Chapter 343


Xi Zhong and Xu Shu looked at each other without speaking.

The two knew Xun You's identity, and also knew that he was loyal to the Han Dynasty and the family.

He didn't say anything against it, which was already a great deal of face.

But Xi Zhong and Xu Shu can understand Xun You, but not necessarily him.

Cheng Yu frowned, puzzled and said, "Master You, what's wrong?"

Although Mao Jie and Jushou didn't say anything, they also looked at Xun You suspiciously.

To be honest, at the beginning they were a little dissatisfied with the lord who broke the rules and promoted a man of unknown origin to be the right military adviser to control the border county.

But Xun You showed extraordinary talent as soon as he took office, and formulated many wonderful policies one after another, which made the three prefects subdue.

When Xun You said something was wrong, their first reaction was to be puzzled.


Xun You was embarrassed again.

Everyone in Yunzhou has no loyalty to the imperial court, and Guo Jia doesn't pay much attention to the Han Dynasty.

If he says that he is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, isn't that playing the piano against the cow?
If his identity is exposed, wouldn't his family members who are far away from the Xun family be extremely dangerous?
"That's right, military division right, what's wrong, can you tell me?"

Guo Jia looked at Xun You with a smile.

This Fengxiao!

Xun You was a little dumbfounded.

If you don't follow the edict, isn't this a rebellion?
At the beginning, he promised himself that he would not rebel for life.

However, the agreement between the two cannot be revealed publicly.

Isn't that embarrassing him?

Xun You looked at Guo Jia suspiciously.

With Guo Jia's intelligence, how could he fail to guess what he was thinking.

Since he had already guessed it, why did he force himself to say it?

His heart moved, and he immediately reacted.

It seems that Guo Jia doesn't agree with Xu Shu's opinion, but it's hard for him to say it, so he wants to use his mouth to say it.

Thinking of this, Xun You's spirit lifted.

"First of all, the lord is the shepherd of Yunzhou in the great Han Dynasty. Failure to obey the imperial edict is disloyal and damages the lord's prestige. Secondly, as the imperial concubine, the lord naturally has the right to participate in the important event of establishing the reserve. Third..."

Xun You paused, and said in a low voice: "Wealth and wealth are found in danger, if the bet is right, it will be no problem to make a fortune in the future."

In fact, this is what he said euphemistically.

According to Xun You's meaning, it means that the emperor ordered his ministers to die, and the ministers had to die. If the imperial court has an edict, they will naturally obey their orders.It is the duty of the courtiers to help the Han Dynasty.

Of course, Xun You was just thinking about it, and he didn't dare to say it in front of these rebels.

well said!
Guo Jia slapped his thigh: "As expected of the right military adviser, with great insight, I have already made a decision to lead the troops to Jizhou immediately. We can't miss this grand event! Well, this meeting ends here, let's break up." It's gone!"

He stood up while speaking.

My lord can't!

When everyone reacted, Guo Jia had already disappeared.

Cheng Yu and the others couldn't catch up, so they had to stomp their feet angrily.

This master is good at everything, that is, every Naixing, every once in a while, something will happen, and it is as difficult as heaven for him to stay in Yunzhou.

"The right army division!"

Cheng Yu's expression was a little unkind.

"My lord is the foundation of Yunzhou. If there is anything wrong, Yunzhou will naturally fall apart. Now that the capital is about to fall into chaos, what is your intention to persuade the lord to be in danger at this time?"

Not bad!

Jushou and Mao Jie were also a little puzzled.

Xun You is highly intelligent and prudent, so he is naturally not a reckless person.

In order to surprise everyone in this matter alone?

Xun You was speechless and speechless.

Guo Jia had been scolded for a long time in his heart.

This guy has long intended to join in the fun, but it is really unreasonable for him to be the villain.

Xun You felt wronged, but he couldn't speak out.

Do it yourself!

Mao Jie also said something coldly, turned and left.

For a while, only Xu Shu and Xi Zhong were left.

The two looked at Xun You sympathetically.

They knew that Xun You was just being used by Guo Jia.

If Guo Jia himself proposed to go to the capital to join in the fun, he would definitely be opposed by others.

So this master hinted at Xun You to bring it up, and then passed it with lightning speed.

As a result, everyone's anger fell on Xun You.

Xun You let out a long sigh.

With such an unscrupulous protagonist, what can he do?

This offended all his colleagues.

Forget it, let's learn a lot from a pit.

The next time this happens, he can't make a sound even if he is killed.



In the backyard, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing out loud.

With Xun You, he felt very happy.

"What are you laughing at, so happy?"

Cai Yan walked over with a smile on his face.

After marrying into the Guo family, Cai Meimei put on a traditional women's bun, which looks extremely elegant and noble.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled and said nothing.

He knew that those subordinates were unwilling to give up, and started to save the country with a curve, and persuaded Cai Yan to prevent him from going to the capital.

This time, he naturally had his own purpose in going to the capital, even if Cai Yan objected, it would be useless.

"Are you really going on an adventure?"

Cai Yan stared at Guo Jia closely.

Guo Jia nodded and said, "It's not an adventure, but I have to go."

Emperor Ling died, He Jin died, and the ten permanent attendants followed suit. Finally, Dong Zhuo went to Beijing to control the government.

How could Guo Jia be absent from such a feast?


Cai Yan said lightly, "I'll go with you!"

Hearing this sentence, Guo Jia couldn't help being surprised.

"Wen Ji, let's stop making trouble!"

Although it wasn't a risk, he didn't want Cai Yan to go, it would be bad if there was any loss.

"We are a husband and wife, we must share the same bed in life, and we must share the same acupuncture points in death. Since I can't persuade you, I can only follow you."

Cai Meimei said calmly.

No way!
Guo Jia hurriedly dissuaded him.


Cai Yan squinted at him.

"The last time you went to the capital, you took Zhenji with you. Zhenji can do the job, why can't I?"


Guo Jia hesitated.

"This time is different!"

He had to speak honestly.

Last time, he had already made arrangements. Although it was in a deep and dangerous situation, it was as stable as Mount Tai.

This one is different.

He is not sure about the future.

"Two choices, one is to go home with me, and the other is to take me with me."

Cai Yan said decisively.

This time, she would not let Guo Jia take risks by herself.

"Is there a third option?"

Guo Jia is pitiful.

Cai Yan suddenly said: "If you divorce me, you will be free! I will not pester you anymore."


Guo Jia was taken aback.

Cai Meimei is different from other women, she doesn't have to cry, make trouble and hang herself, she can say it and do it.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there, but we have to agree on something, and everything must be obeyed when we get there."

Guo Jia said helplessly.

When he encountered Cai Yan's decisive temperament, he had no choice.

Who made him fall in love with this woman?
(End of this chapter)

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