Chapter 331
Wang Meiren was carefully cultivated by the organization, whether it is appearance or talent, they are all top-notch.

As long as it is a man, she has the confidence to surrender.

So I am very confident in this task.

She had also inquired about Guo Jia's situation. He was a womanizer with many women around him at a young age.

But what Wang Meiren didn't expect was that Guo Jia actually forwarded it to the emperor.

You know, this is her first mission since she came out of the mountain.


Beauty Wang gritted her teeth.

She is very confident in her looks.

Guo Jia, a bastard, actually looked down on her, which was a great shame to Wang Meiren, who was proud and arrogant.

Is she worrying about not having a chance to take revenge on Guo Jia?
Dozing off at the moment, someone came to deliver a pillow.

Some time ago, someone whispered in the ear of Emperor Ling of Han, saying that there is a woman named Cai Yan among the people who is both talented and beautiful.

At the beginning, Emperor Han Ling didn't take it seriously, and said it in front of Wang Meiren as a joke.

In his eyes, how could a man with both talent and beauty be better than Wang Meiren?

But Beauty Wang was interested.

This Cai Yan is none other than Guo Jia's fiancée.

When organizing the investigation of Guo Jia and the people around her, Wang Meiren was very clear about it.

Cai Yan, who is Guo Jia's future main wife, is naturally the key point.

In order to successfully obtain Guo Jia's favor, Wang Meiren also conducted a detailed investigation on Cai Yan.

It doesn't matter if you don't investigate, this investigation surprised Wang Meiren very much.

This woman has gathered almost all the advantages of a good woman.

Smart, beautiful, generous, kind, versatile!

The only weak point is her family.

Wang Meiren originally planned to make a breakthrough from Cai Yan's younger sister.

But plans are not as good as change.

Her mission failed, and Guo Jia simply confiscated her and simply sent her to the palace.

Wang Meiren also had to change her plan and sneak into the palace.

However, as the first mission out of the mountain, she was frustrated, and Wang Meiren felt very uncomfortable, and she naturally resented Guo Jia extremely.

Now that the opportunity to take revenge on Guo Jia came, how could she let it go easily?
Doesn't this bastard look down on her?

Coincidentally, she would not let Guo Jia be clean either.

She wanted Guo Jia to know how powerful she was, and let the man who had hurt her kneel down and lick her toes.

So Wang Meiren began to confuse Han Lingdi and asked him to order Cai Yan to be sent to the palace.

Doesn't Guo Jia like Cai Yan?
Then tear them apart!

The culprit in this matter is none other than Wang Meiren.

"It's better if Guo Jia is dead, Cai Yanzhen is going to make a decision, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and send him to the palace."

Wang Meiren imitated Han Lingdi's voice and said.


Zhang Rang's heart sank, and his face showed embarrassment.

He had already heard the emperor's displeasure.

Letting the emperor give up is no longer feasible, and it seems that we have to think of other ways.


Wang Meiren suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong with Guo Jia?"

Zhang Rang thought that things had turned for the better, so he hurriedly explained that Guo Jia was so infatuated with his fiancée and got sick.

Beauty Wang scoffed in her heart!
She has investigated Guo Jia, Guo Jia may kill and set fire to a woman in anger, but he will never be trapped by love.

This kind of person is not that cowardly at all.

"What are you still doing, get out!"

Wang Meiren scolded angrily.

Yes Yes Yes!
Seeing that the emperor was angry, Zhang Rang hurriedly opened the door and went out.

After Zhang Rang left, Beauty Wang burst out laughing.

Guo Jia!

She smiled and said: "This time, what will the servant want to do with you?"



Seeing Zhang Rang coming out with a gloomy face, everyone hurriedly surrounded him.

"What does Your Majesty say?"

Zhang Rang said dejectedly: "What else can I say, let the woman die!"

As he spoke, he shook his head slightly.

Speaking of which, sometimes, he also felt that the emperor was a bit weird.

But no matter how wonderful the emperor is, he is also their master, and the master has a life, and they will fulfill it.

After all, this wonderful master is the root of their prosperity and wealth!
But this time, he couldn't.

In any case, Zhang Rang will make this matter round.

"Master Zhang, what should we do?"

Zhao Zhong asked in a low voice.

Zhang Rang has nothing to do.

The emperor didn't let go, and Guo Jia pretended to be sick. He Jin and Yuan Kai were still waiting for news.

All of this is on Zhang Rang's head.

"How about we find a woman among the people and set her on fire, and say that Cai Yan is dead?"

Duan Gui said something.


Zhang Rang suddenly slapped him twice.

"Your Majesty is our parents, you can't lie to anyone."

Among the ten permanent attendants, Zhang made Zhao Zhong superior, and the rest were like slaves in front of the two.

Yes Yes Yes!
Duan Gui was beaten, but he didn't dare to complain, so he just nodded in agreement.

This is the disparity in status.

When someone slaps you on the right cheek, you still have to pass the other cheek with a smile.

Zhang Rang took a deep breath and suddenly looked at Guo Sheng.

Guo Sheng had ghosts in his heart, and was immediately taken aback.


He faltered and said, "Is there something?"

At the beginning, he was bribed by He Jin to instigate the ten permanent servants to deal with Guo Jia.

Zhang Rang smiled darkly.

Then slowly walked to Guo Sheng's side.

"Xiao Guo, I remember that you and He Jin's family are from the same hometown!"

Guo Sheng groaned in his heart that something was wrong.

"Father, it's true that we are from the same village, but since he became a general, he has long ignored my crippled body."

This is true.

When He Jin's family was still grassroots, they flattered Guo Sheng in every possible way, almost kneeling on the ground and licking his toes.

The export must be Mr. Guo!
Later, after He Jin became a general, this Eunuch Guo also became Guo Sheng, and then he simply turned a blind eye.

However, Queen He treated Guo Sheng very well.

"You don't have to worry, my father asked you to do something. If this thing is done, our calamity is over."

Zhang Rangsi said slowly.

Guo Sheng was taken aback.

Among the ten permanent attendants, he is also a low-level existence. If he hadn't gotten closer to Queen He, Zhang Rang and others would not have looked at him highly.

However, with Shi Changshi and the He family calling evil, the relationship between Guo Sheng and Queen He became a burden instead.

Father, please speak!

Guo Sheng had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

You just have to be so so so!

Zhang Rang said a few words in Guo Sheng's ear.

Guo Sheng couldn't help nodding.

After Guo Sheng left, Zhang Rang's eyes flashed with murderous intent!
Eat what's inside and out!

Everyone was confused.

Zhang Rang flicked his sleeves.

"Hurry up and deal with the funeral!"

Said and walked away.

At dawn, Guo Sheng was found hanging himself outside the city tower, and the ten permanent servants have disappeared since then.

Not long after, Empress Dowager Dong issued a decree to accept Cai Yan as her goddaughter and marry Guo Jia, governor of Yunzhou, as his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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