Chapter 333 Goodbye Mr. Shui Jing
Soon Shi Changshi quickly passed the news to Yingchuan that Empress Dowager Dong had accepted Cai Yan as her goddaughter and a marriage gift from the emperor.

Cai Yan became His Royal Highness, and Guo Jia became the emperor's brother-in-law!
Seeing this dramatic result, Guo Jia was also a little surprised.

Overnight, his son-in-law actually became the emperor's brother-in-law?
This is really nonsense.

But it is also a happy situation.


Cai Yu clasped her fists with a smile.

"From today, Uncle Guo is the emperor's brother-in-law, a serious relative of the emperor."


Guo Jia smiled wryly, "Are you taking pleasure in other people's misfortune?"

No, no!

The smile on Cai Yu's face remained unchanged.

"The reason why your uncle Guo became a relative of the emperor is because of my sister's honor. Don't forget that my sister is already the Qian Highness of the Han Dynasty."

Guo Jia stretched out his hand and scratched his head. Although it was somewhat different from the original plan, the result was acceptable.

If you do His Highness, you will do His Highness. He finally has a fight with Cai Yan.

"Uncle Guo, we have almost taken what we should have, and we should go back next."

Cai Yu said.

After all, it is not appropriate to live in a dangerous place for a long time.

Although Guo Jia has chips in hand, he is not safe.

Not busy not busy!

Guo Jia waved his hands and stood up slowly.

"It's so easy to come back once, I want to meet my old friend!"

As he spoke, he stretched himself.

Yingchuan is a gathering place for advisers from all over the world. When Guo Jia left last time, he was just a young boy. He got official position by bribing Shichang servants.

Now that Guo Jia has become a vassal and has the status of a relative of the emperor, it is time to recruit some talents.

Now Yunzhou is in a period of rapid development, and there is a shortage of talents, especially advisers.

This Yingchuan is the place where great Chinese literary talents gather.

When talking about talents, the first thing Guo Jia thinks of is his teacher Sima Hui.

This gentleman is a remarkable person, and most of the famous counselors in the Three Kingdoms came from his sect.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion swept across most of the Central Plains, and Yingchuan, which was next to the capital, was also affected by the flames of war.

Yingchuan Academy has been abandoned, and Sima Hui can only write at home. He usually enjoys farming and studying, but he is very at ease.

After asking about Sima Hui's residence, Guo Jia led his men to Yangdi's countryside.

Stop, stop!

Guo Jia saw an old man plowing in the field from a distance, Guo Jia got off the car immediately and came to the field.

"Student Guo Jia, see you sir!"

Saying goodbye a few times.

The old man did not lift his head.

"Lord Inspector is very polite. The little old man is just a farmer in the mountains and fields, so he cannot accept such a big gift."

He raised his head, revealing a pair of hale eyes, it was Mr. Shuijing Sima Hui.

Guo Jia smiled, and said: "A teacher for a day, a father for life. The master has been in charge of the academy for many years, and the kid has also benefited a lot from his disciples. Naturally, I dare not forget when I drink water and think of the source!"

Sima Hui smiled faintly.

"How can the little old man be so good? How can he teach such a great talent as Guo Cishi?"

He still has fresh memories of Guo Jia.

Because this fellow said to his face that he had seen him in the brothel, and the two of them even slept with a prostitute.

"Sir, my disciple is stubborn, I hope you will forgive me!"

Guo Jia was a little embarrassed.

At that time, I had just traveled through time, and I was not yet familiar with the surrounding environment, and many jokes were made.

"All right!"

Sima Hui waved his hand.

"Don't mention the past. Sima Hui is just a farmer now, and he has long since stopped asking about worldly affairs. If Mr. Inspector has nothing else to do, please go back! The little old man still has some farm work, so I won't delay Mr. Inspector It's time."

As he spoke, he began to bow his head and plow again.


Guo Jia wanted to say something, but Cai Yu who was beside him suddenly took a step forward.

"The little girl Cai Yu has met Mr. Shui Jing."

Who are you?

Sima Hui looked at Cai Yu in surprise, as if he had a feeling of deja vu.

"My father's name is Shang Cai Xia Yong."

Sima Hui hastily put down the hoe in his hand, and said pleasantly, "So it's Brother Bojie's daughter. Did the old man meet your sisters back then? After so many years, you have grown up too."

Cai Yong was a famous person in the dynasty, and Yingchuan and Chen Liu were not far away, so Sima Hui naturally recognized him.

Sima Hui laughed and said: "Since it is the daughter of an old friend who is visiting, the little old man must entertain her well, so as not to see Brother Bojie's face in the future!"

As he spoke, he guided Cai Yu to the thatched hut beside him.

"Thank you sir!"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia proudly, and left with Sima Hui.

This old guy!
Guo Jia couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and followed in.

This guy has been complaining in his heart that this old guy is ungrateful.

But this is an opportunity, thanks to bringing this girl, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to enter Mr. Shui Jing's house.

The thatched cottage is very simple, with only a few basic furnishings.

"The conditions here are a bit rough, my niece, please forgive me!"

Sima Hui got several glasses of water.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Yingchuan was affected. Sima Hui had already settled his family with his friends, and lived alone in Yangdi, where he enjoyed farming and studying in his spare time.

"Sir, you are welcome!"

Cai Yu pursed her lips, and said: "My father, Mr. Chang Yan, is indifferent and bright. Now that I see it with my own eyes, the little girl admires it very much!"

"Hehe, Brother Bojie has won the prize!"

Sima Hui twisted his beard and smiled.

He suddenly remembered something, and said: "Since Brother Bo Jie came here for refuge, I haven't seen him for a long time. I don't know if he is now..."

Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Father-in-law is very good, he is in Yunzhou now!"

Yunzhou, father-in-law!
At this time, the marriage between Cai Yan and Guo Jia had not yet been reported, so Sima Hui naturally did not know.

Hearing that Guo Jia had become Cai Yong's son-in-law, Sima Hui's face looked a little better.

"Brother Bo Jie is a great Confucianist in the world, and this is also the good fortune of you, Guo Jia. I hope that in the future, we can be people-oriented."

Regarding Guo Jia, Sima Hui didn't want to say much at first, but because of Cai Yong's face, he only gave some pointers.


Cai Yu asked first: "You have just passed your forties, don't you think about helping the world and saving the people?"

She knew what Guo Jia was thinking, and began to persuade him.

Ha ha!

Sima Hui smiled faintly.

"I am indifferent by nature, and I have no interest in fame and fortune. If you and your wife came here for this matter, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Although Guo Jia was a little disappointed, it was reasonable.

This is Sima Hui's character.

"Sir, Yunzhou is in need of a lot of waste right now, and it is the time when a large number of people are needed. The students are not talented, and I hope to make a career. Please help me, sir!"

Guo Jia cupped his fists.

He asked Sima Hui to be false, but it was true to ask Sima Hui to recommend a few talents for himself.

In view of Guo Jia's reputation, Shihlin may not have a good impression of him.

If there is a recommendation from Sima Hui, it will be a different matter.

(End of this chapter)

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