Chapter 325 The Return
The enemy of the enemy is a friend, oppose what the enemy supports, and support what the enemy opposes.

Although the ten permanent servants are not as knowledgeable as the civil servants, the logic of this level is still clear.

He Jin, Yuan Kai, Zhang Rang and others were in the same situation, and Guo Jia was one of the ten permanent servants. It stands to reason that He Jin and Yuan Kai would never recommend Guo Jia.

But things happen.

There is conspiracy here.

Zhang Rang narrowed his eyes.

"Your Majesty, Guo Jia is now your prospective son-in-law. He is a member of the royal family. But the slave family can't figure it out. Is it true that only one state governor is available in the Han Dynasty? Can't all the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty eat nothing?"

As soon as these words came out, He Jin Yuan Wei's face was very ugly.

There are many high-ranking officials and nobles, but there are few ten-time servants.

Normally, it was they who ran against Shi Chang Shi, but now it was Shi Chang Shi's turn to run on them.

But they just couldn't say anything.


Zhao Zhong on the side was also happy.

"That's right! Since there is only one state governor available in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, why do you need to support so many people and spend so much money? Why don't you all go home and reduce the court's expenses."

The ten permanent servants share weal and woe, and since Zhang Rang fired, Zhao Zhong is naturally not far behind.

Emperor Han Ling's eyes lit up, and he began to ponder Zhao Zhong's words carefully.

If there is only one Guo Jia available, then what would he do with such an idler? Give Guo Jia the work, and send the rest home, which can also save a lot of money.

Great General Wanshi, Taifu Wanshi, Sangong Wuqianshi...

This master really started to figure out how much money he could save by driving these idle officials home.

However, he was just thinking about it.

No matter how stupid this master is, he also knows that the court cannot be run by one person. Without these idlers, the entire government will be in a mess.

"Your Majesty, the military situation is urgent, let Governor Guo go back to Yunzhou first!"

Huangfu Song played.

As for the dispute between Shi Changshi and He Jin and others, he is not interested, nor is he interested.

Right now, Huangfusong only cares about when Guo Jia will go back.

As long as Guo Jia goes back, the crisis will be resolved.

"It's wrong to ride the left car!"

Zhao Zhong smiled and said: "Your Majesty just recruited Guo Jia, and the Weng and his son-in-law sent them back to fight before they could meet. It might damage the reputation of the royal family if it gets out. Besides, the princess's wedding date has been chosen, and all the princes know it." Yes, everything is ready, just waiting for the groom to come to the door? Aren’t you deliberately destroying the good things of the royal family?”

In terms of learning, Zhao Zhong is better than Zhang Rang, at least he has studied for a few years.

Zhang Rang is the head, and Zhao Zhong is the dog-headed military division.

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both, and there is no way around this."

Huangfu Song flicked his sleeves and said: "Since Guo Jia is the emperor's son-in-law, then we must share the concerns of the imperial court and His Majesty."

He was already surprisingly angry.

These eunuchs really don't know what to do, Huangfusong is helping them.

With Guo Jia outside, the Shi Changshi can be as stable as Mount Tai.

Once Guo Jia is finished, these people are not far from death.

I really don't know how their heads are so long that they keep preventing Guo Jia from going back.

It's really unreasonable.

Soon the court turned into a battlefield.

The courtiers attacked the Ten Permanent Attendants one after another, but the matter was extremely ironic.

They who were not in favor of letting Guo Jia go back suddenly changed their tune and supported Guo Jia's going back.

The ten permanent attendants are naturally not allowed.

The two sides started a fierce quarrel.

Due to the fierce opposition of Shi Changshi, the opinions of He Jin and others were naturally not passed.

He Jin and others hated their teeth, but they had no choice but to secretly bribe Guo Sheng to wait for the opportunity.


At dusk, Guo Jia and his party came to a dilapidated courtyard.

Although the courtyard was a bit dilapidated, it was very spacious, and it looked like the mansion of that dignitary.

"This is your home?"

Cai Yu on the side carefully poked Guo Jia.

For some reason, she suddenly felt nervous.

It's like the restraint of a young daughter-in-law who wants to enter her husband's house.

Not bad!

Guo Jia sighed and nodded.

This dilapidated courtyard is his home.

The Guo family in Yangzhai used to be considered a moderately famous family, but it is a pity that Guo Jia's generation is not prosperous, and Guo Jia is the only one left.

Guo Jia's parents died early, leaving him only a small family property.

This old yard is one of them.

Guo Jia suddenly stepped forward and reached out to pat the door knocker.

When Guo Jia donated an official to take up the post in Beidi, Guo Fu was getting old and unwilling to follow, so he stayed in the old courtyard of the Guo family to guard.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion disrupted the entire Yingchuan, and it is not known whether the Guo family, who had gone to the empty building, suffered disaster.

The door creaked open!
The old butler Guo Fu came out tremblingly.

"Master, you are back!"

After seeing Guo Jia, the old butler Guo Fu couldn't help crying.

"Uncle Fu, you have worked hard! This time, I will take you to Yunzhou to enjoy the blessings."

Guo Jia held Guo Fu's hand sincerely.

Although he is a time traveler and doesn't have much feeling for his original home, he is still very grateful to this loyal servant.


Guo Fu said with emotion: "I heard that the young master has been promoted outside, and the old slave is also very pleased. The kindness of the master and wife is as great as a mountain, and the old slave can't repay me even if I die. Now that I am old, I can't walk anymore. Just bury the old bones in Guo's house, and stay with the master and wife."


Guo Jia's eyes were also a little moist.

No matter when, a sincere heart will always move people.

"Come out, the master of the Guo family is back."

Old Guo Fu greeted him, and several teenagers walked out of the yard. These people were all sallow, emaciated and malnourished.

"Master, these are the children that the old man took in after the war. Most of them wandered on the streets without a home. The old man is also lonely, so he decided to take them in as companions. Now that the young master is back, he will naturally report to the young master. I hope the young master able to keep them.”

Old Guo Fu introduced.

"Fu Bozhai has a kind heart, how can I object to this matter?"

Guo Jia smiled.

With these teenagers around, he doesn't have to worry about old Guo Fu being left alone.


Guo Fu seemed to have remembered something, and hastily wiped away his tears.

"Young Master, you may not have been back for a long time, so you should go and see Mrs. Madam when you come back this time."

Speaking of greeting people, he wanted to lead Guo Jia to the cemetery.

And slow!

Guo Jia smiled, and stretched out his hand to tug at Cai Yu who was at the side.

"Call Faber!"

Cai Yu suddenly hesitated, and called Fu Bo falteringly.

Guo Fu laughed a few times, and said: "This is the young lady. You are old, and you can't go to congratulate you even when you are married."

Cai Yu blushed at what the young lady said.

no no……

Cai Yu was also very embarrassed.

The relationship between her and Guo Jia couldn't be clear in a word or two.

Seeing Cai Yu's awkwardness, Guo Jia suddenly laughed happily.

Finally, this girl is a bit feminine.

Not bad not bad, it's off to a good start!
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(End of this chapter)

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