Chapter 341
"Beautiful, wonderful!"

Emperor Han Ling clapped his hands.

During this period of time, he has been living a dreamy life in Wang Meiren's palace.

Everything is handed over to the ten permanent attendants.

"Your Majesty, it's time to take the pill!"

Wang Meiren smiled like a flower, holding up a strange powder with both hands.

Elixir, elixir!
When Han Lingdi heard this word, his eyes suddenly turned red. The reason why he was infatuated with Wang Meiren was not only that she was a stunning beauty, but more importantly, this woman could provide him with a medicine called Xiaoyaosan.

After taking this medicine, Emperor Han Ling only felt that he was full of energy and his body was very strong, especially when he did that thing, it was like a divine help.

Soon, after swallowing these powders, Emperor Han Ling felt a little ecstatic.

oh oh oh!
At this moment, he was dreaming of being upside down with Beauty Wang, and he showed his supernatural power, making Beauty Wang pant again and again.

poor guy!

Seeing Emperor Han Ling's ugly appearance, Wang Meiren couldn't help shaking her head.

This Xiaoyao San is a powerful hallucinogenic drug.

After Han Lingdi took it every day, he immediately had hallucinations.

Xiaoyaosan is also addictive, and if you don't use it for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over.

In the past three years, Wang Meiren has successfully emptied Han Lingdi's body with drugs.

There was the sound of kicking and tapping.

Zhang asked Zhao Zhong and others to come to the door of the bedroom.

"Old slave Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, please see Your Majesty!"

For the past three years, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty loved Wang Meiren very much. Except for being able to show up at the early court sacrifices, the rest of the board and lodging were almost all in this palace. Not to mention the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, it was difficult for even the ten permanent servants to see her.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty doted on Wang Meiren and handed over all the rights to Shi Changshi, who was also happy to see the success.

I just hope the emperor never comes out.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Zhang Rang accidentally found the emaciated emperor with edema and limbs, and only then realized that the emperor might not be alive soon.

That's why they were eager to make the prince Xie the prince.

what's up?

Wang Meiren said in a low voice.

In the past three years, she has imitated the voice of Emperor Han Ling very vividly, which is also one of her skills.

The purpose of Wang Meiren's coming to Luoyang was to disrupt the government, confuse Han Lingdi, and instigate him to hand over power to Shi Changshi.

"Your Majesty, most of the generals of the Forbidden Army are from General He Jin. This old slave thinks they are unreliable. If you want to support the prince Xie to become the crown prince, you must send troops from other places."

Zhang Rang said sincerely.

If you want to mobilize troops, you must have the emperor's order.

The corner of Wang Meiren's mouth twitched.

She only cares about disrupting the government, and she doesn't bother to ask about Shi Changshi and He Jin's dog-eating dog.

It's just that ten permanent attendants abolishing the elders and establishing the younger ones is an act of disorderly government, which coincides with Wang Meiren, so she also fully supports this plan.

"Who are you going to transfer to Beijing!"

Beauty Wang said slowly.

"Jizhou Muhuang Fusong, loyal to the imperial court, can be transferred to the capital as a captain of Sili. In addition, Guo Jia, the governor of Yunzhou, can be transferred to Jizhou to prepare for any eventuality."

Zhang Rang thought for a long time before he said such a plan.

The three major armed forces of the capital of the Han Dynasty, Zhijinwu, Wei Wei and Sili Xiaowei.

Zhi Jinwu is in charge of the northern army and is responsible for the guards outside the imperial city. The Wei Wei is in charge of the southern army and is responsible for the safety of the palace.
An army composed only of prisoners.

Right now, except Weiwei Dong Zhong, the rest are in the hands of He Jin's party members.

Although Huangfusong had a feud with Shi Changshi, but this person is Yuzhong and Hanting, and He Jin and others are not on the same side, so it can be used.

Although Guo Jia was rebellious, he hated He Jin and Yuan Kai to the bone, and sending him to Jizhou could also restrain He Jin and others.

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, Wang Meiren was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled again.

Women are vengeful.

At the beginning, Guo Jia turned a blind eye to him, which hurt Wang Meiren very much.So he planned to take revenge on Guo Jia for Cai Yan's affairs, but he didn't expect to be destroyed by Shi Changshi and Empress Dowager Dong by accident.

Seeing that Wang Meiren's task was about to be completed, when she was about to trouble Guo Jia, she didn't expect this fellow to come to her door again.

"That's it!"

Wang Meiren happily agreed.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty has not much left to live. Once he dies, He Jin and Shi Changshi will be at odds with each other. When the time comes, the capital will be in chaos and the surrounding areas will be affected.

She wouldn't let Guo Jia, a bastard, have a good time either.


General's Mansion!

He Jin, Yuan Kai, Xiyuan School Captain Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Chun Yuqiong, Bao Hong, Huben Zhonglang and Yuan Shu gathered together.

He Jin looked happy.

Through his operations, Captain Xiyuan, except for that Jian Shuo, secretly joined his sect.

Although He Jin was a great general who nominally held military power throughout the country, after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, his military power was gradually withdrawn.

This is also the practice of the Han Dynasty.

Captain Xiyuan controls the military strength of the capital, and controls most of the captains of Xiyuan. Six layers of the capital's military strength are already in the hands of He Jin.

"Thank you for your support. My nephew will definitely not treat you badly when he ascends the throne."

He Jin raised his wine bar.

You are welcome, General!

Everyone responded in unison.

It is said that the reason why they took refuge in He Jin was also due to the prince's argument.

Prince Bian is the eldest son of Hanling Emperor and the first heir to the throne. Once he inherits the throne, these people will have the support of Conglong.

"Reporting to the general, I just got the news. The Shichang servants falsely passed the imperial decree and transferred Jizhou Mu Huangfusong and Yunzhou Mu Guojia to Beijing."

A small school reported.

Hearing this news, He Jin couldn't help standing up.

Huangfusong is a foolish and loyal person, it's nothing if he comes, but this Guo Jia is no small matter, Yunzhou has strong soldiers and horses, and has a close relationship with Xiongnu Xianbei, once this person enters the capital, there will be many disasters.

What's more, there is a festival between the two.

Thinking of this, He Jin's face immediately darkened.

Seeing that it is a foregone conclusion for his nephew to become the prince, He Jin naturally does not tolerate other people's sabotage at this time.


Yuan Kai stood up suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "The Tenth Attendant is going to fight with his back, we must not sit still and wait for death."

Uncle said well!

Yuan Shao also stood up.

"Guo Jia is despicable and shameless. He must not be allowed to enter Beijing."

Thinking that he was almost doomed by Guo Jia's defeat, Yuan Shao was very unhappy, wishing to tear Guo Jia's body to pieces.

He Jin hesitated for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Okay, the old man immediately summoned Dong Zhuo, the former governor of Liangzhou, and Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, to lead the troops into Beijing."


One person suddenly stood up.

"Ding Jianyang is a scheming man, and Dong Zhuo has the nature of a tiger and wolf. The general sent the two of them to Beijing, and if they don't do it well, they will lead wolves into the house."

It was Cao Cao, Lieutenant of Dianjun, who spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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