Chapter 332 Everyone is happy
"Damn things!"

Emperor Han Ling was furious and broke the incense burner in his hand!

Although Cai Yan is not determined to win, but he is unwilling to watch him slip away from him.

But what if you are not reconciled?

Empress Dowager Dong is his biological mother, and now she has taken Cai Yan as her daughter, so she will be his sister.

The two had a brother-sister relationship, so Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty could no longer accept Cai Yan.

Guo Jia changed from son-in-law to brother-in-law, and Han Lingdi became a laughing stock.

That's all right, what made Han Lingdi angry was that Shi Changshi came up with this idea.

It really makes no sense!
"You dog slaves, I'm not mean to you, is that how you treat me?"

The more Han Lingdi thought about it, the angrier he became.

Not to mention the embarrassing things, the betrayal of this confidant cannot be tolerated.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others knelt down on the ground.

"The slaves have been found out. It was Guo Sheng who went to the queen mother to gossip, and it has nothing to do with the slaves!"

Zhang Rang said aggrievedly.

Guo Sheng!

Emperor Han Ling said angrily: "Where is this dog slave? Why don't you tie him up?"

He was indeed a little angry.

His Majesty!

Zhao Zhong hurriedly said: "Guo Sheng... he's dead! He was strangled to death."

Emperor Ling of Han was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said angrily: "Who is so courageous, dare to kill people in the inner courtyard of the palace?"

Seeing this master's anger has been aroused to who killed Guo Sheng.

Zhang asked Zhao Zhong to breathe a sigh of relief.

Guo Sheng naturally died in the hands of Zhang Rang.

Emperor Han Ling didn't let go, and Guo Jia pretended to be sick and refused to return. Zhang was in a dilemma and urgently needed to settle Cai Yan's affairs.

That's why he took the risk and set his mind on Queen Mother Dong.

Zhang Rang first instigated Guo Sheng to meet the Queen Mother Dong, instigated the Queen Mother Dong to accept Cai Yan as her goddaughter, and then marry Guo Jia.

So as to make a powerful foreign aid.

Guo Sheng had a ghost in his heart, and he was afraid that Zhang Rang would blame him, so he naturally tried his best to facilitate this matter.

Empress Dowager Dong is Liu Hong's mother, and she is also very afraid of the new relatives of the He family.Only after listening to Guo Sheng's persuasion, he decided to make friends with Guo Jia and leave a backup.

In this way, Cai Yan became the goddaughter of Empress Dowager Dong, and also became His Royal Highness Qian of the Han Dynasty.

Even if the emperor objected afterwards, it would not help.

In this way, Guo Jia has an explanation, so that this guy can go back early to clean up the mess.

As for the emperor, Zhang Rang also explained.

That is the dead ghost Guo Sheng.

Anyway, Empress Dowager Dong accepted Cai Yan as her goddaughter after listening to Guo Sheng's persuasion, and the emperor could only vent his anger on Guo Sheng.

But at this time, Guo Sheng couldn't bear the emperor's anger, because he had been secretly killed by the ten permanent attendants.

The reason why Zhang Rang was able to become the head of the ten permanent servants was that he had two hands. This strategy of embedding flowers and trees in place of peaches and peaches was very powerful. It not only resolved the crisis, but also left behind.

"Your Majesty, Ting Wei is investigating, and this old slave believes that the results will be available soon."

Shaoqing, Ting Wei asked to see.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, the ministers and others have already experienced the truth. The deceased Guo Sheng was strangled to death with a rope. It was homicide! In addition, the minister found a large amount of property in Guo Sheng's room, please take a look at it."

As he spoke, two boxes were lifted up, and they were opened to emit a dazzling light.

Golden Pearl!

Two boxes of gold beads!

Han Lingdi's eyes were straightened.

In other words, the emperor was interested in these yellow and white things.

"His Majesty!"

Ting Wei said in a deep voice: "Guo Sheng is just a regular attendant in the palace, only a thousand shi a year, where did he get so much property? I think that Guo Sheng's death may be related to these properties."


Han Lingdi nodded.

Things are now clear.

Guo Sheng was obviously bribed by someone, so he went to lobby the Empress Dowager Dong, ruining his own good deed, and finally the bastard was assassinated to silence him.

Emperor Han Ling stepped down from the throne, came to the two boxes of gold beads found in Guo Sheng's room, and stretched out his hands to caress them for a while.

Soon, his eyes fell on the string of pearls.


The pupils of Han Lingdi's eyes shrank, and his anger rose again.

He clearly remembered that this string of pearls was given to Empress He by him.

Now he is staying in Guo Sheng's box, so the people behind him are naturally ready to come out.

"How dare a bitch do this? I'm going to abolish this bitch!"

Emperor Han Ling was furious.

Although this Empress He is beautiful, she has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. Since she came to power, she has poisoned many of her own beauties one after another.

If the new Wang Meiren hadn't been well protected by Shi Changshi and herself, she might not be able to escape the poisonous hands of Queen He.

Before Cai Yan entered the palace, he was disturbed by Empress He, which made Emperor Han Ling very annoyed.

If he had known this, he would not have made this femme fatale his queen.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong hurriedly dismissed Tingwei's people, and grabbed the aggressive emperor who was going to the harem to settle accounts with Empress He.

Of course, it was Zhang Rang and others who framed Guo Sheng about Jin Zhu, and it had nothing to do with Empress He.

Empress He didn't know about it at all.

Of course, doing so was also to divert the emperor's attention and let him transfer his anger to Empress He.

Empress He is not an ordinary person, her elder brother He Jin is in charge of the military again, even the Han Lingdi would not dare to provoke her easily.

"Your Majesty, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run!"

Zhang Rang said hypocritically.


Zhao Zhong also persuaded: "Now there is no proof, there is nothing we can do!"

As soon as the two sang together, they quickly dragged this verse to Empress He, smoothing out the matter of the two of them cheating the world.

This bitch!

Emperor Han Ling suddenly sat down slumped.

Even if he knew that it was Empress He who made the move, there was nothing he could do at the moment.

The He family is the empress, and He Jin is in charge of the world's soldiers and horses. All the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty have voted under his command.

What can he do?
"Come here, reward Guo Sheng with the status of a lieutenant, and bury him well. After all, he has been with me for so long."

Han Lingdi sighed and said.

Now that he knew that the culprits were the brothers and sisters of the He family, Han Lingdi was powerless to pursue them.

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong looked at each other, and they both saw each other's joy.


The emperor didn't pursue the matter anymore, and Guo Jia also had an explanation, and I let them get over this matter.

"Your Majesty, Guo Jia is a talented person, why should he be shunned by him, why don't we support him as a hindrance?"

Zhang Rang said in a low voice.

Han Lingdi nodded slowly, this is not a good way.

"Since the matter has come to this, then I will agree to the marriage between Guo Jia and Cai Yan, and give another big gift."

At this point, he has no choice but to push the boat along the way to make Guo Jia complete.

Your Majesty!

Zhang asked Zhao Zhong to bow down to the ground in a hurry.

This time the crisis is finally over.

(End of this chapter)

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