Chapter 356
Lu Gongwang is Jiang Ziya. Legend has it that he became an official at the age of 70 and became the military advisor of King Wu Jifa, and finally assisted King Wu Jifa to defeat King Zhou and establish the Zhou Dynasty.

It is also recognized as the ancestor of military strategists in history!
King Wu overthrew Zhou and destroyed Shang, established the Zhou Dynasty, and divided the world.

Lu Gongwang was assigned to Qi State and became the first king of Qi State.It's a pity that the Qi State was later replaced by the Tian family, but in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, Qi State has always been a relatively powerful one among the princes.

Military strategists were also born in Qi.

In the ear room on the left, there are more than a dozen bookshelves filled with letters.

Guo Jia took out a copy at random and found that it was written about Sun Tzu's Art of War!
This is where the Sima family kept their military books.

Among them, "Wu Zi", "Sima Fa", "Six Secret Teachings", "Wei Liao Zi", and "Three Strategies" are readily available!
Having collected the most comprehensive military books, it seems that the Sima family has also wasted a lot of effort.

The ear chamber on the right is very special, it seems to be made of various terrains made of mud.

There are mountains, rivers, swamps and cities.

This should be the place where the Sima family simulated using troops.

The ear chamber on the south side has a huge space, and there are weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds inside, which seems to be a martial arts training ground.

Guo Jia picked up a dagger, waved it left and right, and found that it was very heavy.

Not only that, there are many boxes in the martial arts training ground, which are indeed bows and armors when opened.

It is perfectly possible to arm hundreds of people.

The Sima family is just a wealthy little landlord, why hide so many weapons and armor?
Their thoughts are naturally revealed.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

Lu Gongwang, Sima Rangju, Sun Wu, Sun Bin.

If he still can't guess that the Sima family is the descendant of the military family, it's too unreasonable.

He originally thought that Sima Yisheng's Lang Gu Zhixiang rebelled.

Don't you know that the Sima family is the successor of the military family, and this rebellious heart may have been there for hundreds of years.

Guo Jia was really deceived by these historical materials.

It turns out that there are indeed descendants of the hundreds of schools of thought, the former Yin Yang family, and now Sima of the military family.

Hehe, it seems that the end of the Han Dynasty is going to be lively again.

"My lord! There are still discoveries here!"

Zhou Cang's excited voice came over.

Guo Jia was shocked and walked into the last ear chamber.

The last ear chamber is not big, just a dozen boxes, the lids of which have already been opened by Zhou Cang and others.

There was a burst of dazzling golden light!

These valuable gold beads must have been used by the Sima family to prepare for the uprising.


Guo Jia waved his hand and accepted it with a smile!
Everything that the Sima family had accumulated for so many years fell into Guo Jia's hands.

The crowd cheered in unison!

Start to move the things inside.

Sima Lang woke up slowly and saw that his family's things had been divided up, but now he rolled his eyes and passed out again.



A basin of water was poured on Sima Lang's head!
Sima Lang opened his eyes and suddenly found Guo Jia's face right in front of him.

"Guo Jia, I, Sima Jia, are incompatible with you!"

he yelled hysterically.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia was holding a handful of slips, which were the military books copied from Sima's family.

"Your Sima family has committed a crime of treason by hiding bows and crossbows and armor. As long as I send these things to the court, your Sima clan will surely die without a place to bury you. How dare you threaten me now? But it’s really tiresome.”

Sima Lang said bitterly: "What good thing are you, Guo Jia? Kill the court officials and besiege the court army. If Yunzhou was not located in a remote area, you would have sent your troops into Luoyang long ago. If the crow fell on the pig, no one would say You, Guo Jia, can rebel, why can't the Sima family? It's just that the Sima family is not as blatant as you."

well said!
Guo Jia couldn't help applauding.

"I, Guo Jia, am not a loyal minister. If the imperial court dares to move Yunzhou, I will fight back. If the Huns dare to move Yunzhou, I will fight back. Needless to say, the surrounding states and counties, the officials who died in my hands are also counted. Counted. But..."

His face suddenly sank.

"I, Guo Jia, am open and aboveboard. If you fight, you will fight. If you fight, you will fight. I am not as secretive as your Sima family."

This is called forbearance!

Sima Lang sneered and said: "There is a saying in the art of war, wait for the opportunity, and kill with one blow!"

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded and said with a smile: "The military family is really good, your Sima family is the successor of the military family!"

"What did you say?"

Sima Lang's face changed slightly, but he refused to admit it.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled again.

The Sima family could hide it from others, but they couldn't hide it from him, a traveler.

It can be seen from the few characters enshrined by the Sima family, these military books and war strategies, and the Sima family's conspiracy and tricks that they are the heirs of the military family.

In the pre-Qin and early Han Dynasties in China, the school studied military theory and engaged in military activities.One of the hundred schools of thought.According to the records of "Hanshu Yiwenzhi", military strategists are divided into

The Military Academy is a school of thought that studied military theories and engaged in military activities in the pre-Qin and early Han Dynasties.

Representatives include Sun Wu and Sima Rangju in the Spring and Autumn Period, Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Wei Liao, Gongsun Yang, Zhao She, Bai Qi in the Warring States Period, Zhang Liang and Han Xin in the early Han Dynasty.

Military strategist works "Sun Tzu's Art of War", "Sun Bin's Art of War", "Wu Zi", "Six Secret Teachings", "Wei Liao Zi" and so on.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, wars broke out among the feudal lords. The wise and insightful men engaged in military affairs summed up military experience and lessons and studied the laws of victory. This type of scholars was called military strategists in ancient times.All military strategist works that discuss military affairs are called military books.

In the era of a hundred schools of thought, military strategists also called themselves a school.

However, Qin Shihuang ruled the world and ended the schools of thought. The first to be banned was the military strategist with tens of thousands of enemies.

The soldiers have since declined.

Now it seems that the military family has also survived tenaciously, and the Sima family is probably the representative of the military family.

However, whether the Sima family is a representative of the military family or not, Guo Jia is not interested.

Say it!

Guo Jia took a step forward and said word by word, "What conspiracy is the Sima family planning?"

Ever since he learned that the Sima family was the descendant of the military family, Guo Jia suddenly realized.

Why did heroes of the Three Kingdoms come forth in large numbers, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan were all considered dragons among men, and conquered such a large territory, but the country finally fell into the hands of the Sima family?
It turns out that the root is here.

Compared with the Sima family's century-old plan, the heroes of the Three Kingdoms are just a flash in the pan.

Military strategists endured for hundreds of years, and finally won the country.

Guo Jia has reason to believe that the Sima family has already started planning.

Sima Lang's face was pale, and he looked at Guo Jia in horror, like looking at a monster.

Military strategists have endured it for hundreds of years, but he never figured out how Guo Jia was aware of it.

"Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, everything will cease, and only the Tao will last forever!"

Sima Lang murmured a few words, blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

not good!

Guo Jia hastily grabbed his mouth.

It's useless!
Sima Lang laughed miserably, and said vaguely: "Guo Jia, you ruined the important affairs of our Sima family, and our Sima family will never die with you ever since!"

As he spoke, he screamed a few times, then fell to the ground and did not move.

(End of this chapter)

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