace shouted.

"General He Jin, Grand Tutor Yuan Kai will meet you!"

Hearing this voice, everyone was refreshed.

These two can be counted.

They are the real masters, and when they arrive, this matter will naturally be fine.

I just don't know why, but the two arrived late!

He Jin and Yuan Kai walked into the hall.

"Your Majesty He Jin/Yuan Kui kowtows to His Majesty!"

The two bowed.

alright, alright!

Emperor Han Ling waved his hand.

"The two of you came just in time. Huangfusong recommended Guo Jia, governor of Yunzhou, for the matter of Bingzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou. What do you think?"

One of these two people is a general and a grand tutor, one is the head of military generals, and the other is the head of civil servants. Emperor Han Ling also wanted to seek the opinions of the two.

Huangfu Song frowned.

The reason why Guo Jia wanted to show his muscles to the court was that the culprits were these two people in front of him. If they hadn't deliberately tried to trick Guo Jia, Guo Jia would not have made such a bad move.

He Jin and Yuan Kai looked at each other, then nodded slowly.

"My minister He Jin/Yuan Kui seconded the proposal!"

The whole hall fell silent immediately, and even a needle could be heard falling.

All the courtiers looked at He Jin and Yuan Kai in disbelief.

Did they hear correctly?

The two actually agreed to the proposal.That is to say, they released Guo Jia who had worked so hard to get in intact.


Many people started to mess up.

What the hell is this?
If that's the case, they didn't argue for nothing just now.

Huangfusong heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that these two still understand people.

"In that case, please make a decision, Your Majesty!"

Huangfu Song clasped his fists and said.

In order to avoid nights and dreams, he hurriedly asked the emperor to make an order.

Once the emperor decrees, the matter is over.

Huangfusong just hoped that Guo Jia would not do too much for the face of the court.

Seeing that the three important ministers strongly recommended Guo Jia, Emperor Han Ling also felt that it made sense.

"Hold on, Your Majesty!"

Just as Emperor Han Ling was about to make an order, Zhang Rang who was on the side suddenly interrupted him.

Seeing Zhang Rang jumping out, He Jin and Yuan Kai couldn't help but their hearts sank.

(End of this chapter)

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