Chapter 350 Lu Bu vs Zhao Yun
The battle below was fierce, but Guo Jia on the top of the wall frowned a little.

Although on the surface, the two are still tied, but he can already see that Dian Wei is showing signs of fatigue.

Dian Wei is not Lu Bu's opponent after all!
For one thing, Dian Wei is not good at horse fighting, and he is not as good at horseback as Lu Bu.

Secondly, even though Dian Wei couldn't make it to the stage, even though Dian Wei killed two generals, it also consumed a lot of energy.

The most important thing is that Lu Bu's martial arts were originally higher than him.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops!"

Guo Jia ordered.

ding ding dong!
The golden bell of the Yunzhou Army sounded.

Dian Wei was stunned for a moment, the two halberds made a false move, and immediately backed away.

It's not that he's afraid of Lu Bu, but Yunzhou's military law is strict, he will advance when he hears the drum, and he will be forced to retreat if he hears the drum. If he disobeys, he will be severely punished.

As Guo Jia's personal guard, it is natural to lead by example.

"Haha, do you want to slip away like this after killing two of my generals?"

Lv Bu sneered, he had already seen that Dian Wei was at the end of his battle, and he only needed to work harder to beat this guy off the horse.

At this time, he naturally wouldn't let Dian Wei go easily.

Dian Wei was furious.

"A certain family is not afraid of you, but has to obey the military order!"

He wanted to turn around and fight again, fearing that Guo Jia would blame him, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and run back to the main formation.

Lu Bu chased after him.

At this time, the general with a bow and arrow under Ding Yuan's tent hurriedly drew his bow and shot an arrow at Dian Wei.

Dian Wei killed two generals in Bingzhou in a row, and the generals of Bingzhou naturally would not let him go easily.

Just as the Bingzhou general shot an arrow, Yang Fan from the Yunzhou Army also shot.

He had been staring at the general of the Bingzhou army for a long time.

Yang Fan also shot out with one arrow, but the second came first, and the arrows of General Bingzhou collided in the air and fell to the ground!
The general of Bingzhou was taken aback. He was Cao Xing, a sharpshooter under Ding Yuan's tent, and his riding and shooting skills were also known in Bingzhou.

Now the sneak attack on Dianwei was actually destroyed by a general of the Yunzhou Army.

At this time, Dian Wei had safely retreated into the formation, and naturally Lu Bu couldn't catch up, so he had to rein in his horse and turn around.

He was awesome, and he didn't dare to attack the opponent's sword and shield formation alone.

"My lord, Dian Wei is incompetent, he failed to cut off that guy's head, it's embarrassing to you!"

Dian Wei, who returned to the top of the city, fell to the ground in shame.

He was originally a character who refused to admit defeat, and he rarely met opponents when he debuted. In Yunzhou, apart from his arch-rival Xu Chu, only the three sworn brothers could be called opponents.

But when he met Lu Bu today, Dian Wei knew that there are people outside the mountains and there are people outside the mountains.

Even if he tried his best, he might not be Lu Bu's opponent.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia stretched out his hand to support Dian Wei.

"Don't be discouraged when evil comes!"

He took Dian Wei's hand and pointed at Lu Bu below.

"This person's martial arts has already reached the peak, he can be regarded as the number one among the big men, and you can't beat him alone."

In the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu has always been an existence with superior force.

Since his debut, he hasn't lost any single duels, so most of the opponents' fights against Lu Bu are gang fights.

For example, Hulaoguan Sanying vs. Lu Bu.

Guan Er and Zhang San, plus Liu Daer, who is a powerful force, defeated Lu Bu.

In the battle of Yanzhou, Cao Cao ordered Dian Wei, Xu Chu and Xiahou brothers to fight together, and then defeated Lu Bu.

Even if it is defeated, it is unscathed.

Lu Bu despises the heroes of the world, so naturally he has his capital.

It is normal for Dian Wei to be unable to fight alone.

How could Guo Jia blame him?

Guo Jia's eyes fell on the formation again.

In the Three Kingdoms, there are many generals who can compete with Lu Bu, but very few are close to him.

Only Zhao Yun and Ma Chao in the mid-term are somewhat close.

In the battle of Changbanpo, Zhao Yun killed fifty generals of Cao Ying, including the famous general Gao Lan.

That's a person who can't win or lose with Xu Chuzhan.

Ma Chao was invincible in Xiliang with a long spear. In the battle of Weishui, Cao Cao cut off his beard and discarded his robe, and was praised by Cao Cao as not diminishing the courage of Lu Bu back then.

Now that Zhao Yun was right in front of him, Guo Jia eagerly wanted to know how far the current Zhao Yun was from Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's battle is over, but Cao Xing is not reconciled, swish swish swish swish!

Five arrows shot out in succession, reaching the opponent's Yang Fan.

Here Yang Fan is also unambiguous, and he shoots five arrows with a wave of his hand.

The ten feathered arrows fired by the two collided with each other and fell to the ground.

Good guy!
People on both sides were dumbfounded.

Such a sharp shot is extremely rare!

Cao Xing got on his horse, changed his bow and galloped towards the formation.

Not to be outdone, Yang Fan also changed his riding bow and came up to meet him.

The two didn't bring any weapons, but only a bow and a pot of arrows, and they shot at each other like this.

For a while, arrows flew back and forth in the formation, and the two of them fought very happily.

Soon both of their arrows were empty, so they had to ride their horses to pick up the empty arrows of the other to fight back.

In this way, the two sides compete not only in archery, but also in riding.

Lu Bu went to battle, and he was sure to win one thing. Now that Dian Wei killed two Zepao under his nose, he felt quite uncomfortable.

Seeing the lively fight between Cao and Yang Fan, I couldn't help picking up the hard bow.

With a whoosh, an arrow was shot.

Lu Bu's strength is infinite, and his bow and arrow are also specially made.

At this time, Yang Fan was entangled with his opponent Cao Xing, how could he care about Lu Bu's sneak attack?

What kind of person is Lu Bu?Once it is shot, it will be earth-shattering.

The arrow was as fast as lightning, and it was about to fall on Yang Fan's body.


At the critical moment, a silver spear stretched out and blocked the arrow. It was Zhao Yun.

This arrow is so powerful!

Even though Zhao Yun blocked it with his spear, the spear was buzzing and his arms were numb.

Yang Fan also broke out in a cold sweat.

"Thank you, Chief, for saving your life."

back off!

Zhao Yun said lightly.

Yang Fan nodded.

He already knew how powerful Lu Bu was, and he knew that cavalry and archery were no match for him, so he immediately retreated to the main formation.

"The thief will leave!"

Here Cao Xing chased after him reluctantly.

Zhao Yun snorted, rode his horse and rushed up, the two of them had just joined forces, Cao Xing was picked off by Zhao Yun.

not good!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Wei Xu and Hou Cheng in Ding Yuan's formation rushed out. One came to fight Zhao Yun, and the other came to rescue Cao Xing.

Zhao Yun was also refreshed, and rode his horse to meet him.

Wei Xu and Hou Chengshuang fought against Zhao Yun, but still couldn't get any cheap, and were stabbed twice by Zhao Yun and fell off the horse.

Bingzhou Army gasped again.

Ding Yuan also felt his scalp tingle.

Of the seven generals under his tent, except for Lu Bu and Gao Shun who commanded the army, there were no one left standing.

There were only three generals in the Bingzhou Army.

If this continues, won't morale be gone?

Ding Yuan's face sank, and he said: "If you serve my son first, if you don't kill the general and stand up, when will you wait?"

After hearing Ding Yuan's words, Lu Bu applauded and came over!

Seeing Lu Bu coming, Zhao Yun ignored the three Bingzhou generals who fell to the ground. In his eyes, these three people were just like ants, and it didn't make sense to kill them or not.

Lu Bu is the number one enemy!

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and rode his horse to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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