Chapter 328

It's not difficult to ask Guo Jia for food, but where does the food come from?
You must know that it is the end of the Han Dynasty, and the bureaucracy is already very bloated.

There are many princes and princes who only receive their salaries and do not work, and the court has long been in short supply.

In other words, there are too many monks and too little porridge.

All parts of the country are divided into spheres of influence. If there are more Guo Jia, there will be fewer others.

The emperor would definitely not pay for this increase in food, and the ten permanent servants would not even bother.

Since He Jin brought it up, he has to solve it by himself.

There was no other way, He Jin had no choice but to bear the pain and give up two hundred households to Guo Jia from his own bowl.

it is good!
Seeing He Jin reluctantly give up his love.

Zhang Rang was also very satisfied.

Guo Jia won two hundred food towns for Guo Jia, so Guo Jia should have nothing to say now.

So a piece of imperial decree was sent to Yingchuan.


"Two hundred households in the food town!"

Seeing the contents of the imperial decree, Cai Yu showed a smile on his face.

This is not a small amount.

Especially in the Eastern Han Dynasty, when there were too many monks and too little porridge.

What is even more rare is that He Jin and Yuan Kai jointly wrote a letter to invite Guo Jia to eat.

"It seems that General He thinks highly of you! One shot is two hundred households."

The girl said with a smile.

Only then did Cai Yu understand what Guo Jia was going to do, this guy was going to sit on the ground and raise the price to blackmail He Jin and Yuan Kai.

Anyway, these two people didn't dare to do anything to Guo Jia. On the contrary, they were good defenders. After all, only Guo Jia can clean up the current mess.

In other words, He Jin and Yuan Wei couldn't bow their heads if they didn't want to.

"Two hundred households?"

Guo Jia sneered and said, "Think of me as a beggar!"

He took a deep breath, stretched his waist, and suddenly fell to the ground with an ahh, his eyes rolled white and he passed out.

Guo Jia!

Cai Yu turned pale with shock.

She came to Guo Jia in a hurry, reached out and pressed Guo Jia's mouth and nose, only felt that the breath was very weak.

"what happened to you?"

The girl panicked a little.

Could it be because of the hard work during this time?

The more Cai Yu thought about it, the more this happened.

She also knew that Guo Jia was weak and not suitable for women.

But how can the two of them be alone and widowed?
Besides, it was also the first time for her to taste the taste of a man and a woman, so how could she refuse when it was time for her to enjoy it.

The more Cai Yu thought about it, the more frightened she became.

"Doctor, hurry up, doctor!"

The girl cried out in a crying voice.

Soon, news of Guo Jia's fainting spread throughout Yangdi.

The Guo family members were even more frightened, and immediately invited the most famous doctor in Yangdi to treat Guo Jia.

After all, a noble person is about to appear from the ancestral grave with green smoke, but now his eyes are turned white and he is unconscious.

Are they still waiting for the light?
The doctor is well-known in Yangdi, but he has used eighteen martial arts on Guo Jia, but he has not made any progress.Finally simply shook his head.Please be smart!


Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts sank suddenly.

The doctor waved his hand, that means there is no cure.

The Guo family members did not give up, and were given a heavy gift to invite other doctors.

Like the previous doctors, these people didn't notice Zi Chou Yinmao, and they all presumed that it was because of congenital frailty and fatigue.

Anyway, it's an incurable disease.

Hearing this conclusion, Cai Yu almost passed out.

She never dreamed of this result.

When a doctor said that, she still had some thoughts in her heart.Several doctors said so, and her thoughts began to crack.

This time, everyone panicked.

The eunuch who delivered the decree was also panicked.

Is he still waiting for Guo Jia to return to Beijing together?

Now Guo Jia is lying on the ground without knowing his personnel.

Didn't this kill him?

Does the little eunuch still have other tasks of the ten servants?
"Guo Inspector, Guo Inspector, please reply!"

The little eunuch asked anxiously.

Get out!

Cai Yu said with raised eyebrows.

She has already attributed Guo Jia's illness to these bastards.

If it weren't for these bastards, how could Guo Jia come to Yingchuan?
He Jin and Yuan Kai were far away, so she couldn't scold her, so she had to vent her anger on the little eunuch who delivered the decree.

The little eunuch was naturally scolded bloody.

It seems that Ms. Cai Er's instigation is also very barbaric.

After the little eunuch ran away with his head in his arms.

Cai Yu suddenly felt sad.

"Guo Jia, Guo Jia!"

The girl burst into tears.

She stroked Guo Jia's handsome face movingly.

From the first moment she saw this man, Cai Yu knew that she would be entangled with him.

It was this man who changed her life.

If it weren't for Guo Jia, at this moment, she might have to obediently marry into the Taishan Yang family with husband and son.

The appearance of this man changed the trajectory of her life.

In fact, she also fell in love with this man.

It's just because of Cai Yan that I can't stay with him forever.

Bong filial piety!

Cai Yu murmured obsessively.

"Don't scare me, please, wake up! As long as you wake up, I promise you everything. Don't you want me to be with you? I promise, as long as you wake up, I will never leave again is you."

She blamed herself very much.

If he restrained himself a little and wasn't so responsive to him, maybe Guo Jia would be fine.

What is not available is always the best.

Only then did Cai Yu understand that everything was insignificant compared to the feelings between the two.

If God gave her another chance, she would definitely hold this man tightly in her palm and would not disobey him at all.

"As long as you wake up, I will put down everything and go with you, and I will agree to whatever you want me to do."

Cai Yu burst into tears.

Tears flowed down her cheeks to her chin, and then dripped from her chin onto Guo Jia's face.

"Feng Xiao!"

Cai Yu suddenly shouted.

"Come back soon, I promise you everything!"

As he said that, he couldn't bear it any longer, and lay down on Guo Jia's body and burst into tears.

Only then did she realize that without Guo Jia, everything about her was meaningless.

After crying for a long time, Cai Yu suddenly felt something hard press against her abdomen.

She couldn't help raising her head, only to find that there was a high bulge in Guo Jia's abdomen.

How could Cai Yu, who has experienced men and women, not know what it is?
Cai Yu turned to look at Guo Jia, and found that his face was very strange, like the kind of expression that wanted to laugh but was struggling.

Concern is messed up!

This girl was originally a smart person, but when she saw Guo Jia fainted, she was confused.

Now it suddenly dawned on me.

Guo Jia is not sick at all, he is an eunuch who deceived and passed on the decree.

I don't know what method he used to evade the methods of the doctors, but being rubbed by Cai Yu's ears and temples aroused a male reaction.

How dare this guy lie to me!
Cai Yu's expression immediately turned ferocious.

She suddenly lay down on Guo Jia's protruding place and took a bite forcefully.

Guo Jiaqiang held back the screams, held Cai Yu down, and jumped up hastily without thinking about pretending.

"Girl, you want me to die!"

He is full of energy, how can he look half sick?
 The wrong chapter name should be Chapter [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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