Chapter 351 Top Battle

The two riders passed by like a gust of wind, and each let out a long hiss!
The two figures disappeared in an instant.

Fang Tian drew a halberd, and the bright silver spear drew a beautiful arc.

The moment the two horses crossed each other, the weapons in their hands suddenly turned into countless lights and shadows.

Everyone suddenly felt dazzled.

With a ding, the two staggered again.

it is good!
Dian Wei, who was at the side of the formation, couldn't help but shouted.

The moment the two fought, they had already dismantled more than a dozen moves.Because the speed was too fast, it made a beep.

The fourth disciple Long is a technical acceleration type, and the bright silver gun is as fast as lightning. Looking at the entire Yunzhou, only the third brother Zhang Fei can resist it.

But at that moment just now, Lu Bu actually blocked them all, and he was able to do so with ease.

This guy is not only powerful, but also extraordinary in technique and speed.

Zilong has met his opponent!
Zhao Yun's spirit was shaken, and he rode his horse and rushed over again.

Lu Bu was very surprised.

No wonder the Huns that the Yunzhou Army was able to fight were looking for teeth all over the place. It turns out that there are some real materials.

The ugly ghost before was just a little worse than himself.

Although the strength of this young silver gun general is not as strong as that ugly ghost, his riding skills are far superior to it.

I'm afraid it won't work if you want to rely on horsepower to win.

"Take me another shot!"

Zhao Yun turned his horse's head and rushed towards him like a gust of wind.

Lu Bu didn't dare to neglect, he also turned his horse's head and rushed over.

Zhao Yun's riding skills were not inferior to his, and Lu Bu didn't dare to push him too hard, so he had to run up step by step.

Ping Pong Pong!

The two fought again!

The bright silver gun met Fang Tian's painted halberd, just like meeting opponents in chess, meeting a good talent, and a battle between dragons and tigers was set off.

The halberd danced, setting off a bloody storm, sometimes like thunder and lightning, sometimes like a torrential rain and strong wind.

The silver gun was shining like a thunderbolt, sometimes like a dragon wagging its tail, sometimes like a tiger descending the mountain.

A halberd is like a tiger, and a silver spear is like a dragon!
Sometimes the tiger sits on the dragon's plate, and sometimes the dragon sings and the tiger roars.

Sometimes the east wind overwhelms the west wind, and sometimes the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

The two had already fought inextricably, and no one could see the outcome.

The two sides watching the battle are all intoxicated.

good good!
Dian Weizhi burst into tears with excitement, wishing he could go up and fight again, so as to relieve the eager blood in his body.

Unfortunately, he also knows his own shortcomings.

Fighting immediately, he is indeed no match for Lu Bu.

Fourth brother, you have to fight for your elder brother!
Dian Wei muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on the battlefield.

Right now, he can only pin his hopes on Zhao Yun.

I hope this sworn brother can win a round for himself.


"It seems that Elai Yunzhou's number one position will be given to General Zilong!"

Xu Shu laughed.

Dian Wei has always been the number one general in Yunzhou.

At present, Lu Bu's martial arts is slightly higher than Dian Wei's, but he can only fight Zhao Yun to a tie.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled and didn't speak.

His eyes were fixed on the field, but there was some worry on his face.

Both Lu Bu and Zhao Yun are the top generals of the Three Kingdoms.

According to the plot, both Zhao Yun and Ma Chao are slightly lower than Lu Bu.

But at this moment, Lu Bu does not have the spirit of Hulaoguan to monopolize the eighteen princes, and his bravery is only in Bingzhou.

Zhao Yun, however, followed Guo Jia through many battles and walked out of Xinshou Village ahead of schedule.

The two fought today, it's really hard to say who will win?

Yunzhou's side was elated, but Bingzhou Army's side was a bit unhappy.

Ding Yuan looked at the field with an angry face.

In his eyes, Lu Bu has always been an invincible existence. As long as he plays, any enemy will be wiped out.

Lu Bu has always been Ding Yuan's biggest reliance.

But today the Yunzhou Army taught him a lesson.

First, an ugly big man fought with Lu Bu evenly, and then a young silver spear fought with Lu Bu.

Where did this bastard, Guo Jia, get so many strong generals? How could anyone who came out at random be able to make two moves against Lu Bu, the strongest in the Bingzhou Army?
What disappointed Ding Yuan even more was that five of the six generals in Bingzhou had been killed or injured, and there was not even a single casualty in Yunzhou.

Ding Yuan became a little impatient.

"Lu Bu, what are you doing? Don't behead generals and make meritorious service, come back and do military law!"

After losing several times in a row, he was already a little bit annoyed.

Lord Inspector can't do it!

Gao Shun on the side hurriedly said: "This general named Zhao Yun is proficient in marksmanship and riding skills, and his strength is not weaker than that of the master. The master has been fighting fiercely, and his strength is already a little insufficient. If you urge me any more, I'm afraid it will have a counterproductive effect." .”

Sure enough, when Lu Bu heard Ding Yuan's words, he felt a little anxious.

He is known as the invincible god of war, but now he can't take down two generals from Bingzhou. This title really doesn't live up to the name.

That ugly ghost ran away as well, and the young silver gun general in front of him had to take down whatever he said, otherwise Ding Yuan's side would be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Lu Bu shouted loudly, and with a change of his halberd, he opened and closed like a thunderstorm, and the momentum was astonishing.

This is Lu Bu's bottom-pressing ability-the wind and thunder halberd technique!
Good trick!
Zhao Yun's eyes lit up.

Lu Bu is the strongest general Zhao Yun has encountered since his debut.

This person combines strength, technology, speed, and riding skills. His strength is comparable to that of Dianwei Xu Chu, and his speed skills and riding skills are on par with him. He can be regarded as a perfect general.

But this is not enough, he should have other bright spots.

Although the two had been fighting to a tie, Zhao Yun always felt that Lu Bu had some shortcomings.

When this wind and thunder halberd method was used, Zhao Yun knew that his judgment was right.

Lu Bu also has the same super explosive power as his second brother Guan Yu.

This wind and thunder halberd technique is Lu Bu's most explosive move.

Brush brush!
Like lightning and thunder, the long halberd attacked Zhao Yun like a storm.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, deployed the Coiled Snake Spear, and carefully defended.

Hard can't be long, soft can't be kept!
Zhao Yun has fought Guan Yu many times, and he has seen Guan Erye's explosive power for a long time, and he also knows that as long as this wave of crazy attacks is blocked, he will be able to seize the initiative in the future.

In many competitions, Zhao Yun used this move to break Guan Yu's fierce offensive.

The Yunzhou Army immediately gasped.

Dian Wei also opened his mouth wide.

At this moment, Lu Bu looks like a god, his halberd is like lightning and thunder, dark clouds cover snow, and strong winds are raging.

Zhao Yun in the arena is like a flat boat, shaking in the rough sea.

Although it may seem dangerous, it is still standing.

Is this the true strength of Lu Bu?
Cold sweat broke out on Dian Wei's back.

When Lu Bu was fighting with him earlier, could he block it with this move?
the answer is negative.

If it is a foot battle, Dian Wei can calmly defuse the opponent's attack by virtue of his steps and the characteristics of two-handed weapons.

If you are on the horse, you can only block it hard.


A bit of bitterness flickered at the corner of Dian Wei's mouth.

Even if he can stop it by himself, what about the horse under his crotch?
He is not good at equestrianism, he must not be able to guard his own horse.

If you don't have a horse in a riding battle, you've already lost!
(End of this chapter)

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