Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 355 The Sima Family's Secret

Chapter 355 The Sima Family's Secret
Sima Lang remained silent.

Guo Jia was a little puzzled.

The trouble to find Sima Yi by himself was just a whim when he passed by Wen County. How could this Sima Lang run away that night?
Could it be that he would have the foresight and know that he is here to ask for trouble?
Not right!

Even if he knew he was looking for trouble, he wouldn't run away immediately. Did he guess that Guo Jia was going to kill Sima Yi?

Guo Jia suddenly grabbed Sima Lang's hair, and said word by word: "What the hell is going on with your Sima family?"

Sima Lang snorted and closed his eyes.

This person was also very stubborn, with a hole pierced in his thigh, but he didn't say a word.

For this diehard, Guo Jia has nothing to do.


Guo Jia stood up and said, "Go to Sima's house and do a search!"


Dian Wei is fully clothed.

"It's ready!"

Guo Jia nodded, and led everyone to the compound of Sima's family.

At this moment, the compound is almost empty.

Guo Jia waved his hand!

The tiger guards under him broke open the gate and broke in.

The courtyard of Sima's house is very large, with three entrances and three exits, as well as an attic garden, which can be regarded as the home of a rich man.

"Report, there is nothing found in the east chamber!"

"Report, there is nothing found in the west wing!"

"Report, nothing was found in the main room!"


With squads of soldiers returning.

A burst of doubt flashed across Guo Jia's face again.

On the other hand, Sima Lang looked relaxed, but he still didn't say a word.

Ha ha!

There must be ghosts!
Guo Jia already had doubts in his heart.

After finding nothing in the front yard, Guo Jia led his men down to the backyard.

The backyard is very desolate, only three dilapidated thatched cottages.

The thatched cottage is very weird, there are no doors and windows, only a few curtains cover it, and there are many rows on it.

"here it is……"

Guo Jia was puzzled.

"My lord!"

Zhou Cang said in a low voice: "This is the ancestral hall. It is a ancestral hall specially built by rich people for the ancestors. Every first and fifteenth day, the whole family worships."

He was well-informed and recognized the building.

Ancestral hall!

Guo Jia strolled into the ancestral hall.

Sima Rangju!

Seeing the first rank on the ancestral hall, Guo Jia was taken aback.

Sima Rangju, formerly known as Tian Rangju, was a native of Qi State in the late Spring and Autumn Period. He was a descendant of Tian Wan and a branch of the Qitian family.

Tian Rangju is a famous military strategist following Jiang Shang. He once led the Qi army to repel the invading army of Jin and Yan.Later, because Qi Jinggong listened to the slander, Tian Rangju was deposed, and died of depression soon after.Due to the long history, his deeds are not spread much, but his military thought has a great influence.

It can be said that this is a figure at the level of the originator of the military family, and also the ancestor of the Sima family.

It turns out that the ancestors of the Sima family were actually members of the military family.

Guo Jia wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen the memorial tablet of the Sima family with his own eyes.

Soon Guo Jia was frightened by the second memorial tablet.

Because there are two words Sun Wu written on the second tablet impressively!

What does the Sima family enshrine Sun Wu's tablet?
What is this with what?
Guo Jia's mind suddenly became a little messed up!
When he saw the word Sun Bin, he became completely hysterical.

Don't even face it!

Sun Wu and Sun Bin are surnamed Sun. What does the Sima family enshrine these two?
Get hot?

There are some reasons to say that the Sima family enshrined Sima Rangju, because they were their ancestors.

But it's a little unreasonable for them to enshrine Grandpa Sun Wu.

Who doesn't know that Sun Wu and Sun Bin are famous military strategists, and the Sima family actually enshrined these two people in their ancestral hall. I am afraid that they are crazy to want to be famous.

"Young Master Sima, what do you mean by enshrining Grandfather Sun Wu? Could it be that the one named Sun is also your ancestor?"

Guo Jiale is here!

Frog in the well!

Sima Lang sneered.

"The ancestor of our Sima family, Sima Rangju, is a branch of the Tian family, and Sun Wu is also a branch of the Tian family. Both families have the same blood. The Sun family is the Sima family, and the Sima family is the Sun family!"

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded.

This was the first time he had heard that Sima Rangju, Sun Wu, and Sun Bin, the most powerful figures in the military family, all came from the same origin.


Guo Jia frowned again.

The Sima family enshrines all the figures of the military family. Are they the descendants of the military family?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia's heart trembled.

"Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent!"

When those men in black died, they said such a sentence.

This sentence comes from the Art of War.

"My lord, I found a coffin!"

A soldier shouted loudly.


Guo Jia's spirit was shaken, and he came to the back of the ranking.

"Whoever put the coffin in his own backyard is really suspicious, open it for me!"

A panic flashed across Sima Lang's face.

"Guo Jia, this is the ancestral hall of our Sima family. Our Sima family is also a big family in Hanoi. How dare you be so presumptuous? My father is also an imperial court official. By doing this, you are making an enemy of the Sima family in Hanoi? A hundred thousand Sima children will not Let you go."


Guo Jia suddenly laughed out loud.

The young master of the Sima family is still too young. If he had acted more calmly, he might not have searched the Sima family's ancestral hall.

But since Sima Lang was in a mess, Guo Jia would not be polite.

"Come on, since the young master of the Sima family said it, let's search more carefully. Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we must find something."

Guo Jia!

Sima Lang almost passed out.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

The Tiger Guards began to search Sima's ancestral hall.

These people are rough people, and naturally they don't know how to respect the old and love the young, and they made the entire Sima Ancestral Hall a mess.

Anyway, Master Zhou Mu said, digging three feet will find something, if you don’t find something, you will be sorry to Master Zhou Mu!

The coffin is torn apart, how can it be the opponent of the wolf-like Tiger Guards?
"Report to the lord, a secret passage was found under the coffin!"

Dian Wei said excitedly.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

The Sima family is really not simple.

"Go and search!"

He turned his head and glanced at Sima Lang, who had passed out.

Dian Wei responded, and walked into the secret passage fully armed.

It took a while before his voice came out.

"My lord, come down, is it spacious inside?"

Hearing this, Guo Jia walked in with a group of subordinates.

Walking into the secret passage, I suddenly became enlightened. It turns out that there is a hidden cave inside.

A huge secret room appeared in front of Guo Jia.

The Tiger Guards found the lighting lamp and lit it on, revealing the true face of the whole secret room.

Guo Jia looked around for a while, and found that this secret room was much larger than the building above.

How spectacular!
The secret room is divided into five parts, with a huge space in the middle and a square stone platform in the middle, on which a stone statue is enshrined.

Guo Jia walked up slowly, and suddenly found five characters on the stone statue.

Lu Gongwang, the ancestor of soldiers!
(End of this chapter)

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