Chapter 346 Hanoi Sima Yi

Not long after, Guo Jia brought everyone to Wen County.

What a majestic ancient city!

After seeing Wen County, Guo Jia sighed slightly.

"My lord, madam, our army has taken over the city defense."

Zhao Yun came up to greet him, and Yu Jin came with him.

The Baima Yicong were all cavalry, and Yu Jin's infantry were naturally more familiar with defending the city.

"Don't startle the people in the county!"

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Xu Shu felt helpless.

However, he still acted as the county magistrate and issued a list to appease the people of Wen County.

Who made him the only civil servant?

After camping the army outside the city, Guo Jia led the Tiger Guards into the Wen County Government.

"The next official pays homage to Lord Hou!"

The county magistrate of Wen County prostrated himself on the ground with an earthy face.

He had also heard of the reputation of Guo Jia in Yunzhou, who dared to besiege the court's barracks at the slightest disagreement. Now that the army came to Wen County, he took over the city defense as soon as he came up, which made the county magistrate even more frightened.

"You are the magistrate of Wen County?"

Guo Jia asked lightly.

The next official is right!

The magistrate hurried back, fearing that if he was not careful, the master would start killing.

Get up!
Guo Jia didn't bother to ask a little shrimp.

With his status, the county magistrate level can't even be counted as Xiami.

"This Marquis was ordered to lead the army into Beijing, passing by your Wen County..."

The next words, Guo Jia did not say, the meaning is obvious.

Where would you prepare your own dry food when you send troops on order these days?

Of course, everything has been resolved.

Not only Guo Jia, but Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo also did this.

Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang, is vicious, so if he doesn't give up, he will just grab it!

Not only grabbing food, but also grabbing women.

The county magistrate is also very clever.

"Since it's a business trip, the county is willing to provide some food and grass."

He is not stupid, the army has a lot of things to eat, and compared to the Yunzhou army who is so gentle, it is still good.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded with a smile.

This county magistrate is still smart.

Seeing that Guo Jia was satisfied, the county magistrate breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ordered his men to go to the big households in the city to discuss food supply.

Just as the county magistrate was about to leave, Guo Jia suddenly asked, "Is there a man named Sima Yi in your county?"

Sima Yi!
The county magistrate was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said, "It's the lower official's clan brother."


Guo Jia looked the county magistrate up and down.

"So you are also from the Sima family in Hanoi."

Dare not dare!

The county magistrate hastily said modestly.

In fact, the Sima family is a well-known family in Hanoi, and this county magistrate is just a side branch, not a member of the current Sima family.

"I heard that Sima Yi is pretty good!"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

The Sima family in Hanoi can be regarded as a well-known family. When this was mentioned, the county magistrate's face became a little bit pale.

"Hanoi Sima is the descendant of Gaoyang's son Chongli, that is, Xia Guan Zhurong. From ancient times to the Shang Dynasty, the position of Xia Guan was inherited from generation to generation. In the Zhou Dynasty, Xia Guan was renamed Sima. During Zhou Xuanwang, the ancestor Cheng Boxiu pacified Xu Fang For meritorious service, Sima was bestowed with the clan surname. The twelfth patriarch, Sima Ang, followed Xiang Yu to destroy Qin, was named king of Yin, and established his capital in Hanoi, where he has taken root ever since.”

Sima county magistrate talked eloquently.

Not bad!

Cai Yan also nodded.

Chen Liu is not far from Hanoi, and she also knows a little about Sima's family.

The magistrate of Sima County cheered up, and continued: "The Sima family has lived here for generations, and there have been many high-ranking officials during the period. Sima Jun, the general who conquered the West during Emperor Han'an, Sima Liang, the prefect of Yuzhang, Sima Jun, the prefect of Yingchuan, and others. Sima Fang, the former Jingzhaoyin, is also the uncle of the family. Sima Yi is the son of Sima Fang, whose name is Zhongda. Sima Fang has eight sons, and because there is a word "Da" in the word, he is called Sima Bada."

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

"I don't know if Sima Yi is at home? The Marquis wants to pay a visit!"

A cold light flashed across his eyes.

In other words, his visit to Wen County this time was not on a whim, but for this Sima Yi.

Because only Guo Jia knew that the Three Kingdoms were finally ruled by the Sima family.

Sima Yi is the key. In order to avoid long nights and dreams in the future, Guo Jia plans to get rid of Sima Yi first.

Lead the way!

Sima County Magistrate was elated, unaware that a catastrophe was coming.

Bong filial piety!

Cai Yan saw something was wrong.

She knew a little about the Sima family, and knew that Sima Yi was only about ten years old, even if he had some reputation, he would not put it in Guo Jia's eyes.

How could Guo Jia visit a ten-year-old child?

Guo Jia smiled faintly, and said: "Wen Ji, you should rest in the county office first, and Dian Wei and I will come as soon as we go."

He said no more explanations.

Sima Yi is also a key figure. If he meets him, he must be eliminated in order to reduce one opponent.

Ever since, Guo Jia brought Dian Wei and the three hundred tiger guards to Sima Yi's home under the leadership of Sima County Magistrate.

At this time, Sima Yi was just a child, and his father Sima Fang was only a civil servant in the capital, and the Sima family had not yet made a fortune.

Sima's house was in the city, and soon Guo Jia found it.

The antique door is a bit worn out, but it is kept clean.

Sima County Magistrate led Guo Jia to the door.

"Go and tell brother Boda that Hou Guojia, the governor of Yunzhou, is coming to visit."

Naturally, the servants did not dare to be negligent, and immediately went down to report.

After a while, a young man came out, about the same size as Guo Jia, and it was Sima Lang.

He is Sima Yi's elder brother.

"Student Sima Lang pays homage to Lord Hou!"

Sima Lang bowed respectfully.

"Where's Sima Yi?"

Guo Jia nodded.

Sima Lang's heart sank suddenly, and he said in a low voice: "Master Hou, I don't know what mistakes my brother committed. If there are any mistakes, the student is willing to make amends for him."

Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "No, I heard that there is a child prodigy in the Sima family in Wen County. I passed by here today to take a look."

Hearing that Guo Jia came here for fame, Sima Lang felt relieved.

"It's a pity that Master Hou came here by accident. My younger brother went to Yingchuan for a visit, and I'm afraid it will take some time before he comes back. If he comes back, the students will bring him to visit in person!"

Sima Lang said in a low voice.

not at home?
Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

This Sima Lang's eyes are full of energy, he is clearly a shrewd person.

Are you fooling yourself?
When Guo Jia was about to send people to search Sima's house by force, a scout suddenly reported that a large army had been spotted [-] miles away from Wen County, and they were speeding towards Wen County.

Hearing this, Guo Jia didn't care about Sima Yi anymore, and immediately took people back.

Seeing that Guo Jia had gone back, Sima Lang hurriedly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come here, move to the countryside overnight, you can't stay in the city for long."

He has already seen that Guo Jia's arrival is not kind.

Although I don't know where the Sima family provoked Guo Jia, but this mysterious army horse did save their lives.

Sima's family quietly left Wen County that night.

(End of this chapter)

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