Chapter 339 surfaced
It's just that Mi Zhen didn't expect Guo Jia and Cai Yu to come.

Is it okay that Guo Jia is here?
She can try the newly learned moves.

But Cai Yu is her best friend, so it's a bit embarrassing for her best friend to see these things.

Guo Jia didn't force it, but said calmly: "Tomorrow, I will go to Wuji County, and I'm afraid it will take a few days to come back."

Hearing this news, Mi Zhen was very disappointed. She had been preparing for a long time, but she still forced a smile on her face.

Guo Jia comforted Mi Zhen a few words, and then left with Cai Yan.

Shaoqing, a girl hurriedly left Mushou Mansion and disappeared into the street.

She was very vigilant, walked around the street a few times, came to a phage booth, and quietly passed a note to the spectator man.

The man nodded slightly, quietly stuffed the note into his cuff, and then walked away.


Not long after the two left, the figures of Guo Jia and Cai Yu appeared.

"This girl seems to be the Mi family's dowry girl!"

Cai Yu looked gloomy.

This man is exactly Xiangkai who persuaded Guo Jia to rebel three years ago.

Unexpectedly, he also sneaked into Lunu City.

Just as Guo Jia told Mi Zhen the news on the front foot, Mi Zhen spread the news on the back foot.

Sure enough, the yin-yang system had set up eyes and ears by Guo Jia's side in advance.

"Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely dig them out!"

Cai Yu's eyes flashed fiercely for a while.

Guo Jia is everything to her, and she will not tolerate anything that is unfavorable to Guo Jia.

Not even my best friend.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia waved his hand slightly, and said with a smile, "There's no need to scare the snake. They don't pose any threat now. I only noticed it recently."

When the god stick Xiangkai appeared in front of Guo Jia, Guo Jia realized that there were eyes and ears around him.

Otherwise, Xiangkai would not have told Guo Jia's affairs so accurately.

You must know that only a few people knew about Guo Jia's private affairs.

In the end, Guo Jia fixed his eyes on Mi Zhen.

In fact, from the very beginning, he had doubts about the Mi family's enthusiasm.

Even if Mi Zhu knew how to look at people, it was impossible for him to put his wealth and life on a small official.

But at the beginning, Guo Jia was blinded by Mi Zhu's enthusiasm.

Now that I think about it carefully, the yin and yang system has long been eyeing me. When I went to Xuzhou, Mi Zhu probably knew it a long time ago, so he decided to plan and arranged the girl by his side.

Mi Zhen is the woman next to Guo Jia, who can get in touch with things that other people can't get in touch with, so she can continuously obtain Guo Jia's information.

Mi Zhu, you bastard!

Cai Yu gritted her teeth.

It never occurred to her that the Mi family was actually a yin and yang family.

"What do they want to do?"

Cai Yu was a little confused at the same time.

Since marrying Guo Jia, the Mi family has given Guo Jian all their support.

Very simple!
Guo Jia shrugged, and said: "They are betting on the future of the Yin-Yang family. If I, Guo Jia, can win, the Mi Family, who is a hero, will naturally rise, so that the Yin-Yang family can also be revived."


Cai Yu was a little confused again.

"In this case, why are they still fanning the flames elsewhere?"

Liu Yan submitted the memorial to change the assassin to a pastor, and he also sought the position of Yizhou governor, all of which were persuaded by the Xiangshi Dong Fu.

Could it be that they cast a net and focus on fishing?
Not bad!

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

The principle of not putting all eggs in one basket is also known to the yin and yang system.

They not only sent the Mi family to help Guo Jia, but also sent Dong Fu to help Liu Yan. No matter who will succeed in the future, the yin and yang system will not fail.

Cai Yu suddenly felt a little shivering.

The originally clear situation became complicated with the influx of yin and yang systems.

Imperial court, place, yin and yang system!
Cai Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he said, "Guo Jia, do you think that among the schools that have disappeared, there is only one Yin and Yang that jumped out?"

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly.

he does not know.

He thought he knew the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms very well, but after the yin and yang system surfaced, Guo Jia realized that he really underestimated history.

Since Emperor Wu of the Han deposed Confucianism, the three schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism became orthodox, while the other schools became heresies and were brutally suppressed by the authorities.

But these heresies did not disappear, but survived tenaciously.

The academic battle is not over.

In almost every turmoil in history, the shadows of these heresies are active.

They seem to make their presence known in this way.

The yin and yang system is just one of them, and there are still many unknown people watching.

"What are you going to do?"

After discovering the Yin-Yang conspiracy, Guo Jia remained unmoved, which made Cai Yu very puzzled.

"Watch it change!"

Guo Jia stretched himself.

"You have a lenient heart. Could it be that you don't want to part with Mi Zhen?"

Cai Yu said in a strange way.


Guo Jia pretended to be shocked.

"You found out all of this, and I really can't bear to part with that girl."

Although he discovered the relationship between the Yin-Yang family and the Mi family, Guo Jia did not startle the snake, but chose to remain calm.

The current situation is not clear. The yin and yang system is just casting a net and focusing on fishing, and it is not yet time to choose a spokesperson.

Naturally, Guo Jia didn't want to tear herself apart with the Mi family, after all, the Mi family was rich and powerful, and played a very important role in Yunzhou's business.

As for Mi Zhen, she was just a pawn, not a threat.

The peach blossoms on the human face are red!
When meeting Mi Zhen for the first time, he was still very surprised.

Just know it is!

Cai Yu snorted and ignored Guo Jia.


Guo Jia suddenly said mysteriously: "Don't forget, there is still a bet between us?"

It is said that the two have not seen each other for a long time.

No time!

Cai Yu said firmly.

Guo Jia can be relieved, but she can't, she wants to investigate this matter thoroughly.

Cai Yu was very angry.

First, angry that my best friend lied to me.

Secondly, as the intelligence leader of Yunzhou, he was caught under the nose and didn't know it. Cai Yu felt that he was a little negligent of his duty.

She has secretly monitored the Mi family's property in Yunzhou.

Guo Jia can ignore it, but Cai Yu, the intelligence leader, cannot.

In addition, there is another item in this girl's intelligence system, which is to investigate and monitor the movement of other schools of thought.

Hundreds of schools of thought have disappeared for hundreds of years. It is not an easy task to investigate, but Cai Yu is very attentive.

But how could Guo Jia allow her to escape like this, and immediately there was a tiger pounce, followed by another bear hug, carrying Cai Yu on his shoulders.

put me down!

Cai Yu was angry and funny!
In broad daylight, this guy is too impatient!

Don't let go!

Guo Jia carried Cai Yu into the room with a smile on his shoulders.

"Your Majesty asked me to patrol the mountains, and grab a woman to build a stronghold... This girl is watery, so greedy..."

(End of this chapter)

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