Chapter 327
The court quarrel finally came to an end, and finally ended with a compromise between He Jin and Yuan Kai.

This time, the ten permanent attendants had the upper hand and mercilessly slaughtered the courtiers.

He Jin and Yuan Kai were persuaded and agreed to many of their rude demands. Shi Changshi also agreed to let Guo Jia go back to solve the problems of the three counties.

The imperial court has restored harmony, and everyone should do what they want.

This is politics, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

"Your Majesty, Guo Inspector Guo is young and promising, and he is the example of my courtiers. Such a young age is the time to be reused."

"That's right! Governor Guo is a great hero. Pacifying gold and recovering the Xiongnu, which one is not a great achievement, how can such a great talent be put on the shelf?"

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be achieved. Guo Cishi is the most filial person. When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible. How can a talent like Guo Cishi stand by and watch?"

Under the instruction of He Jin and Yuan Kai, these people began to pursue Guo Jia.

These guys!

Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang, the ten permanent attendants, were a little dumbfounded.

They already felt that they were shameless enough, but they didn't expect such civil servants to be even worse.

Just a few days ago, these bastards kept stepping on Guo Jia.

This turn of the face makes a 360-degree turn.

It really is a dog face, if you say it will change, it will change!
It seems that shamelessness does not lie in the level of culture!
Emperor Han Ling was a little annoyed, he slammed the table.

"Two days ago, you were the ones who told Guo Jia to keep his filial piety. These two days, you were the ones who asked Guo Jia to go to war. What are you going to do?"

The officials fell silent immediately, and they looked at He Jin and Yuan Kai angrily.

Originally, everyone was against Guo Jia in the offensive and defensive alliance!

Unexpectedly, these two bastards actually turned their backs and compromised with Shi Changshi, which caused them to be human inside and out.

It's nothing more than being cast aside by the ten permanent servants, but now he has to be questioned by the emperor.


In this situation, He Jin couldn't sit still anymore, he hurried out of the queue.

"Your Majesty, the army of Yunzhou is strong and strong, and Governor Guo has experienced many battles. With him, the rebellion of the three states will be effortless, and the court will not need to spend a single soldier."

He knew this brother-in-law very well, and he could talk about money faster than anything else.

By the way, this brother-in-law is a weird one.


Hearing that no soldiers were needed, the spirit of Han Lingdi came.

Not spending a single soldier means not spending money on him.

"Zhang Rang, what do you say?"

He still habitually asked for Zhang Rang's opinion.

Zhang Rang walked out slowly.

"Your Majesty, this old slave also agrees with the general. Guo Jia is the mainstay of our Han Dynasty, and the affairs of Jizhou belong to him."

In private, He Jin and Yuan Kai compromised with Shi Changshi, and only then did they get Shi Changshi's support in this matter.

"Then let Guo Jia set out immediately!"

Hearing that Zhang Rang had no objection, Emperor Han Ling was naturally happy to push the boat along.

This master likes things that don't cost money.


The crowd responded in unison.

At this moment, a memorial was sent to the emperor's desk.

Emperor Han Ling looked at it curiously, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Interesting, interesting, Guo Jia is going to report illness and return home!"

In his eyes, all the courtiers have sharpened their heads and drilled upwards, who is willing to withdraw automatically?
This Guo Jia is really interesting.

As soon as the news came out, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty exploded again.

He Jin and Yuan Kai scolded her even more!

Just as he made a compromise with the ten permanent attendants, this guy started picking things up.

What the hell, how old is this bastard, and he wants to report illness and return home?

Isn't this obviously forcing the palace?
In the past, they would have been eager for Guo Jia to come down.

The Great Han Dynasty had so much real power, if you come down, people will fill it up.

No one thinks too much about their own rights these days.

What's more, protecting the Xiongnu Zhonglang and Yunzhou governor are both positions they aspire to win.

Even if Guo Jia didn't want to leave, they would do everything possible to get him down and replace him with their own people.

But not now.

The requests for help from the three states came in flakes.

Bingzhou Youzhou is still the main supporter, but Wang Fen, the governor of Jizhou, will not be able to do so.The whole of Jizhou was useless, and the Black Mountain Army reached the city of Ye County without any effort.

Jizhou is the barrier of Sili. Once the Black Mountain Army breaks through Jizhou and comes to the ground of Sili, He Jin, the general, will be at the end.

Even if he can repel the Montenegrin Army in the future, as the highest military officer, He Jin cannot absolve himself of the blame.

All this was caused by Guo Jia.

Without Guo Jia, no one can clean up this mess.

At this time, Guo Jia puts down the pick, but actually won't let He Jin sit on the candle?

this bastard
He Jin felt a little like vomiting blood, and he suddenly had a feeling that the fox didn't fight back and made a fuss.

Not much has happened on his side yet, Guo Jia's side has started to force the palace.

Only then did He Jin realize how powerful Guo Jia was.

This fellow must not be provoked.

At this moment, He Jin deeply regretted it.

Now, he has nothing to do, Guo Jia does not belong to his camp, even if he, the general, said it, Guo Jia would not pay attention.

Now, he can only look to Zhang Rang for help.

"Master Zhang!"

He Jin said in a low voice.


At the moment Zhang Rang is very proud.

Guo Jia is really a wonderful person, Zhang Rang hasn't seen He Jin humiliating for many years.

"General, Governor Guo has contributed to Sheji. Now you have to sacrifice your marriage to go to the front line. You, General, have an explanation!"

Zhang Rangsi said slowly.

He didn't know about Bianjun's affairs, and he didn't want to.

Now He Jin humbly begged to come to the door, and promised a lot of generous conditions, which made Zhang Rang very satisfied.

Guo Jia's choice was nothing more than to get some benefits.

This benefit Zhang Rang will naturally not come out.

Naturally, the culprit He came in and out.


He Jin's face twitched.

He already understood what Zhang Rang meant.

This eunuch is really cunning and wants He Jin to ask for credit for Guo Jia.

You know, He Jin and Yuan Wei are at odds with Guo Jia.

In order to deal with Guo Jia, the two have already made many crimes.

Now let them ask for credit for Guo Jia, it is better to slap them face to face.


He Jin and Yuan Kai looked at each other, then nodded slowly.

Where there is life, there is hope.

This time they deal with it first, and next time they will definitely make Guo Jia look good.

"That's right, Governor Guo deserves to be rewarded for his loyalty to the country. The minister rewarded Guo Jia with food!"

He Jin gritted his teeth and said.

Guo Jia's Marquis of Guannei had a false title. Once he had no feudal country, he only had a salary and no food.

This is the general Guanneihou.

Of course, there are also special ones, which can be bestowed by the imperial court.

In fact, such a Guanneihou is no different from Liehou except that he has not sealed the country.

Now, in order to appease Guo Jia, He Jin asked for food for Guo Jia.

With Shiyi, Guo Jia, the Marquis of Guannei, became extraordinary.

This is also a no-brainer. In order to let Guo Jia go back sooner, He Jin has made a huge sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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