Chapter 347

Seeing Guo Jia coming, Xu Shuyu and Zhao Yun all went up to meet him.

They are also considered veterans of many battles. If an unknown army came to kill them, they would immediately enter Wen County without Guo Jia's orders, and get ready for battle.

Guo Jia walked up to the top of the city and saw dust flying not far away.


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"About [-] troops came, fighting under the banner of Bingzhou."

Bingzhou Dingyuan!

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

It turned out that this guy came.

No wonder, this guy has always been He Jin's running dog, and He Jin probably asked him to come.

At this time, the vanguard of the Bingzhou Army with five thousand cavalry had arrived at the city.

The Bingzhou Army set up a formation, and a general came to the front of the formation in good spirits, it was Lu Bu.

I saw him with a strong back and a strong waist, his appearance was imposing, and he was majestic.

"Listen, Guo Jia, of the Yunzhou Army, this general is Lu Bu, the vanguard of Bingzhou Ding Inspector, hurry up and lead him to death!"

Lü Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd and pointed obliquely at the city road.

"Come out and die!"

The Bingzhou Pioneer Army shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

Last time, Guo Jia led the Huns to harm Bingzhou, causing heavy losses to the Bingzhou Army.

The Bingzhou army has long been suffocated, and now they have the opportunity to retaliate, how can they not work hard.

Sure enough, he is a talented person!

Seeing Lu Bu's handsome appearance, Guo Jia couldn't help but praise him.

This is simply the perfect match between Xiao Xianrou's face and the figure of a strong European and American man. He is as tall as Guan Erye, as strong as Dian Wei, and as handsome as Zhao Yun.No wonder later generations have a soft spot for this man.

Xu Shu on the side frowned slightly.

Just now, the orders of the Bingzhou iron cavalry were uniform, demonstrating good military discipline. It can be seen that Lu Bu is also good at commanding troops.

This battle may not be easy.

"My lord, the Bingzhou army is very powerful, so don't fight recklessly. Let's defend the city first."

Xu Shu remonstrated.

As a military adviser, he naturally had to advise the Lord.

Besides, they came to Beijing this time, so there was no need to entangle with the Bingzhou Army.

Guo Jia nodded.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Lu Bu, but he felt that the infantry of the Bingzhou Army hadn't arrived yet.

In addition to the Bingzhou iron cavalry, there is another army that Guo Jia is very concerned about, and that is the camp of Lu Bu's general Gao Shun.

In the Three Kingdoms, falling into the camp has always been a myth.

People called Gao Shun "the general with more than [-] soldiers, numbered as a thousand men, all armors are neat and neat, and those who can't attack every attack are called 'trapped camp'".

Guo Jia has always wanted to get this person, but unfortunately he never had the chance.This allowed Yu Jin to form the Polu Army.

Guo Jia has always wanted to know whether Yunzhou's Polu army is strong or Gao Shun's trap is strong.

This time, the opportunity has come!

Seeing that there was no movement on the top of the wall, Lu Bu laughed and said, "Guo Jia, you are as timid as a mouse, if you don't dare to fight, go home and nurse your child! Hahaha!"

Bingzhou soldiers also responded one after another.

"Guo Jia is a despicable person who likes to use tricks and tricks. Where is our opponent of the Bingzhou Army?"

"You cowardly fellow, just don't come out and shame yourself."

"Come out from the Yunzhou Army, don't let the cats stay inside, let you see how powerful we are and the state army!"

Everyone shouted and cursed at each other.

Hearing that Lu Bu insulted Guo Jia, the generals on the side were a little unhappy.

It is said that the Yunzhou Army also fought all the way, whether it was the Yellow Turban Bandits or the Huns, even the elite of the imperial court.

Speaking of fighting, who hasn't the Yunzhou army been afraid of?
Dian Wei was filled with righteous indignation: "My lord, let a certain family go down and kill them without leaving a single one. I won't let them be arrogant."

Zhao Yun also cupped his fists and said, "My lord, this subordinate is also willing to defeat the prestige of the Bingzhou cavalry."

It is said that after Guo Jia formed Baima Yicong, what Zhao Yun did was always to contain the finishing work, and he hadn't really fought a close battle.

Seeing that the Bingzhou iron cavalry is so arrogant now, Zhao Yun can't stand it anymore.

What moved him even more was that Lu Bu in front of the formation.

This person is as popular as a mountain, and his gestures are like a master's, which makes Zhao Yun very itchy.

In other words, since his debut, except for the four sworn brothers, he has never seen such a strong opponent.

Baima Yicong against the Bingzhou Iron Cavalry, and the Polu Army against the trapped camp!
Guo Jia's eyes flashed with excitement.

He was a little impatient.

At this moment, Ding Yuan's infantry finally arrived.

Ding Yuan is also fully clothed.

"Guo Jia, I, Ding Jianyang, have no grievances or enmities with you. Why do you want to lead the Huns to mess with me and Bingzhou?"


Guo Jia laughed a few times.

"Ding Jianyang, you are ashamed to say it. Who ambushed Leping back then and planned to attack Yunzhou? If the Huns hadn't sent troops suddenly, your Bingzhou army would have already reached the territory of Yunzhou. Hehe, since you Bingzhou army is the first day of junior high school Don’t blame us for being fifteen. However, you still have to thank me, if I hadn’t led the Huns to Bingzhou, where did you come from, Captain Wumeng?”

darn thing!

Ding Yuan was furious.

In the first battle of Taiyuan, the Bingzhou Army suffered heavy losses.The fruit of victory was easily picked by Guo Jia, which made Ding Yuan want to vomit blood sadly.

"Whoever kills Guo Jia will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold!"

Ding Yuan gritted his teeth.


Guo Jia said contemptuously: "Don't be poor here!"

He suddenly yelled: "The soldiers of Yunzhou obey orders, kill Ding Yuan's works, reward ten thousand gold, kill Bingzhou generals, reward one thousand gold, kill ordinary soldiers, reward one hundred gold!"

The general is mighty!

The Yunzhou Army's spirits were lifted, they shouted loudly, and their eyes became hot.

That's all for Ding Yuan and the other generals, they didn't dare to think that this ordinary Bingzhou soldier was actually in front of them.

A soldier is rewarded with a hundred gold, and 500 soldiers are worth [-] million gold.

Get rich!
The Yunzhou army was frenzied up and down, and the pupils turned into the shape of copper coins.

This is no enemy, it's all money!
Guo Jia smiled and said: "Brothers in Bingzhou, leave this stingy boss and come to our Yunzhou. I, Guo Jia, can guarantee that when you come to Yunzhou, the military salary is ten times that of before, food, drink and clothing It’s much better than before. Of course, the reward just now is also effective for you. If you kill Ding Yuan and take refuge, I, Guo Jia, will reward you with ten thousand gold, and I will never break my promise.”

What is prestige?
This is prestige!
If you don't agree with each other, I will throw money at you!

What is rich and powerful?
This is rich and powerful!
Our rewards are much greater than yours?

What is arrogance?
This is arrogance.

Are you able to follow me?

What does it mean to be invincible!
This is awesome.

Yunzhou not only has soldiers, but also money.

Do not accept it!

Ding Yuan almost exploded his lungs.

Guo Jia's blending of the words that originally stimulated the morale of the army had a side effect.

This is also something that can't be helped. Yunzhou is rich and powerful, and if he can get so many rewards, he will not be able to merge with the state.

Not to mention Bingzhou, even the imperial court may find it difficult to give out so many rewards at once?

(End of this chapter)

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