Chapter 340 The Three Forty Two Is Imminent
With the pervasiveness of Cai Yu's net, she actually discovered a lot of valuable information.

The context of the yin and yang system gradually emerged.

Guo Jia was also shocked by the results of the investigation.

Brothers Xu and Shao in Yuzhou, Mi Zhu in Xuzhou, Dong Fu in Yizhou, and Xiangkai lurking in Yunzhou, all these people have close ties, and the Mi family is the hub of these people's connections.

Not only that, Cai Yu also found out through investigation that the Zhang Jiao brothers also had contact with the Yin-Yang family.

The sacred deeds of Immortal Nanhua and Zhang Jiao were also created by the yin and yang system.

This is a trivial matter for the descendants of the Yin-Yang lineage.

Not only that.

The yin and yang system has also been active in many civil unrests in recent years.

They seemed to be afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so they fanned the flames everywhere.

The yin and yang system surfaced, making the originally complicated situation complicated and confusing.Just when Guo Jia decided to step up the investigation of the yin and yang system, another news broke the tranquility of Yunzhou again.

In the fifth year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty set up the eight captains of Xiyuan, with the sons of noble officials as officials.Lieutenant Jian Shuo of the Upper Military Academy, Cao Cao of the Dian Military Academy, Yuan Shao of the Central Military Academy, Bao Hong of the Lower Military Academy, Zhao Rong of the Zuo Military Academy, Feng Fang of the Right Academy of the Assistant Army, Xia Mou of the Left Academy, and Chunyu Qiong of the Right Academy.

Jian Shuo was a trusted eunuch beside Emperor Han Ling. He was tall and powerful, and won the trust of Emperor Han Ling.

The establishment of the Xiyuan school lieutenant is entirely for the purpose of overshadowing the general He Jin.

General He Jin was naturally not willing to let him go. On the one hand, he used means to install cronies among the captains of the West Garden, and on the other hand, he bought the governors of various places, just in case they were not needed.

Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang, and Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, are ready to respond to He Jin at any time.

The future is full of wind and rain!
The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were full of murderous spirit.


"Is it finally time to start?"

Guo Jia stood up slowly with a serious face.

"It seems that the emperor is not too stupid, and he knows how to restrain He Jin."

Cai Yu said with a smile.

Now the military power in Luoyang is under the control of the Eighth Colonel of Xiyuan, and the Eighth Colonel of Xiyuan is under the control of Jian Shuo, the Captain of the Military Academy.

Jian Shuo was the confidant of Emperor Han Ling, so naturally he only obeyed the emperor's order.

In this way, He Jin was left empty.

"Presumably, He Jin's life will not be easy in the future!"

Not also!

Guo Jia shook his head.

"The chaos is coming."


Cai Yu was at a loss.

Where did the chaos come from?
Guo Jia didn't speak, and a flash of excitement flashed across his face.

According to the historical plot, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty would die of illness the following year, General He Jin and Shi Changshi died together, and then Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang, entered Beijing, and the Han Dynasty entered the era of warlord separatism.

Since then, the big man has no majesty.

If the Yellow Turban Uprising tore off the last fig leaf of the weakness of the Han Dynasty, then Dong Zhuo's entry to Beijing was a naked rape of the Han Dynasty.

At this moment, the princes everywhere realized that the era of strong men is gone forever.

Guo Jia took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the map hanging in the room.

This is the territory map of the Han Dynasty.

The former big man was also very powerful and laid down a large territory.

Now, this territory is no longer named Liu.

"Immediately summon the left and right army divisions and the prefects of the four counties to discuss matters."


Guo Jia's troops are furious here, and the court is also full of murderous intentions.

Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Jian Shuo and others also looked very ugly.

It has been a while since the establishment of the Xiyuan Captain, except for Jian Shuo, the rest of the captains have secretly joined He Jin.

They thought hard about the strategy to check and balance He Jin, and they were cut in half.

"He Jin this bastard!"

The more Zhang Rang thought about it, the angrier he became. He only now realized how stupid he was to let He Jin grow up to such an extent.

Now it has formed a trend that cannot be lost.

"Master Zhang, calm down!"

Zhao Zhong hastily persuaded him.

"Tu He's work was not achieved overnight."

In the past three years, the grievances between He Jin and Yuan Kai, the ten permanent servants, have become more acute, and have reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

In order to get it done once and for all, Zhang Rang and others instigated Emperor Han Ling to abolish the elder and establish the younger, and changed the prince Liu Xie to be the prince.

Liu Xie is the son of Wang Meiren, whose mother was poisoned by Queen He long ago, and was adopted by Queen Mother Dong since childhood.

In this way, Empress He's status will soon be lost, and the He family's status will naturally decline.

But Empress He naturally would not sit still, she avoided seeing He Jin in private, He Jin immediately gathered a group of ministers to play, and prevented Han Lingdi from abolishing the elders and establishing the younger ones.

In view of the opposition of the ministers, the matter was shelved again.

But Shi Changshi didn't give up, and instigated the emperor to establish Xiyuan Xiaowei, and He Jin was emptied.

But all the dignitaries in the capital took refuge in He Jin, and Jian Shuo became a polished commander, so the captain of Xiyuan naturally disappeared.

Except for the eunuchs around him, Emperor Han Ling once again faced a situation where no one was available.

"Now that He Jin covers the sky with one hand, all the dignitaries in the capital look up to him. Most of the generals of the Forbidden Army are also his people. It's better to drop foreign troops into Beijing and fight He Jin together."

Zhang Rang said gloomyly.

Transfer foreign troops?
Zhao Zhong frowned.

In recent years, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty neglected government affairs, and the power basically fell into the hands of He Jin and Yuan Kai. The governor of the state was also recommended by them.

"Master Zhang can't do it!"

Captain Jian Shuo of the Military Academy hastily said: "He Jin is ambitious and has already bought the surrounding governors. Dong Zhuo, the governor of Xiliang, and Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, have been working hard to mobilize troops around Sili. Once they are transferred to the capital, things will be even worse! Besides, these literati don't have a good opinion of us."

Everyone was in awe.

Officials are all scholars, and scholars naturally don't have a good impression of Shichangshi.

If these people were transferred, not only would they not be able to deal with He Jin, but they would pose a greater threat to their side.

Ha ha!

Zhang Rang suddenly smiled.

"Could it be, have you forgotten Guo Jia?"

Guo Jia!

When the name was mentioned, there was a sudden look on everyone's face.

Other people can't do it, but this person can do it, because he doesn't deal with He Jin and Yuan Kai.

But Guo Jiayuan is in Yunzhou, even if he transfers troops now, it will be too late in time.

Far water does not quench near thirst.

Besides, Guo Jia is a bit of an unruly person, so it's up to him whether he likes to let him come or not.

"Right now we can only treat dead horses as living horse doctors."

Zhang Rang said decisively.

Because he found a bad sign, Emperor Han Ling's health was getting worse day by day.

Emperor Han Ling is their greatest reliance, once this master collapses, they will die without a place to bury them.

So no matter what they say, they can't let the prince argue for the throne.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison.

As close ministers of the Han Ling Emperor, they are very aware of the emperor's body, and it looks like it won't last long at all.

It is imminent to support the Prince's Association.

 The chapter name is wrong, it should be [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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