Chapter 353 Wordless Ending
Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, there are so many hidden secrets in the moment when the two fight against each other.

From this point of view, Lu Bu is not a simple person.


Dian Wei scratched his head.

"Since he already has the intention of retreating, why would he be willing to take a shot from you? Can't he just sell his flaws and run away?"

Run away if you can't fight, this is also the common sense of generals.

After all, fighting generals is just a way to improve morale, and it has not risen to the height of the decisive victory of the battle.

"He can't afford to lose!"

Guo Jia smiled.

"Lü Bu is the soul of the Bingzhou army. Once Lv Bu loses, the Bingzhou army will definitely be devastated. Therefore, he would rather get injured and seize Zilong's weapons and have an ambiguous ending than retreat in defeat."

That's it!

Everyone suddenly realized again.

Lu Bu is as important to Bingzhou as Guo Jia is to Yunzhou.

The Bingzhou Army regards Lu Bu as the god of war, and the god of war is naturally invincible, especially when he is fighting generals, so he would rather lose and suffer than retreat.

In fact, there is another layer that Guo Jia did not explicitly mention.

That is the relationship between the two.

The reason Lu Bu was willing to be shot by Zhao Yun was because he was afraid of going back and being punished.

It seems that the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lu Bu is not so stable.

No wonder later Dong Zhuoxu was able to bribe Lu Bu to assassinate Ding Yuan with his high-ranking officials and rich salary.

Root, I'm afraid it's still here!
"My lord's analysis is!"

Zhao Yun sincerely praised.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was still so modest and cautious, Guo Jia felt relieved.

Winning without arrogance and losing without being discouraged, this is Zhao Yun.

Only in this way can there be unlimited possibilities for growth.

There may be only a thin line between Zhao Yun and Lu Bu now, but Zhao Yun will definitely be able to catch up in the future.

very good!

Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

"Today, Elai and Zilong have made great achievements in beheading generals. The military adviser and I will record them. Next, we will celebrate the two of you."

it is good!
The crowd cheered in unison!

Occupying the geographical advantage of Wen County, they are naturally not afraid of the surprise attack by Ding Yuan and others. Besides, Lu Bu and the others are newly defeated, and the morale of the Bingzhou Army is low, so they will not choose to sneak attack at this time.

Even so, Yu Jin, who was in charge of guarding, was still very cautious and patrolled frequently to prevent the enemy from sneaking in.


Compared with the elation of the Yunzhou army, the Bingzhou army camp is a bit dull.

Ding Yuan was even more restless.

In today's battle, two of the six generals died, and three were injured, losing their combat effectiveness for a short time.

Lu Bu, whom he had placed high hopes on, only came back after two draws, and he was injured a little bit.

"No reason!"

The more Ding Yuan thought about it, the more angry he became, he slammed the table.

"It takes a thousand days to raise a soldier. Usually, you all boast higher than the sky. Today, when you really need you to give Lieutenant Ben a face, you have suffered a complete defeat. What use is it for me to raise you trash?"

Under the tent, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, and Cao Xing were all wounded and shook their heads.

In fact, it's not their fault, but the two members of the Yunzhou Army are too strong.

Both of them can draw with Lu Bu, how can they be their opponents at this level?

It would be nice to be able to come back alive, Cheng Lian and Song Xian's corpses will be cold right now.

Ding Yuan was even angrier when he saw that his subordinates did not speak.

"Someone will pull these three people out and beat them with twenty army sticks!"

The three were startled.

They were stabbed by Zhao Yun. Although they missed the point, they also lost a lot of blood, and they were very weak at the moment.

If he was really hit with twenty army sticks, he might really die.

"Lord Inspector, calm down!"

Gao Shun on the side hurriedly said: "Although the three of them have no merit, they all tried their best. The enemy is really too strong, and they must be able to resist."

Gao Shun is a kind person, seeing that the three were about to be punished, he immediately jumped out to beg for mercy.

Military law is unforgiving!
Ding Yuan didn't change his face and said: "If everyone like them loses the battle and comes back without punishment, then who will fight desperately on the battlefield in the future?"


Gao Shun was also speechless for a moment.

It's just a fighting general, how come it has risen to military law.

Isn't it stupid to fight to the death knowing that you are invincible?
Gao Shun is the law enforcement officer in the army. Since Ding Yuan insists on going his own way, Gao Shun has no choice.

However, he also made up his mind that even if it was a fight, he would order his subordinates to strike softly.

These three are already the only remaining generals in Bingzhou. If they are disabled, how should we fight in future battles?
Just then, a tall figure walked in!

No foster father!

It was Lu Bu, who also bandaged him at this moment, and when he heard that Ding Yuan was going to beat Cao Xing and others, he immediately came to intercede.

"You want to intercede for them?"

Ding Yuanhu asked with a straight face.

Lu Bu nodded, and said in a low voice: "Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. If we fight again tomorrow, my son will definitely make a contribution!"

Although he was injured, his martial arts skills were not seriously affected.

If we fight again tomorrow, we will definitely give the Yunzhou Army a good look.

Ding Yuan sneered.

"You didn't do well in both games today, so why are you talking about winning? If you weren't injured today, you would have to be punished along with them."

The corners of Lu Bu's mouth twitched, but he continued to persuade: "Father, calm down, the three of them were seriously injured, and they really couldn't bear twenty army sticks. Well, my son is willing to bear these army sticks for them!"

Saying prostration to the ground.

General can't!
Hou Cheng, Wei Xu and Cao Xing cried out and knelt down in front of Ding Yuan.

"Lord Inspector, we are willing to be punished, and please forgive General Lu's punishment. General Lu is the hope of our Bingzhou Army!"

It's fine if they don't talk about it, but Ding Yuan is even angrier when they talk about it.

When did Lu Bu become the hope of the Bingzhou Army?
He is just a knife in Ding Yuan's hand.

Ding Yuan is the master of the Bingzhou Army.

Seeing Lu Bu being so supported, Ding Yuan was even angrier.

Ding Yuan said: "Lu Bu, you are here to blackmail me. Don't forget, I gave everything to you. If I can give it to you, I can take it back! Without me, Ding Yuan, you are still at the border. Where's your chief soldier?"

Then he waved his hand and said, "Since that's the case, this assassin will fulfill you. Come and execute the execution. Hou Cheng, Cao Xing, and Wei Xu are not effective in fighting, and each will be given [-] military sticks. Lu Bu is not good at commanding, so they will be given [-] military sticks!"

A flash of resentment flashed in Lu Bu's eyes, and he soon became submissive again.

"The subordinate is guilty!"

Then lay on the ground!
Gao Shun's eyes twitched.

Even he felt that Ding Yuan had mishandled it a bit.

However, the military order was difficult, so he could only silently pick up the military order and drag the four of them out.

Soon, bang bang bang, the sound of the stick falling on the buttocks sounded.

Ding Yuan said angrily, "Hit hard! Gao Shun, do you want to be punished too?"

Hearing this, Gao Shun knew that he couldn't show mercy, so he could only whisper: "I'm sorry everyone!"

Then he signaled his subordinates to exert force.

The screams of the three immediately resounded in the barracks, only Lu Bu remained silent, and a cold light flashed in his eyes long ago!
Mr. Ding Yuan, you wait for me!

(End of this chapter)

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