Chapter 354 Escape

In the middle of the night, a group of men in black suddenly touched the city wall.

With a whoosh, the leader threw a hook lock onto the top of the city wall.

He tugged hard and found that it was very strong, then he climbed up silently.

Lean less!
More than a dozen people climbed up to the top of the city one after another.


The Yunzhou sergeant guarding the city noticed it immediately.

The man in black threw out a dagger, and the guard immediately fell to the ground and died.

However, it still aroused the vigilance of the sergeants.

"There are spies!"

A general shouted, the torch was lit, and the brigade rushed over.

In order to prevent sneak attacks, Yu Jin asked his men to take strict precautions.

not good!

The leading man in black was a little flustered.

He hurriedly escorted a young man to the outer wall.

"Eldest young master, take the young masters with you first. We will take care of this place."

He said without any explanation and let the rope down.

The young man was Sima Lang. After Guo Jia visited Sima's house during the day, the young master felt something was wrong, so he organized his family to escape that night.

However, the arrival of the Bingzhou Army made Wen County extremely tense, and all the city defenses fell into the hands of the Yunzhou Army, making it difficult to get out of the city.

Wen County couldn't stay for long, Sima Lang had already seen Guo Jia's murderous intentions, so he made a decisive decision, and secretly fell into the city at night and left.

It's just that he never expected that he would be spotted by patrolling guards as soon as he climbed onto the city wall.

"Don't let the spy go!"

The Yunzhou army shouted loudly and rushed over.

The men in black immediately launched an attack, and many sergeants were plotted against.

"Eldest young master, let's go!"

The leader of the men in black shouted anxiously.

Sima Lang gritted his teeth and drew out his long sword.

"Zhongda, you take your younger brothers and go first, the one who can go counts as one, I left behind cover!"

Zhong Da was Sima Yi, he just hesitated for a moment, and slipped down the city wall first.

After Sima Yi fell down the city wall, he quickly disappeared into the darkness.

This person is clean and neat, without any sloppy.

Sima Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and covered the others to leave.

"What's going on, what's going on!"

Yu Jin led people to the city in person. In order to prevent the Bingzhou army from attacking, he didn't even take off his armor. When he heard the movement, he brought his personal guards to catch up.

"Report to Captain Captain that someone has secretly climbed the wall and left the city."

Said a strong man.

This person was Zhou Cang, who stayed in the Yunzhou Army after being subdued by Guo Jia.

Originally Zhou Cang did not intend to surrender, but after some persuasion by Zhang Ning, Zhou Cang no longer insisted.

The Yellow Turban is over, the saint is also Guo Jia's woman, and he, the rest of the Yellow Turban, naturally has no need to insist.

Zhou Cang has the talent of a commander, and under Zhang Bao's command, he is able to take charge on his own. Now he has become Yu Jin's deputy, commanding a part of the Polu Army.

"Catch 'em, don't let 'em get away!"

Yu Jin snorted and hurried over with his troops.

No matter who it is, it is strange to leave the city at this time, and Yu Jin, who is in charge of defending the city, naturally cannot let it go.

"Brothers, block, block!"

Sima Lang shouted loudly, and the men in black under him resisted desperately. They were very brave and caused considerable damage to the Yunzhou army defending the city.

But they were too few in number, and were soon surrounded by the Yunzhou army.

Boom boom boom!
As the elite heavy armored infantry of the Polu Army arrived, the man in black was completely suppressed.

Out of the dozen or so men in black, there are only three or five left.

Young Master!
The leader in black took a step back and said, "Go quickly, I'll take the last step!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but push Sima Lang down the city.

Sima Lang had no choice but to slide down the city!

"It's not that easy to leave!"

Yu Jin let out a cold cry, and quickly bent his bow and set his arrow.

An arrow shot out, piercing Sima Lang's thigh immediately!
Sima Lang let out a scream and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Young Master!
The leader in black screamed.

"I fought for you!"

He rushed towards Yu Jin with the remaining three men in black.

Whoosh whoosh!
Yu Jin shot three arrows in a row, nailing the three of them to the ground.


He snorted and said, "Catch the three of them and interrogate them severely!"

In order to keep alive, Yu Jin deliberately avoided the vital point.

The guards of the Polu Army immediately rushed forward, trying to restrain the three of them.


The leader in black suddenly let out a long laugh.

"Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, everything will cease, and only the Tao will last forever!"

As he spoke, he waved the long sword, and his head fell to the ground!

The two men who followed him committed suicide.

Not only that, the people on the ground who were able to move also used their own weapons to kill themselves. Even if they were immobile, they bit something, vomited blood and died. After a while, no one survived.


Zhou Cang froze for a moment.

As the leader of the Yellow Turban Army, he was also used to seeing tragic things.

But such a strange tragedy also made him feel a little terrified.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Yu Jin put down his bow and arrow, and his gaze fell to the city.

"There's still someone alive there, go and invite him up!"

Several soldiers lowered the rope ladder and tied up Sima Lang who fell unconscious.

Soon, Yu Jin escorted Sima Lang to Guo Jia.



Guo Jia looked at the gloomy Sima Lang in surprise.

"Isn't this the young master of the Sima family?"

he said with a smile.

"What's the matter, what's the young master doing playing over the wall?"

It is said that after a tiring journey and finally settled down, Guo Jia couldn't help but attack Cai Meimei.

It is said that he endured very hard during this time.

Cai Meimei was originally dissatisfied with the situation, but today the Yunzhou Army won a complete victory, so in order to reward Guo Jia, she agreed with half-push and half-heartedly.

Naturally, this dry wood is on fire at one point.

Guo Jia practiced Zuo Ci's intercourse technique, and he got rid of hidden diseases, and now he is even more powerful.The two had a turmoil for a while, Cai Meimei begged for mercy, Guo Jia naturally wouldn't agree, so he wanted to score twice, at this moment Yu Jin came in with the captives.

Guo Jia was naturally upset that the good thing was interrupted. When he saw the person coming, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

It was actually Sima Lang who had met once during the day!
Sima Lang looked very tired and just stared at him without saying a word.

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and walked a few steps with his hands behind his back.

"I said Young Master Sima, I just went to check on your house, so you wouldn't run away in fright. Did I engrave the word "bad guy" on my forehead?"

Sima Lang remained silent, but looked at Guo Jia angrily.

In fact, he didn't know why, when he saw Guo Jia, he felt chills in his heart, and wished he could run away immediately.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia's smile cooled down.

"Where is Sima Yi hiding?"

Although he didn't know what Sima Lang was running for, he already noticed that he passed Sima Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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