Chapter 344 Eventful Autumn
The end of the fifth year of Zhongping was an eventful autumn. Emperor Han Ling was about to die of illness, He Jin and Shi Changshi were about to fight, and Dong Zhuo was about to fall into chaos.

Guo Jia naturally didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But if you want to participate in the affairs of Luoyang, you must be prepared.

The army is the greatest guarantee.

Guo Jia thought about it, and first mobilized [-] cavalry, led by Zhao Yun, to station in Jizhou.

Then let Xu Shu and Yu Jin lead [-] infantry to follow closely behind.

Originally, the advisers did not agree with Guo Jia to take risks, but the lord had no choice but to stand up and go with Guo Jia.

He was also worried about Guo Jia.

The cavalry is dominated by Zhao Yun's white horse justice.

After the first battle of the Huns, Baima Yicong has become the top cavalry in Yunzhou, and together with Yujin's Polu Army, they are called the two main forces of Yunzhou.

The reason why the cavalry is chosen is because the cavalry is flexible and can quickly intervene in the event of an emergency.

But the cavalry can make a surprise attack, but it is not as good as the infantry to attack the city, so Yu Jin's Polu army is also indispensable.

In addition, Dian Wei accompanied him with five hundred tiger guards.

The Tiger Guards are elites selected from the Yunzhou Army and are responsible for guarding Guo Jia's safety.

Not long after, a mighty [-] army arrived around Sili.

"My lord, the frontier is the border of Henan!"

Zhao Yun came to report.

This time Guo Jia set off with Zhao Yun's cavalry as the vanguard, followed by Yu Jin's infantry.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Guo Jia walked out hand in hand with Cai Yan.

This luxury carriage with two shafts has become Guo Jia's standard equipment for traveling. It has everything in it, and it is comfortable to sleep at night.

The more important reason is that it can shake the car.

It's a pity that Cai Meimei is a decent person, even though they are in the same car, they are not willing to have sex in this kind of place, so Guo Jia has no choice.

"Finally back!"

Guo Jia stretched his waist and stared at the border of Henan.

"Feng Xiao!"

Cai Yan suddenly looked towards the east.

"Where is Chen Liu's territory? I don't know what's going on at home after going out for so many years?"

Cai Yong's hometown is Chenliu, but ever since he offended Shi Changshi, he has been avoiding disaster in the south of the Yangtze River.

If Guo Jia hadn't brought his father and daughter to Yunzhou, he might still be on the run now.

"Madam, how about I ask Dianwei to send you back to Chen to stay for a while?"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Think beautiful!
Cai Yan rolled his eyes at him.

This time, she followed Guo Jia with determination, and she would not be dismissed by him with a few words.

Yu Jin also followed, and the infantry with the Polu army as the main body was not slow.

Although the [-] army was dusty all the way, they were full of energy and showed no sign of fatigue.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Point to Henan, march!

Xu Shu hurriedly said: "If we rashly enter Beijing, aren't we throwing ourselves into a trap? Besides, there are many checkpoints around Luoyang, how could He Jin let us in?"

Although the imperial court is weak, there are still [-] elite soldiers in Luoyang City, and these are the elite of the Han Dynasty.

What are you afraid of?
Guo Jia smiled lightly and said: "Bring out the imperial decree. We are entering Beijing by decree. Anyone who dares to stop us will be killed!"

This time, he not only brought cavalry and infantry, but also killer artillery.

In the face of crock bombs, all the barriers of cold weapons are useless.

All the soldiers shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

Seeing Guo Jia's insistence, Xu Shu sighed and shook his head.

He knew that Guo Jia was planning to make a big fuss.

So [-] troops marched into Sili, and Guo Jia handed over the imperial decree to Zhao Yun, the pioneer, and built bridges all the way across the mountains, and the surrounding officials naturally did not dare to ask.


"Guo Jia led [-] troops into Beijing!"

Hearing this news, Shi Changshi's spirit was greatly lifted, and his face was beaming with joy.

The Yunzhou army is brave and good at fighting. With this [-] army, they also have some confidence in the court battle.

"Immediately write to Mengjin's guard and ask him to let Guo Jia in!"

Zhang Rang ordered immediately.

Mengjin's Guanguan Xiaowei is a member of the ten permanent servants. They have already planned to let Guo Jia go to Beijing, so they have made preparations in advance and deployed people in key places.

Meng Jin is a key place, and Guo Jia may not be able to enter smoothly if he does not arrange it in advance.

"Father is wise!"

Everyone applauds the horse.

Zhang Rang's face was also a little pale.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Come here, in the name of His Majesty, reward the brothers from Yunzhou!"

Zhang Rang waved.

These people are their reliance, so naturally they can't be neglected.

"Master Zhang!"

Zhao Zhong seemed to have remembered something, and said in a low voice, "I think something is wrong with Your Majesty these days?"


Zhang Rang gave him a quick look and sent the others away.

"Your Majesty is our master, and a slave cannot be called master."

he scolded.

Yes Yes Yes!
Zhao Zhong nodded hastily, but he didn't think so in his heart.

There is a saying that evil slaves deceive the master, and they have not taken Han Lingdi seriously all these years.

Zhang Rang narrowed his eyes.

There was indeed something wrong with Han Lingdi.

The day before yesterday, when he saw Emperor Ling of Han, he found that the Lord Yintang was black, his eyes were red, and his body was swollen.

Color is a bone scraper!

It seems that this master is gone.

Zhang Rang was also a little terrified, this beauty Wang was really powerful, it only took three years to squeeze a man who was still in good health into such a state.

But it's no wonder that with Wang Meiren's stunning and enchanting beauty, even if he has descendants, he would still be willing to be sucked dry by her.

Fortunately he is a eunuch.

This is the only thing Zhang Rang is happy about having no descendants.

"Master Zhang!"

Zhao Zhong suddenly lowered his voice.

"We need to prepare early!"

Zhang Rang nodded.

Emperor Han Ling couldn't hold on for long, and they must hurry up to bring the prince Xie to the throne.

The prince Liu Xie has no one to rely on, and after succeeding to the throne, he will definitely rely on the ten permanent servants. In this way, the ten permanent servants can still enjoy the glory and wealth.

Now they have fallen out with the He family, and only when the prince co-succeeds can the ten permanent attendants be as stable as Mount Tai.

"It's not too late, let's go to Queen Mother Dong as soon as possible. Let her old man come forward and make the prince Liu Xie the emperor."

Zhang Rang said to Zhao Zhong.

The Empress Dowager Dong has always disliked the He family, and she raised the prince Liu Xie alone. She will definitely support the prince Liu Xie as the emperor.

The Dong family is also a relative of the emperor, and her nephew, General Wei Dong Zhong, is also in control of the Southern Army to guard the palace.

He is also one of the people He Jin fears.

Empress Dowager Dong was very dissatisfied with the He family, but now Zhang Rang persuaded her to persuade the emperor to make Liu Xie the crown prince, so she was naturally very happy.

The two sides hit it off and conspired to make Liu Xie succeed.

As a result, undercurrents surged inside and outside the palace, and the entire Luoyang city fell into external and internal troubles.

The dispute between Shi Changshi and He Jin has become increasingly acute.

(End of this chapter)

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