Chapter 342
In addition, after Cao Cao was defeated by Guo Jia in Jizhou, he also stayed at home for a while, but his father Cao Song is a Taiwei, although he was bought with money, he also has some contacts.

It didn't take long before Cao Cao was activated.

Now he is a lieutenant in the Dianjun.

But at this moment, Cao Cao also voted under the command of General He Jin to advise him.

"Why did Meng De say that?"

Yuan Shao was puzzled.

You must know that Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo have always been He Jin's foreign aid.

Cao Cao said in a deep voice: "The illness of the capital is caused by the ten servants, who are just a group of eunuchs in the palace. As long as we control the military power of the capital, they will not be able to do anything. Once foreign troops are brought in The capital, I'm afraid that the execution of the ten permanent servants will fail, and these people will cause trouble."

"But the ten permanent attendants have summoned Huangfu Song and Guo Jia to lead the army into the capital?"

Yuan Shao said.

He suffered a great loss in the hands of Guo Jia.

"Huangfu Song Guo Jia is the shepherd of the foreign town. Even if the ten permanent servants recruit him, it is just foreign aid. They have no reason to enter the capital. At that time, the general will only need to stick to the capital and use all his strength to recruit the ten permanent servants. Now that the ten permanent attendants are settled, where should these people go? If the general summons other towns to the capital by himself, then he will give them an excuse instead."

Cao Cao said earnestly.

He is also a rare sensible person in the court, and he pointed out He Jin's mistakes to the point.

He Jin pondered for a while.

He was originally a foolish person, it made sense to listen to what he said, and it also made sense to listen to what he said, so he was a little undecided for a while.

Ha ha!

Yuan Shu on the side suddenly sneered and said: "Cao Aman, the reason why you deliberately obstruct the general from mobilizing foreign troops into Beijing is to buy time for Shi Changshi! Oh, I see, Aman's grandfather Cao Teng was also a eunuch. Chang Shi also has some incense, so it is understandable for you to do so."

In the Yuan family, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are the outstanding figures of the younger generation, and they are all the focus of the Yuan family's training.

Yuan Shao has an extraordinary appearance and is quite heroic, so he is deeply loved by the Yuan family.

Therefore, the Yuan family devoted all their resources to training Yuan Shao, so that Yuan Shao was already in a high position at a young age, suppressing Yuan Shu everywhere.

This made Yuan Shu very unhappy.

However, this was the decision of Yuan Kai, the parent of the Yuan family, and Yuan Shuqian couldn't help but stare.

Cao Cao is just Yuan Shao's younger brother, yet he can also become the captain of Xiyuan, while Yuan Shu himself can only be regarded as a general in the middle of the tiger.

Yuan Shu felt very unbalanced.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Cao Cao was furious!
Cao Cao has always regarded himself as a scholar, but his family background was not from a wealthy family but from eunuchs. In the era of the Eastern Han Dynasty, eunuchs have always been the object of contempt by scholars. For this reason, Cao Cao was often looked down upon.

But now that the Cao family has made a fortune, Cao Song has been worshiped as a Taiwei, and Cao Cao has also become a captain of the Xiyuandian Army. Few people mention this word in front of him.

Now that Yuan Shu brought it up in person, Cao Cao was very embarrassed.

"Gaolu, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Yuan Shao reprimanded.

His relationship with Cao Cao is still very good.

I'm talking nonsense?
Yuan Shu rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "Could it be that Cao Cao is the queen of the eunuch, and I'm talking nonsense?"

He suddenly clasped his fists and said, "General, I think it's better not to let some suspects into our meeting, so as not to leak the news."

Yuan Gonglu, you...

Cao Cao was ashamed and annoyed.

The two have always been at odds.

However, it is too much for Yuan Shu to beat people in the face, and to curse people without insulting them.

alright, alright!

He Jin waved his hand.

"The old man has made up his mind, call Dong Zhuo Dingyuan to Beijing immediately!"

In the end, he still heard Yuan Shu's opinion.

"General, no!"

Cao Cao wanted to say something else, but He Jin said indifferently: "Meng De, you have worked hard during this time, this general will give you a few days off, go home and spend time with your wife and children!"

Said and walked away.

He had already listened to Yuan Shu's words.

Although Cao Cao may not have any collusion with Shi Changshi, but after all, he is also the eunuch.

At this critical moment, it is better not to involve him.

After He Jin left, Yuan Shu helped Yuan Kai and left first, but his words had some effect, and everyone left without saying hello to Cao Cao.

"Meng De, the highway has always been like that, so don't worry about it!"

Yuan Shao reached out and patted Cao Cao's shoulder, and said gently.

Cao Cao shook his head sadly.

Yuan Shu is the second ancestor of a playboy, Cao Cao naturally didn't take it to heart, but He Jin planned to lure Dong Zhuo and others to Beijing, which made Cao Cao very worried.

"At the beginning, you still persuaded the general not to call foreign troops into Beijing. That's the way to create chaos!"

Cao Cao said earnestly.

Yuan Shao nodded, but he didn't think so.

Seeing Yuan Shao like this, Cao Cao sighed, turned and left the General's Mansion, his back was very lonely.


Soon, the decree spread to Jizhou. Huangfusong was a loyal minister, and when he heard the emperor's call, he immediately brought people to Beijing without saying a word.

But as soon as he entered Beijing, he was once again controlled by He Jin. Although he became a lieutenant of Sili, he had no military power.

After Guo Jia received the imperial decree, he did not leave immediately, but took it out to discuss with his subordinates.

Seeing this imperial decree, all the officials in Yunzhou were very worried.

"My lord, the capital is a pool of muddy water, you must never go there."

Xi Zhong stood up immediately.

As Guo Jia's solid backing, Xi Zhong's words are very powerful.

Legend has it that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was critically ill, and Shi Changshi was competing with General He Jin on who should be the crown prince.

This time, Guo Jia was called to Beijing for this matter.

"Brother Zhicai is right!"

Xu Shu also cupped his fists and said, "Yunzhou is the foundation of the lord. Only by managing Yunzhou well can we gain a foothold in the court."

The battles for storage in all dynasties have been tragic. The winners are naturally proud, but the losers also have nothing.

From Xu Shu's point of view, as long as Guo Jia stands firmly in Yunzhou and guards this geomantic treasure land, no matter who is the emperor in the court, he will win Guo Jia in every possible way.

There is no need to go to this muddy water at all.

"Mr. Zuo is right!"

Mao Jie, Cheng Yu, and Ju Shou all nodded.

I agree with Xu Shu's point of view.

It's been a while since the three of them served as prefects of Bianjun, and this is the first time they've come back to continue their posts.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

But his eyes fell on Xun You who had been silent all this time.

Xun You has been working in Yunzhou under the pseudonym Wu Yi for more than three years. With him at the border, Yunzhou has always been impenetrable.

"Master You, what's your opinion?"

Guo Jia asked in a low voice.

Xun You hesitated for a moment and didn't make a sound.

His identity is a bit embarrassing, and Yunzhou doesn't have much loyalty to the court, so he usually doesn't participate in such things.

But since Guo Jia asked, he could only bite the bullet and say, "My lord, this subordinate thinks something is wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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