Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 330 The Secret of Wang Meiren

Chapter 330 The Secret of Wang Meiren
Zhao Zhong's younger brother is the school lieutenant of the Guards, who is in charge of a troop and does not belong to He Jin's camp.

So Zhao Zhong spoke with confidence.

come back!

Zhang Rang's face darkened.

Lord Zhang Hou!
Zhao Zhong was a little puzzled.

The ten permanent servants are headed by Zhang Rang, followed by Zhao Zhong. Everyone else calls Zhang Rang's father, but Zhao Zhong calls him Lord Hou.

Zhang Rang snorted, and said: "If it was so easy to catch, He Jin and the others would have caught it long ago, and they are still waiting for you to catch it?"

Zhao Zhong stopped talking.

This is also what he can't figure out.

The Ten Permanent Attendants lived in the palace, so they didn't know much about the outside news.Naturally, they don't know Guo Jia's specific strength.

Zhang Rang narrowed his eyes.

He Jin has great power in his hands, but he dare not do anything to a small assassin, Guo Jia?
Originally, Zhang Rang thought that it was because He Jin was afraid of the ten servants, but now it seems that the problem is not that simple.

I'm afraid he really underestimated Guo Jia's ability.

Otherwise, why would He Jin, who holds the power of soldiers and horses in the world, beg them in a low voice?
I'm afraid there is something wrong here!

Although Zhang Rang didn't know, he was an old man. Since He Jin and others were so afraid of Guo Jia, this person must not be simple.

Guo Jia pretended to be sick and ignored the imperial decree, which also showed that they did not take them seriously.

It seems that people are not satisfied.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rang stood up slowly.

"Follow me to see His Majesty!"

Zhao Zhong said suspiciously: "At this hour, His Majesty has already gone to bed!"

I know!
Zhang Rang snorted.

"We made a big mistake. We shouldn't easily agree to He Jin and the others. I'm afraid Guo Jia's matter is not that simple."

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

This is the first time He Jin has compromised with him in so many years.

It's a pity that Zhang Rang was blinded by the benefits at the beginning, and didn't think about this issue carefully, and only now realized it.

The reason why He Jin didn't dare to move Guo Jia was that Guo Jia had grown to the point where General He Jin was afraid.

Zhang Rang also foolishly thought that Guo Jia was his pawn, and he would do whatever he asked him to do.

Zhao Zhong hurriedly said: "Why are you looking for His Majesty? Whatever Guo Jia wants, we can ask He Jin for it."

Anyway, He Jin wanted something from them.


Zhang Rang didn't turn his head and said, "You thought we could control Guo Jia, but I'm afraid we won't be able to do it this time without bleeding."

Zhao Zhong and the others were taken aback.

Want them to bleed?


Zhang Rang was a little upset and didn't have time to explain to them.

Dang went out first.

He already had some regrets in his heart.

If he had known that Guo Jia was so powerful, he would have carefully maintained the relationship between the two parties.

Thinking about it now, Guo Jia must have been offended by the secret letter asking Guo Jia to send Cai Yan to the palace.

Think about it now.

Cai Yan is Guo Jia's fiancée, and no one would agree to Guo Jia's sending his fiancée to the palace.

Zhang Rang secretly groaned in his heart.

Why did he come up with such a stupid idea in the first place?

It was this idea that completely broke the relationship between the two parties.

For the current plan, only by persuading the emperor to withdraw his order can the relationship between the two parties be restored.

The harem is the emperor's inner courtyard, and ordinary people naturally cannot enter, but the ten permanent attendants are not ordinary people, they are the closest people to the emperor.


Weiyang Palace!
A beauty in palace costume is dancing, it is the new beauty Wang.

The middle-aged man with a big belly sitting next to him is naturally Emperor Ling of Han.

It is said that ever since this beauty entered the palace, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty lost three thousand fans in the harem, and he wholeheartedly favored this beauty Wang.

The lights are bright and the cigarettes are curling up. With Wang Meiren's beautiful figure, it's like an illusion.

Peerless and alluring!

Just like the son of the Dong family in Song Yu's poems.

If it is increased by one point, it will be too long, if it is reduced by one point, it will be too short;The eyebrows are like green feathers, the muscles are like white snow, the waist is like a beam, and the teeth are like shellfish.With a sweet smile, Yangcheng is bewildered and Cai is fascinated.

Han Lingdi murmured to himself, trying to grasp the environment, but fell to the ground slumped.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Wang Meiren saw that Han Lingdi had fallen, and pretended to shout a few words, but she was relieved when she saw that there was no movement.

She waved gently.

"Your Majesty is asleep, you put him on the bed, and then retreat!"

A group of court ladies and eunuchs, the emperor who was at a loss, got on the bed, and then retreated.

Seeing that everyone had gone out, Wang Meiren breathed a sigh of relief, she stood up and extinguished the incense burner, and then kicked Emperor Han Ling twice.

"Fatty, I really have you. You have to pester this girl every day, wasting a lot of my revival incense."

Said Wang Meiren sat in front of the vanity mirror and began to remove makeup.

After removing the makeup, a charming face was revealed inside.

"Staying in this palace is really aggrieved. If it wasn't for the master's plan, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to this fat man?"

Wang Meiren sat with her chin resting on her shoulders, and said to herself, "I don't know what's going on with Master's old man's plan."

She is also tired of living this kind of life.

Especially in the face of this dead fat man, it's fine at night, and there is a revival incense to use, so it's a little difficult to deal with him during the day.

never mind!

Wang Meiren stretched her waist, danced for a while, and was a little tired now, and was about to go to bed to rest.

She wasn't worried about Emperor Han Ling. The incense of resurrection was so powerful that it was difficult to wake up without six or seven hours.

Same bed dream!

During this period of time, she came here all the time.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the palace.


Wang Meiren turned over vigilantly.

Since ancient times, the harem has been like a battlefield.

There is only one emperor, and if you are favored, other women will naturally be jealous, especially that Empress He, whose eyes almost burst into flames.

If it wasn't for Shi Changshi's cover, the two of them would have started fighting long ago.

At the beginning, this queen poisoned many beauties in the harem.

Although Wang Meiren, who possesses special skills, is not afraid of her, but after all, she doesn't want to spoil her own affairs because of a small loss.

"Has Your Majesty rested, the old slave is Zhang Rang!"

Zhang Rang's voice came out.

Zhang Rang!

Hearing this voice, Wang Meiren was visibly relieved.But looking at Emperor Han Ling who was like a dead pig, her heart moved and she said, "What's the matter?"

His voice was deep and low, almost exactly like that of Han Lingdi.

Zhang Rang hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice: "It's about Cai Yan. Cai Yan is actually Guo Jia's fiancée, and the two have a deep relationship. This time Guo Jia came here to let His Majesty take back his life. The old servant also heard that Guo Jia already infected."

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, Wang Mei was furious.

This bastard!

She was gnashing her teeth!
Wang Meiren's initial mission was to get close to Guo Jia.

After all, the newly-emerged governor of Yunzhou is a character, and the organization has long paid attention to him.

Wang Meiren also approached Guo Jia as a female slave of the Huns under the operation of the organization.

Unexpectedly, this bastard just glanced at her and sent him to the palace with a letter.

It really makes no sense!
(End of this chapter)

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