Chapter 335 The Big Wedding
With Guo Jia's return, everyone in Yunzhou cheered.

For a long time, everyone in Yunzhou was sweating for Guo Jia.

Guo Jia has become the soul of Yunzhou, and the people of Yunzhou naturally don't want Guo Jia to have an accident.

Now that Guo Jia has returned smoothly, everyone is relieved. Yunzhou is more lively than the Chinese New Year by downloading songs and dancing.

Upon receiving the news of Guo Jia's safe return, the Huns immediately withdrew their troops.In the previous battle, their strength was greatly damaged, and the Bingzhou army was quite effective, especially the Bingzhou cavalry under Lu Bu, which caused great damage to the Huns.

The Huns withdrew, and the state war ended.

Immediately afterwards, the Xianbei Murong tribe also retreated from Youzhou. They also invaded Youzhou under the order of Guo Jia. Youzhou was originally a place of bitter cold. Liu Yu had many Wuhuan cavalry under his command.

Now that Guo Jia is back, their mission has been completed.

The battle between Bingzhou and Youzhou ended, but the battle in Jizhou continued.

It's not that Zhang Yan didn't listen to the call, but Guo Jia instructed him to continue attacking Jizhou.

As soon as Guo Jia came back, the Montenegrin army stopped, and the fool could see that there was a problem between the two sides.

Therefore, we have to deal with it on the surface.

In order to deal with the increasingly powerful Black Mountain Army, the imperial court had to send Huangfusong into Jizhou again.

Huangfusong was a smart man, he knew that Zhang Yan was Guo Jia's pawn, and whether the Black Mountain Army could retreat depended on Guo Jia's mood, so he only sent troops to guard the big cities in Jizhou.Even Zhang Yan provoked and did not attack. Over time, Zhang Yan ran out of food and grass. After asking Guo Jia for instructions, he returned to Changshan again.

Ever since, the Black Mountain Army retreated under the "clamp attack" of Guo Jia and Huang Fusong, and the two of them also tacitly wrote a letter to the court about their victory.

Soon, the court's reward came down.

This time, the emperor also understood that Guo Jia was not a good person, and he had to be on guard.

Ever since, veteran Huang Fusong also came in handy.

Huangfusong was the shepherd of Jizhou, General Zuo, and Marquis of Huaili.

Guo Jia is the herdsman of Yunzhou, the left chariot rider, the prince of the capital, and he still serves as the general who protects the Huns.

Huangfusong was very loyal to the Han Dynasty. After arriving in Jizhou, he began to work hard to govern, setting up checkpoints on the border between Jizhou and Yunzhou to strictly guard against Guo Jia and the Black Mountain Army.

Guo Jia also took the opportunity to develop Yunzhou's internal affairs.

The two sides have never violated the waters of the river, and they have always lived in peace.

Everything was settled, and Guo Jia, who had boarded Yunzhou Mu, did the first thing he did was to marry Cai Yan, which brought a successful end to the relationship between the two.

The wedding of Mu Guojia in Yunzhou was naturally very lively. The emperor personally sent people to congratulate him, and presented a big gift for the first time.Said it was a dowry for my godsister.

In addition, a thousand households of food towns were added to Cai Yan.

This is indeed not easy for a miser.

The Xiongnu, Xianbei Murong, and Black Mountain Army Zhang Yan also rushed over after hearing the news. As Guo Jia's subordinates, they naturally couldn't do it empty-handed.

The ten permanent attendants also presented a big gift.

Today's Guo Jia is their powerful foreign aid, Zhang Rang and others naturally dare not neglect.

In addition, Huangfusong from Jizhou also sent some gifts. Although he has been strictly guarding Yunzhou, he still appreciates Guo Jia himself.

Mu Shou got married, and there was a big banquet in Lunu City, which was very lively.

Except for the generals guarding the border, other officials, big and small, came back to celebrate in turn, and the excitement lasted for a long time.

As the groom, Guo Jia naturally became the object of everyone's toast, and what he drank was the high-purity grain wine brewed by Hua Tuo himself.

Soon, Guo Jia, who was too drunk, was carried back.


In the wedding room, Cai Yan was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, sitting in front of the bed.

At this moment, she looked at Guo Jia with a sad face.

It stands to reason that the wedding night in the bridal chamber is one of the four great joys in life, and Cai Yan should be happy.

But at the moment she is really not happy.

According to the customs of the Han Dynasty, Guo Jia, as the groom, had to lift off the bride's hijab, and then drink Hejiu wine.

Facing the drunk Guo Jia at this moment, Cai Meimei really couldn't be happy.

That woman is not passionate?
Cai Yan also cares about the major events in life.

Wouldn't it be a pity for this wedding if the husband couldn't personally lift his hijab and have a glass of Hentai wine?

But at the moment, Guo Jia is in a mess of drunkenness, how can he still have this strength?
Cai Yan couldn't help but sighed, and took off the hijab herself.

She took off Guo Jia's shoes and coat, hesitated for a moment, and then untied his close-fitting clothes.

At this moment, Guo Jia suddenly held down her hand and looked at her with a pair of eyes smiling.

"Feng Xiao, are you not drunk?"

Cai Yan was slightly surprised.

"Naturally not drunk!"

Guo Jia smiled and stood up.

Faced with the toasting offensive of many officials in Yunzhou, if he hadn't pretended to be drunk, he might have been forced to lie down long ago.

This was the first happy event in his life, how could he be confused.


Guo Jia stood up with a grin, and said with a beaming smile, "I will help you change your clothes for my husband!"

As he spoke, he took off Cai Yan's Fengguanxiapei.

This thing is good-looking, but it is very obtrusive.

Guo Jia still likes to travel lightly.

After taking off the phoenix crown and Xiapei, this fellow was about to hug Cai Yan.

"Haven't you drunk the Hebei wine yet?"

Cai Yan reminded.


Guo Jia slapped his head, then picked up the gourd on the table.

The gourd is cut into two scoops, and the handles are connected with a thread. The bride and groom each take a scoop to drink, and drink a cup together, which symbolizes that marriage connects the two as one, and it is also the origin of the wine.

Using gourds to hold wine, the taste is a bit bitter, but it is very sweet in the hearts of the two.

At this moment, the two have truly become husband and wife.

Putting down the gourd, Guo Jia hugged Cai Yan again.

The next thing to do is naturally to do something.

In other words, Guo Jia has thought about this matter for a long time.

At this moment, Cai Yan suddenly raised his finger to his mouth.

Then pointed out the door.

Guo Jia understood, picked up the washbasin in the room, opened the window and poured it out.

The wash water is still warm.

Immediately there was a burst of screams, interspersed with the voices of Dianwei Xu Chu and Zhao Dahammer.

"Bastard, Lao Tzu's bridal chamber, do you dare to listen to the corner?"

Guo Jia cursed with a smile.

There is no size on the day of marriage, it has existed since ancient times.

So these guys secretly come to listen to the corner.

Although they hid very deeply, they were still discovered by the careful Cai Yan.

Putting down the washbasin, Guo Jia smiled and hugged Cai Yan.

"Wen Ji, there is no one here, and it's time for us to rest!"

Cai Yan blushed and nodded.

Guo Jia immediately picked her up, quickly took off her clothes, and finally went into battle naked.

After waiting for so long, the two finally achieved a positive result.

Naturally, dry materials are on fire at one point.

Cai Meimei first let out a painful moan, then the painful moan turned into a moan, and finally became a little cheerful.

Soon, a moving movement appeared in the room.

 I'm sorry, I forgot to release the setting, everyone has been waiting for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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