Chapter 348 Dian Wei Slays the Second General

Seeing the low morale, Ding Yuan was humiliated.

Lu Bu jumped out again.

He rode his horse to the front of the battle, and said with a sneer, "Guo Jia, don't play tricks if you are capable, we will see the truth on the battlefield."

He sneered.

"Some people say it sounds grand, but in fact it's as timid as a mouse. If you have the guts, come out and fight me to the death!"

Fight to the death!

Lu Bu's trusted generals shouted in unison.

Guo Jia looked carefully for a while and found no traces of hoplites and trapped camps?
Such a powerful unit in the camp must be the elite of the elite.

But he observed carefully, and didn't find the legendary army with well-equipped armor?
Could it be that the Bingzhou Army hasn't formed a camp at this time?
He was a little puzzled.


Dian Wei was already a little dissatisfied, and the two halberds behind him were already very hungry and thirsty.

Zhao Yun was also eager to try, and his eyes flashed brightly, staring at Lu Bu who was galloping in front of the formation.

it is good!
Guo Jia nodded and said contemptuously, "If you want to fight, then fight!"

As he said that, he stopped Xu Shu, the left army commander who was about to dissuade him, and waved the command flag.

The city gate was wide open, and Zhao Yundianwei led [-] cavalry to rush out of the city gate.

Both sides held their ground.

Dian Wei rushed out first.

"Lu Buxiu is going to be rampant, Chen Liudian and Wei Lai are here too!"

In other words, he is also a martial idiot.

These years, he has been serving as a guard by Guo Jia's side, and his fiery temperament has subsided a lot. Now that he meets an arrogant guy like Lu Bu, how can Dian Wei stand it?

What an ugly ghost!
Seeing Dian Wei's appearance, Lu Bu couldn't help being startled.

I have seen ugly, but never this ugly.

It could be regarded as ugly and miserable.

Lu Bu has always claimed to be romantic and suave, so naturally he doesn't want to fight an ugly ghost.

"Ugly ghost, if you want to challenge General Fengxian, pass me first."

At this time, a general from the Bingzhou Army rushed up, jumped on his horse and raised his sword and rushed towards Dianwei. It was Song Xian, the general under Lu Bu's command.

Song Xian is also known for his force in the Bingzhou Army.

damn thing!
Dian Wei's eyes turned red, and his face became ferocious.

Ugly ghosts are definitely his taboo, not one of them.

Even in Yunzhou, no one dared to say that in person, otherwise Dian Wei would definitely go berserk, at least he would be beaten up, and at worst he would lose his life.

Of course, the deadly rival Xu Chu was excluded.

That was a person Dian Wei wanted to kill but couldn't kill.

Now, a young general from Bingzhou dared to slander Dianwei so much, he was really impatient.

Ya Ya Ya!

Dian Wei immediately rushed up, brandishing his halberds.

This Song Xian is also a strength type, holding a big knife.

When the two horses meet, there is a bang.

Song Xian let out a miserable cry, he could withstand Dian Wei's supernatural power, let alone when he ran away,
This group of men and horses was knocked to the ground by the mad Dian Wei.

The Bingzhou Army couldn't help but gasped, and many people showed shock.

This Song Xian can be regarded as a brave general in the Bingzhou Army, but he is not an all-in-one enemy of the ugly guy in Yunzhou.

Lu Bu was also taken aback.

He never expected that this ugly, ugly ghost would have such great strength.

darn thing!

Dian Wei immediately jumped down and swung his halberds. Poor Song Xian was chopped to pieces.

And the state army burst into rage.

Confrontation before the battle, the winner is king.

It is reasonable for the loser to be killed.

But under normal circumstances, the winner just cut off the loser's head and went back to claim credit. There are almost no ones like Dian Wei who chopped their opponents into meat paste.

Dian Wei is completely venting his anger!

But his actions have aroused the righteous indignation of the state generals.

"Ugly ghost, don't be rampant!"

Another general came out of the Bingzhou army. This man was tall and thin, holding a long gun. It was Cheng Lian!

Cheng Lian is also a hero of the Bingzhou Army. Unlike Song Xian's strength type, he is a technical type.

Seeing Dian Wei's formidable strength, he is the most suitable to fight.

Another ugly ghost!

Dian Wei raised his head, looked fiercely at Cheng Lian who rushed towards him, his eyes turned red.

At this time, it was too late for him to get on the horse.

"The ugly ghost looks at the gun!"

Cheng Lian's spirit was shaken, he united with his horse, and pierced Dian Wei with his long spear.

To deal with strength-type enemies, skill-type ones are most suitable.

Cheng Lian's spear skills have been taught by Lu Bu, so he has entered the room.

Now with the addition of horsepower, it is already invincible.

not good!

Yang Fan beside Zhao Yun hastily bent his bow and set up an arrow, wanting to help Dian Wei, at worst he had to cover Dian Wei's mount.

A spear suddenly stretched out, blocking Yang Fan's gesture, it was Zhao Yun.

"Don't worry about it, this kind of character can't do anything to my elder brother. You have to keep an eye on the bow-wielding general in the Bingzhou army, and don't let him stab someone in the back."

Hearing his boss's words, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes fell on the general holding a bow and arrow in the enemy's formation.

I saw the man holding a hard bow and staring at the battlefield with all his attention.


Seeing this person's gesture of holding an arrow and his steady eyes, Yang Fan immediately realized that he had met an opponent.At the moment, he secretly guarded and stared at this person.

Whoosh whoosh!
Cheng Lian stabbed Dian Wei three times in a row.

From his point of view, this ugly ghost is of the power type, and these three shots will definitely make him flustered.

As long as this person is in a hurry, Cheng Lian's followers can drive straight in and nail this person to the ground.

Dian Wei just sneered, the pair of halberds suddenly changed, sometimes the wind and thunder were fierce, and sometimes moistened things silently.

His kung fu is also strange, the two halberds look majestic, but they also have subtleties.

In other words, it is necessary to have strength and strength and technology to have technology.

not good!

Cheng Lian was taken aback.

He never imagined that an enemy of strength type would suddenly use such delicate tricks.

This man has both hardness and softness, and he is a powerful figure.

Thinking of this, he panicked and wanted to run away, but it was too late.

come down!
Dian Wei's halberds locked onto Cheng Lian's long spear, and slammed into Cheng Lian's mount with all his might, sending Cheng Lian and his mount flying to the ground.

Cheng Lian fell to the ground, a little dizzy.

At this moment, a cold light flew by, and he immediately felt a little light in his body, and then saw his headless corpse.

It turned out that at the moment of landing, Dian Wei rushed over, swung the iron halberd and chopped off Cheng Lian's head.

Cheng Lian's head was chopped off, he didn't die for a while, and actually saw his own head separated.

With a plop, Cheng Lian's head fell to the ground, his mouth opened, and he died with regret.

Dian Wei didn't chop up the corpse to vent his anger, he just raised his head and said word by word, "Who else?"

Not loud, but very cold!

Lost both battles!

The Bingzhou army was frightened for a while, and the rest of the generals looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Lu Bu.

In their eyes, this guy is very powerful, and only Lu Bu can deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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