Chapter 334 Conspiracy Reappears
Sima Hui is also a celebrity in the world, and being recommended by him will be very helpful for Guo Jia to recruit talents.

This is also the purpose of Guo Jialai.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Sima Hui just smiled faintly. Mr. Shui Jing's name was not for nothing, he had already guessed a thing or two.

"Your Excellency is known as Yingchuan Ghost Talent. I have heard about your affairs in Yunzhou this year. With your talent, how can I help you?"

He is not working behind closed doors, he is still very concerned about current affairs, and he knows what Guo Jia has been doing during this period of time.

Although it is not appreciated, it is not very annoying.


Guo Jia said sincerely: "Official careers have always been dominated by aristocratic families. Children from poor families can only eat leftovers. This is the disadvantage of a big man. I, Guo Jia, am not talented, and I am willing to break the shackles and change the tradition of employing people. Let these Children from poor families who have real talents and practical learning have a place to play."

This is very sincere.

Mr. Shui Jing seems to be convinced.

He pondered for a while, and said, "How many children from poor families do you want me to recommend for you?"

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded hurriedly.

At this time, the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks are still young, and they are not here anyway.Naturally, the children of the aristocratic family don't have to think about it. Now Guo Jia only wants Sima Hui to recommend some capable children from the poor family.

After all, Mr. Shui Jing is an expert in knowing people.

"Xi Zhicai, Xu Shu was abducted by you not long ago!"

Sima Hui said lightly.

He is still very optimistic about these two poor children, and he plans to recommend a good lord to them.

It's a pity that the two were abducted by Guo Jia to Yunzhou before he gave him any action.


Guo Jia smiled proudly.

These two have already become the cornerstone of Yunzhou.

Sima Hui pondered for a while, and said a few names.

"These are poor children with excellent character and learning, but unfortunately they can't get a good development because of their background. If you can persuade them to become officials, it can be regarded as their good fortune."

Thank you sir!

Thanks Guo Jia!

Although he didn't have any impression of these people, since it was recommended by Mr. Shui Jing, he was naturally not a mediocre person.

Without further ado, Guo Jia immediately bid farewell to Sima Hui and went to visit those poor children.

Sima Hui didn't want to keep him, but insisted on refusing to accept the gift he brought. Guo Jia had no choice but to take it back!
After Guo Jia left, dozens of figures appeared behind Sima Hui.

A masked man in black at the head said puzzledly: "Master, you let him go just like that! How about I wait for someone to catch up and kill him! It's also considered removing an obstacle in the future."


Sima Hui narrowed his eyes.

He walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and suddenly said: "It's strange. I have seen countless people as a teacher, and I actually misunderstood this Guo Jia. Although the previous Guo Jia was talented, but his body was weak, he would not live long at all, and he would not be successful. Our obstacle. So I didn’t take it seriously as a teacher. I saw him again and felt that he seemed to be different from before. Could it be..."

Sima Hui hesitated for a while, and said, "An expert is helping him change his luck? No..."

He took a few more steps.

"For things like changing fate against the sky, the right time, place and people are indispensable. Even if Zuo Ci's demon way has the "Taiqing Danjing" to help, it is impossible to save a dying person, so there must be something else? "

what is it then?

Sima Hui muttered to himself, frowning again.


He suddenly remembered.

"Brothers Zhang Jiao are blindly arrogant, and there is no reason for death. After their death, the whereabouts of the essential techniques of peace are unknown. Could it be that they were acquired by Zuo Ci? Based on the Taiqing Danjing and supplemented by the essential techniques of peace, they can recast the blood and change the day. effect."

Not right either!
Sima Hui shook his head again.

The body can be recast, but the spirit cannot, and the two complement each other.

He still couldn't figure out why Guo Jia turned into another person as if he had been completely reborn.

never mind!

Sima Hui waved his hand.

"The reincarnation of heaven cannot escape our grasp after all. Even if other members of the Taoist sect feel unwilling, it is impossible to change this ending in a short time. Guo Jia must be kept. With him as an uneasy factor, the big man will definitely be in turmoil. .Only in troubled times is the blessed place for us to settle down."


The man in black hesitated for a moment, and said bravely: "Master, you are not afraid of raising tigers. This Guo Jia is not easy. He has only been in Yunzhou for a year, and he has established a large family business. The Yellow Turban Army, The Huns and Xianbei were all subdued by him. In time, they will definitely be our confidantes!"

Ha ha!

Sima Hui suddenly smiled.

"You don't have to worry about this, the teacher has already made arrangements."

Guo Jia!

He restrained his smile again, and said word by word: "I hope you can bring a little surprise to my teacher. Otherwise, wouldn't my life be less fun?"


Let's say that Guo Jia visited several poor children one after another according to Sima Hui's recommendation.

Not surprisingly, several people are willing to become officials.

This is also easy to understand.

The war was in chaos, and the children of poor families did not have as many channels as the rich and powerful families. Now the governor of Yunzhou came to invite him personally, and Mr. Shui Jing recommended him.

Everyone agreed.

Guo Jia was also very happy, and immediately left Yingchuan with a few people.

In other words, he has been away from Yunzhou for some time, and it is time to go back.

Today, Bingzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou are still in war.

Of course, this is also thanks to Guo Jia!
When he left Yunzhou, he ordered the Southern Huns to harass Bingzhou under the banner of horse thieves, Murong Xianbei sent troops to invade Youzhou, and Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army went out of Taihang Mountain to attack Jizhou.

The three-way soldiers and horses are Guo Jia's trump card.

Otherwise, he would not dare to go south swaggeringly.

Now that He Jin's ten permanent servants and Han Lingdi have made compromises, and Guo Jia has also recruited a lot of talents, this time going south can be regarded as a complete achievement.

It's time to go back too!
It has been delayed for a long time, Guo Jia is afraid that the Three Routes Raiders will change?
The Black Mountain Army has Man Chong sitting in the town. This man has outstanding abilities and can hold down Zhang Yan and others, so there shouldn't be any big troubles.

But the Huns and Xianbei Murong are hard to say.

After all, the two parties are just using and being used.

It has been a while since the two families have sent troops, and if they become popular, it will be difficult to deal with it if it causes a catastrophe.

After all, Guo Jia doesn't want to tear himself apart with the court now.

Besides, the construction of Yunzhou has also entered a high-speed stage, and it is a great loss to be interrupted at this time.

Looking at Sili behind him, Guo Jia felt a flash of determination.

Goodbye Yingchuan, goodbye Luoyang.

He Guo Jia will come back!

When he comes back again, it will be the time when the king will come to the world.

set off!

Guo Jia jumped on his horse and whipped his whip, and galloped away with his men, leaving behind only streaks of dust.

"This is the end of the second volume of the Yellow Turban Uprising, and the next third volume is Dong Zhuo's Rebellion.Due to the author's mistakes in the layout of this book, this volume has been dragged on for a bit long. Please forgive me, but the layout has been completed. Next will be the more exciting Dong Zhuo Rebellion. What is Mr. Shui Jing? What conspiracy, what is the mysterious organization, and how will Guo Jia face it?There will be explanations in this volume, so stay tuned. 』

(End of this chapter)

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