Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 345 Insert 1 hand horizontally

Chapter 345 Insert a hand horizontally

Soon the news of Guo Jia's entry to Beijing also reached He Jin's ears.

This bastard!

He Jin's face was a little ugly.

He didn't expect Guo Jia to really come, and he brought [-] soldiers and horses with him.

Once Guo Jia came in, the ten permanent servants would probably become even more arrogant.

But Guo Jia had an imperial decree in his hands, and He Jin had no reason to stop it, and the guards of Mengjin were not his.

"General, don't worry!"

Yuan Kai who was at the side suddenly said: "Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, is stationed in Hanoi, and his Bingzhou soldiers are also a division of tigers and wolves, enough to deal with Guo Jia!"

Brilliant plan!

He Jin turned his worries into joy, and immediately wrote a letter asking Ding Yuan to pester Guo Jia.

Although the Bingzhou Army may not be able to deal with the Yunzhou Army, as long as he can entangle Guo Jia, He Jin will have time to clean up everything.

As long as the ten permanent servants are cleaned up, there will be no hidden dangers in the court, and He Jin will naturally be able to sit back and relax at that time.

Yuan Kai suddenly reminded: "During the court meeting two days ago, His Majesty's expression was a little strange."

Not quite right?
He Jin was stunned for a moment. At that time, he was only thinking about how to buy the powerful generals in Luoyang, but he ignored this detail.

"Teacher's meaning?"

Hope suddenly rose in his heart.

Yuan Kui twisted his beard and said: "This old man is proficient in some medical skills. Your Majesty's Yintang is black, his eyes are red, and his body is swollen. I'm afraid it's not good..."

Are you serious?

He Jin was overjoyed.

He had long been displeased with Emperor Han Ling, and he wished that his brother-in-law would die so that his nephew Liu Bian could succeed him.

With his nephew Liu Bian becoming the emperor, and his own relatives increasing the number of generals to assist the government, the He family will naturally flourish.

Yuan Kai nodded.

"I have already bribed the imperial physician in the palace, and I have confirmed the news from him. General, we need to make plans early!"

He said meaningfully.

Emperor Han Ling passed away, and the next step was the succession of the new emperor.

This is a great opportunity.

I know I know!
He Jin took a deep breath and said, "Tomorrow morning, our two joint courtiers will persuade Your Majesty to appoint the prince to be the crown prince."

He couldn't wait to send someone to discuss with his sister, Queen He.

The general is wise!
A sneer appeared on the corner of Yuan Kai's mouth, but he was very happy on the surface.

After returning home, Yuan Shu greeted him immediately.

"Uncle, Dong Zhuo's nephew and his nephew have already been contacted. Everything will be done according to the plan. Once He Jin is finished, he will immediately enter the palace and control the government."

very good!

Yuan Kai nodded.

The situation in the capital is changing, and Yuan Kai also has his own goals.

The four generations and three fathers of the Yuan family have a prominent family background, so why should they be inferior to He Jin?
Just a butcher!

Yuan Kai curled his lips.

Although he was close to He Jin on the surface, in his heart he looked down on this imperial relative who was born as a commoner.

This is the urination of aristocratic families.

Letting Dong Zhuo into the capital was a stupid move, He Jin couldn't see it, how could Yuan Kai not see it?

But he didn't remind He Jin, and even instigated Yuan Shu to run away the discerning Cao Cao with cynicism.

Because Yuan Kui wants to make a fuss about this matter.


Let's say that Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, was summoned by He Jin and led [-] Bingzhou troops to stay in Hanoi.

(Correct the mistake in the previous article. Ding Yuan became the Zhi Jinwu after He Jin died, not now. Moreover, Zhi Jinwu is the commander of the capital guard, and it is impossible to give it to a foreign member, so Ding Yuan is still the governor now. This is the author's mistake, please forgive me!)

A general arrives suddenly and presents He Jin's letter.

Ding Yuan opened it for a few glances, and suddenly laughed loudly.

"Okay, I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time."

Lu Bu on the side was puzzled and said, "Father, what did the general say?"

Lu Bu is Ding Yuan's younger son, capable of both civil and military affairs, and is now serving as chief bookkeeper under Ding Yuan's account.

"Look, my son!"

Ding Yuan handed the letter to Lu Bu.

Guo Jia of Yunzhou led his army into Hanoi.

Seeing this news, Lu Bu was also very excited.

"Father, the last time the Huns fought, let Guo Jia make a show, this time we have to say whatever we say."

Not bad!

Ding Yuan also nodded.

He still has a fresh memory of what happened last time, and he also hates Guo Jia deeply.

Even without He Jin's instructions, this time he would not let Guo Jia and the Yunzhou Army go easily.

"This time, I want Guo Jia to know how powerful our Bingzhou Army is!"

Ding Yuan gritted his teeth and said.

Don't worry, foster father!

Lu Bu patted his chest and said, "The Bingzhou cavalry with children will definitely make the Yunzhou army suffer a crushing defeat."

Bingzhou iron cavalry is a tiger and wolf division built by Ding Yuan with all of Bingzhou's resources over the years.

He has been handed over to his adopted son Lu Bu for command.

good good!
Ding Yuan was overjoyed.

"With my son here, the old man can rest easy."

He suddenly said in a deep voice: "The whole army is ready to meet the Yunzhou army!"

There are eight checkpoints around Luoyang. Generally, Mengjin is the way to enter the pass in the north, and Wenxian is the only way for the Yunzhou Army.

Lu Bu accepted the order with his fists clasped, and immediately commanded the army to go to Wen County.


Wen County!

A group of cavalry came to the gate of the city, and the silver-armored general at the head was Zhao Yun.

He held the decree in his hands.

"Listen to the people of the county government, we are soldiers from Yunzhou, and we are going to Beijing at the order of His Majesty. Why don't you open the door soon?"

The county magistrate who guarded the city was terrified. In a small county town, where has he seen such a large formation, he immediately opened the city gate and enlarged the army to enter.

"The general has worked hard, and I have prepared food and wine to clean up the dust for the general!"

The county magistrate said tremblingly.

Wen County is the necessary place for Beidi to go south to the capital. Every year, some high-ranking officials go north and south. As local officials, the county magistrate of Wen County has to welcome them politely.

But it was the first time the county magistrate encountered so many troops.

Zhao Yun smiled slightly and said, "Master County Magistrate, please be polite!"

After the army entered the pass, they immediately waved their hands.

"Take over the city defense!"

Baima Yicong launched an attack immediately and took control of the city defense.

"General, what do you mean..."

The county magistrate was sweating on his face.

He never dreamed that the first thing the Yunzhou Army did when they entered the customs was to turn against the customers and control them.

"We will take over here for a few days, and we will return it to you when the matter is over, but now we have to wrong you for a few days!"

Zhao Yun patted the county magistrate's head with Shengmu.

Although the county magistrate was unwilling, he had no choice but to swallow his anger.

Who let others have a handle?
People are knives and I am fish, so you can't do it if you don't bow your head!
The defenders of the city are Min Zhuang, whoever is the opponent of the Yunzhou soldiers who have experienced many battles, all the time for a meal has been cleaned up.

But Zhao Yun didn't make things difficult for them, he just locked them up and provided them with food and drink regularly.

The [-] army naturally needs a place to stand, and Wen County is also suitable.

So Zhao Yun took over without hesitation.

In his heart, Guo Jia's safety is naturally the first, as for the court and so on, I'm sorry.

It is said that after being in Yunzhou for a long time, Zhao Zilong no longer has any thoughts of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

(End of this chapter)

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