Chapter 349 Dian Wei vs Lu Bu
Since ancient times, fighting generals has been the most effective way to improve the morale of both sides in the war.

There is nothing more effective than this raw and rough struggle.

The tricks see the blood, the punches hit the flesh, attracting countless soldiers until they are crazy.

The victory will naturally boost morale and make persistent efforts, and the losing side will find a way to win the round.

it is good!
The Yunzhou army cheered like thunder.

As soon as Dian Wei came up, he took the lead and beheaded the two generals of Bingzhou in one fell swoop.

"Evil Lai is really a tiger general!"

Xu Shu said with a twisted beard.

He is proficient in swordsmanship, has good fighting power, and has a deep understanding of Dianwei's martial arts.

Guo Jia also nodded.

Dian Wei's double halberds combine yin and yang, and they can be regarded as the top generals of the Three Kingdoms.


His gaze once again fell on the lonely figure in front of the formation.

Lu Bu is among the people, and the red rabbit among the horses!
That was a dazzling general in the troubled times of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The top military generals of the Three Kingdoms are like crucian carp crossing the river. There has been endless debate about who is superior in martial arts, but there is no debate about who is the top of the list.

This time, what Dian Wei encountered was an opponent who stood at the peak of generals.

Facing Lu Bu, how much can Dian Wei support?

The morale of the Yunzhou Army was greatly boosted, while that of the Bingzhou Army was low.

Lu Bu rode his horse and slowly came to the front of the formation.

He stared at Dian Wei.

"You have both yin and yang halberds. I, Lu Fengxian, have debuted for many years, and this is the first time I have met a master of halberds! Get on the horse, you are not my opponent!"

As he spoke, he slowly picked up Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand.

As expected of the number one god of war in the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu also showed his arrogance to look down on the world.

it is good!
Dian Wei also responded, turned around and retrieved his horse, got on the horse and turned around, and generously sold his back to the enemy, without any hesitation about the enemy's sneak attack.

So brave!
Lu Bu's eyes shot out a bright light, and there was an expression of appreciation on his face.

Lu Fengxian naturally disdained such things as sneak attacks.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is futile.

A master is always lonely. After Lu Bu made his debut, he has beaten all the invincible hands in Bingzhou. Now he has met a master who is evenly matched and uses an iron halberd. He is also very happy in his heart.

Dianwei Zema opened his position, striking each other with his iron halberds!


As he spoke, he raised his halberds and rushed over.

Lu Bu also held Fang Tian's painted halberd across his chest.

As soon as he got the halberd, he seemed to be a different person, exuding a strong breath of death.

"Jiuyuan Lu Bu, learn from the master!"

The Bingzhou Army was all moved.

Reporting each other's names before the battle is also an expression of respect for the opponent.

However, Lu Bu has played all over Bingzhou's invincible opponents, and he has long developed a disdain for the world. Ordinary opponents can't last a few rounds in his hands. It is a waste of time to report their names. Now he is so polite to Dianwei. opponent.


Dian Wei's double halberds collided with Lu Bu's Fang Tian's painted halberds, making an ear-piercing sound.

Both men and horses took a few steps back.

This blow was evenly matched.

Both the Bingzhou Army and the Yunzhou Army were taken aback.

Both Dian Wei and Lu Bu can represent the strongest generals in their respective armies, and now they are tied. It seems that they really have met their opponents.

Come again!

Unwilling to give up, Dian Wei turned his horse's head and charged again!
After testing the opponent's strength, Lu Bu gained confidence in his heart.

This time, he didn't retreat, but went straight up.

You must know that charging immediately requires not only superb martial arts, but also horsepower.

The longer the run-up distance, the stronger the impact force of the horse. Lu Bu shortened the run-up distance of the horse, and this time the impact force was not as great as last time.

The two sides played against each other again, and it was still evenly matched!


Dian Wei was furious and rode his horse over again.

This time, Lu Bu didn't even run up, and confidently met Dian Wei's double halberds.

This time it was still evenly matched.

My son is supernatural!

Seeing this, Ding Yuan heaved a sigh of relief and applauded loudly.

The general is mighty!

The spirit of the Bingzhou army was shaken, and the drums sounded like thunder.


The Yunzhou Army was a little discouraged.

In their eyes, Dian Wei is considered the number one supernatural power in Yunzhou. Now that they are standing still, Dian Wei can only draw a tie with his horsepower.

It seems that Dian Wei's strength is not his opponent after all.

not good!

Zhao Yun on the side suddenly became nervous. His eyesight was extremely high, and he had already seen the clue.

On the surface, it seems that Lu Bu's strength is superior, but in fact it is not.

Although Dian Wei's martial arts are superb, he has some flaws, that is, he is not very good at riding and fighting.

Therefore, it is not as good as Lu Bu in terms of using horsepower.

Lu Bu's eyes were very poisonous, and he detected it all at once.

Even without a run-up, he can still block Dian Wei's punch with his horsepower.

"Brother, his strength is almost the same as yours, but he is better at using horsepower than you. Don't charge, fight with him!"

Zhao Yun suddenly raised his voice.

Dian Wei is not good at riding and fighting, and he has already lost a bit in borrowing horsepower.

The best way to do that is to fight.

In this way, the horsepower of both sides will not be used, and the competition will be based on the personal abilities of the generals.

Thank you fourth brother!

After Zhao Yun's reminder, Dian Wei came to his senses.

He is not good at riding and fighting, so to compete with this big man immediately is to use his shortcomings to attack his strengths.

"Lu Bu, look at a certain family's yin and yang halberds!"

Dian Wei let out a loud roar, and charged at Lu Bu with the twin halberds in his hands like a storm.

This time, he learned his lesson and entangled Lu Bu.

Ha ha!

After a lot of probing, Lu Bu has a clear understanding of Dian Wei's strength.

Although this guy is skilled in martial arts, he is not good at riding and fighting.

Not being good at riding and fighting means not being good at borrowing horsepower.

Horses are a part of riding and fighting. Dian Wei is not good at horsepower, which means that he cannot fully exert his own strength.

It's like a fight between a normal person and a cripple.

No matter what, normal people take advantage of it.

"Okay, let me show you my real ability, Lu Bu!"

The long halberds were like lightning, and they met Dianwei's double halberds.

All of a sudden, people's shadows criss-crossed, weapons fluttered, and the killing was in the dark.

The long halberd has the beauty of the long halberd, and the double halberd has the usage of the double halberd.

Opponents are hard to find, especially evenly matched ones.Both of them played real fire, and used all kinds of tricks to suppress the bottom of the box.

it is good!
The Bingzhou Army burst into applause again.

In Bingzhou, Lu Bu is an invincible existence.

No matter how powerful this ugly man is, he will not be a match for the God of War Lu Bu.

Dian Wei is invincible!

The Yunzhou Army also cheered loudly.

It was also the first time they saw Dian Wei make a move.

The two iron halberds are suddenly like thunder and thunderbolts, powerful and vigorous, and suddenly the wind and drizzle moisten things silently.

It really is the combination of rigidity and softness, which helps the unity of yin and yang.

Lu Bu over there was also full of energy, and Fang Tian's painted halberd seemed to come alive in his hands.

Pointing, stabbing, hooking and locking, the four techniques are used with great proficiency.

In a blink of an eye, the two had split a hundred and ten moves, and they still couldn't tell the difference!

(End of this chapter)

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