Chapter 352 A Great Victory
The torrential rain raged, and the wind howled.

The storm will eventually pass.

Soon, Lu Bu was a little lacking in strength.

This wind and thunder halberd method requires a lot of physical strength, and he had already consumed a lot during the previous battle with Dian Wei.

Now that the wind and thunder halberd technique has been used, there are very few left.

But what made him desperate was that the opponent withstood this wave of crazy attacks.

This is Lu Bu's first feeling!

Normally, he would still be able to continue fighting with his superb martial arts, and slowly recover with his horsepower skills.

But this time it won't work, because the person in front of him is of the same type as him.

This young silver gun will definitely not let himself have a chance to breathe.

He, Lu Bu, is the invincible god of war, how can he retreat without a fight in a single duel?

Lu Bu's movements suddenly slowed down.

This is an irreversible flaw in the eyes of speed-type opponents!

Zhao Yun's eyes flashed, and the spear stabbed at Lu Bu like a poisonous snake!
Dormant for so long.

This was the moment he had been waiting for.


The tip of the spear pierced Lv Bu's left shoulder. Lv Bu staggered, and the halberd rested on Zhao Yun's spear, and cut down along the barrel of the spear.

If Zhao Yun continued to stab, he would be able to penetrate Lu Bu, but in that case, his opponent would cut off his ten fingers.

If the opponent's shoulders are pierced, he still has the strength to fight again. If his hands are crippled, he may also die.

Zhao Yun made a decisive decision, dropped the spear with both hands, and drew out the saber to prevent the opponent from chasing him.

Lu Bu didn't chase after him either, but picked up Zhao Yun's bright silver spear, turned around and retreated to his own army.

Zhao Yun just secretly said it's a pity, he didn't have a weapon, so he didn't dare to rush after him.

oh oh oh!
The morale of the Yunzhou army was greatly boosted.

"General Zilong is mighty, but Lu Bu ran away with his tail between his legs! Hahahaha!"

"What are you talking about Bingzhou God of War, bullshit, first he was beaten so hard by General Dianwei that he couldn't fight back, and then he was beaten so badly by General Zilong. God of War, you blow it out!"

"It's so useless, why don't you just go home and nurse the child!"

The Yunzhou army cheered loudly.

He returned the words that Lu Bu had insulted Guo Jia back then.

The Bingzhou Army was lackluster, especially Lu Bu was unwilling to lose this battle.

"Nonsense, although our General Fengxian was injured a little bit, he took away the opponent's weapon. A weapon is life. Your side has already lost!"

"That's right, General Lu is one against two, and it's an honor to be defeated. If you are capable, you two will fight one-on-one? Let's see who dies faster!"

"The God of War is invincible, General Lu has never been defeated!"

Everyone excused Lv Bu one by one.


The Yunzhou army was furious.

"What is one against two? It's obvious that our side is two against five, okay? We only played two people, one tied and one won, and you played five people. Except for Lu Bu who ran fast, the rest were lying down."

"You bastard, who's lying down? If that Dian Wei hadn't run so fast, he would have been General Lu's ghost long ago! Dian Wei must have escaped quickly."

"The strong words are unreasonable, it is obvious that Lu Bu escaped quickly!"

"It was Dian Wei who escaped quickly!"

"What the hell, are you talking nonsense and want to fight?"

"Fight and fight, we Bingzhou Army haven't been afraid of anyone?"

The commanders-in-chief of both sides gave orders, and all the soldiers could only open their mouths.

Ding Ding Ding!
The coaches of both sides unanimously called out to retreat.

After a fierce fight, the sky was already dark, so naturally it was impossible to fight any more.

Only then did the soldiers stop talking bitterly, and went back to their homes, looking for their mothers!

As soon as Zhao Yun returned to the city, he was embraced like a moon by all the soldiers and stars.


Dian Wei flew to Zhao Yun's side and gave him a bear hug.

"Good brother, good skills. I really gave my brother a sigh of relief. From now on, the title of No. [-] in Yunzhou will be yours. Whoever dares to refuse, brother, I will be the first to refuse!"

He was defeated by Lu Bu, so he was naturally resentful.

Now Zhao Yun showed his supernatural power and stabbed Lu Bu, which made Dian Wei very happy.

"Brother, take it easy!"

Zhao Yun grinned.

You must know that he just fought with Lu Bu.

Lu Bu is the most powerful person Zhao Yun has encountered so far. In order to be able to win, Zhao Yun also tried his best.

Now that I got off the horse, I didn't feel anything at first, but being hugged by Dian Wei almost hurt my bones.

Fourth brother!

Dian Wei was also taken aback, and said concerned: "Are you not injured?"

He has fought against Lu Bu and knows how powerful Lu Bu is.

Zhao Yun shook his head with a wry smile.

He wasn't hurt, but he was in severe pain all over his body.

"Come on, call the military doctor quickly!"

Dian Wei roared loudly.

No need!
Zhao Yun waved his hand and walked towards the Zhongjun.

He still wants to come back and give orders to the Lord!
In front of the big tent of the Chinese army!

Guo Jia and Xu Shu came out early to welcome them.

"Congratulations, General Zilong!"

Xu Shu came to Zhao Yun with a smile.

"In today's battle, General Zilong will become famous all over the world."

Lu Bu in Bingzhou is not an unknown person. Zhao Yun's defeat of Lu Bu will be very beneficial to his future reputation.

The military division is overrated!
Zhao Yun clasped his fists together and said shamelessly, "This time it was just a fluke. In fact, my subordinates are not Lu Bu's opponents."

Xu Shu was slightly surprised.

His martial arts are at best second-rate, and it's normal not to see the gap between generals of Zhao Yun's level.

"When Lu Bu fought with me, he had already fought a fierce battle with his elder brother Dian Wei. Although the eldest brother Dian Wei was not good at riding, his strength was astonishing, and he had consumed a lot of Lu Bu's strength. In fact, I had already taken advantage of it. "

Zhao Yun said respectfully.

That's it!

Xu Shu nodded.

Dian Wei also smiled happily.

That means, look, So-and-so is not without contributions.

Now he is proud of his brother Zhao Yun.

"In any case, General Zilong won in the end."

Xu Shu said with a twisted beard.

The process is not important, the important thing is the result.

No matter how you fight, as long as you win, this is victory.

Do not!
Zhao Yun shook his head.

"This time, I didn't win! Lu Bu didn't lose either. He deliberately let me stab me in the shoulder."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even Dian Wei was a little puzzled.

Who in this world deliberately let the enemy hurt their own people?

It doesn't make sense!

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and said slowly: "This Lu Bu is very powerful. He knows that if he fights again, he will definitely lose, but he doesn't want to just retreat like this. That's why he used the bitter trick to take my shot. In fact, this is also a trap. I Although that shot stabbed him, it was hindered by the armor, at most it was only a skin trauma, which did not affect his combat effectiveness at all. At that time, I could also pierce his shoulder with all my strength, but I had to risk my hands and ten fingers being injured. The danger of cutting it off. When he found out that I didn't really want to kill him, did he retreat calmly? If I really wanted to kill him, I believe he would have the means to fight back with all his strength. "

(End of this chapter)

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