Chapter 358 Yu Jin vs Gao Shun
"Guo Jiapifu, get out with me!"

Ding Yuan fully clothed, came to the front of the battle and cursed.

Behind him, followed Lu Bu.

Although Lu Bu was injured on his shoulder, it was not serious, and it did not affect his martial arts.

Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, and Cao Xing also followed behind him. The injuries of the three were not serious, but Ding Yuan got angry, and they did not dare to stay in the camp to recuperate.

"Hey, isn't this Captain Wu Meng? Did you take Viagra today, it's so powerful?"

Guo Jia's lazy figure appeared at the top of the city.


Ding Yuan was stunned for a moment, he naturally didn't know what Viagra was, but he also knew that Guo Jia wouldn't have any good things to say.

"Guo Jia!"

Ding Yuan said angrily: "Come out quickly, the old man wants to fight you to the death today?"

Fight to the death!

After Ding Yuan spoke, the Bingzhou Army shouted in unison.

But obviously not as energetic as yesterday.

It seems that the matter of the generals has affected their morale.


The smile on Guo Jia's face remained the same, and he said, "Who is going to play today? I'm afraid Lu Bu won't be able to do it. Don't tell me there are still brave generals in your Bingzhou army?"

In one sentence, the Bingzhou Army's face was dull.

In yesterday's battle, the Bingzhou Army had six outs, two deaths and three injuries. If Lu Bu hadn't managed to tie the last match, they would have suffered a crushing defeat.

Ding Yuan's expression was also very ugly.

"Guo Jia, you and I are both commanders of the army. Fighting generals is just for entertainment, and using troops is the kingly way. Stop talking nonsense, go to battle quickly, and our grievances should be settled."

Ding Yuan was very annoyed by Guo Jia's misfortune last time, wishing he could swallow Guo Jia alive.

Now that it finally happened, he naturally wouldn't let it go.

"Ding Jianyang!"

Guo Jia sneered, and said: "I'm not talking about you, you and the state army were defeated, and you can't use soldiers like this. I advise you not to be ashamed, but hurry up and pack up and go home!"

darn thing!

Ding Yuan was furious.

"Guo Jiapifu, even if you hid in a tortoise shell, I will find you out. Gao Shun, start attacking the city!"

He ordered angrily.

Gao Shun on the side nodded and waved the command flag.

The Bingzhou army slowly set up a siege posture.

The sword and shield are in front, the spears and crossbows are behind, and the cavalry is divided into two wings.

After a day of trimming, the state army is fully prepared.

Beat the Valley!

Gao Shun ordered the flag to wave.

The twenty sides of the Chinese army beat drums.

Army ready!

Gao Shun waved the red flag!

The front army composed of sword and shield players, crossbowmen, and spearmen slowly moved forward.

The sword and shield hand in front used the large shield as a barrier to cover the spearman and crossbowman from moving forward.

Behind the crossbowmen were dozens of catapults.

This was also made overnight by the craftsmen of the Bingzhou Army.

In order to attack the city, Ding Yuan also made a lot of preparations.

Although Wen County is a large county, the city walls are also made of rammed earth, which can be completely destroyed with a catapult.

At both ends of the catapult, a group of light infantry stood. They each held a wooden plank and a ladder. The wooden plank was used as a cover, and the ladder was ready to attack the city at any time.

Wen County is just a small county, and there is no need for any large siege equipment.

Is that Gao Shun?
Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately.

Gao Shun is a general, he is highly valued by Ding Yuan, so he didn't show up yesterday.

"The ban!"

Guo Jia suddenly called out.

Subordinates are here!
Yu Jin, who was fully clothed, stood up.

Guo Jia nodded.

"The commander of the Chinese army on the opposite side is called Gao Shun. This man's ability to use troops can be called the number one in Bingzhou. In terms of ability to use troops, Wen Ze is also considered to be the number one in Yunzhou. This time, I want to see, what is it? Is Bingzhou the best? I am the best in Yunzhou!"

If possible, he really wanted to see the power of Gao Shun's trap.

It's a pity that Gao Shun hasn't formed a trap camp yet.

The lord is full of praise!
Yu Jin excitedly said: "Yunzhou is the number one in military use, and Yu Jin is ashamed. Since the lord has high hopes for his subordinates, his subordinates will definitely do their best to defeat the enemy!"

it is good!
Guo Jia clapped his hands!

"Today, I will hand over the command of the three armed forces to you. I hope that Wen Ze will never disappoint my heart."

Yu Jin fell to his knees heavily, and tremblingly took the token from Guo Jia's hand!
This token means a lot.

Any arm in Yunzhou can be mobilized.

In the past, it was forbidden to command infantry to fight.

This time, he could command the entire army, including Zhao Yun's cavalry and Guo Jia's artillery.

You know, these two arms have always been directly commanded by Guo Jia.

Yu Jin was very excited.

This is a small step for Guo Jiarang, but it is a big step for his growth.

Only by commanding all arms in combat can one be called a true general.

The three armies obey orders!

Yu Jin yelled with a token in his hand.

As expected of Guo Jia's number one general, even commanding the entire army is methodical.

He has been in battle for a long time and is very familiar with siege and defense, so he quickly made arrangements for the battle.


"Congratulations, lord!"

After seeing Yu Jin command Ruo Ding, Xu Shu cupped his hands at Guo Jia.

"From now on, Yunzhou has one more handsome talent!"

Xu Shushen's way of using troops.

I also appreciate Yu Jin himself very much.

A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

Especially this kind of general who can stand on his own.

Given time, this Yu Jin will definitely be the mainstay of Yunzhou.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled with satisfaction.

Yu Jin has the talent of a general. In the original plot, he was one of Cao Cao's five sons of good generals. Among the five sons of good generals, Yu Jin was the earliest general to follow Cao Cao and also the oldest general.In Cao Cao's previous campaigns, Yu Jin was always in charge.

When he first heard that Guan Yu was attacking Fancheng, Cao Cao sent Yu Jin in command without even thinking about it.In Cao Cao's thinking, only Yu Jin can resist Guan Er, which shows Yu Jin's position in Cao Cao's heart.

If there were no subsequent flooding of the Seventh Army, Yu Jin would definitely be Cao Wei's first general with a foreign surname.It's a pity that in the Battle of Xiangfan, Yu Jin was defeated and surrendered. Since then, Xingluo's official career has stopped here. He has political stains, and naturally he is not welcomed by the Cao family.

Therefore, the reputation of the five good generals is not as good as that of Zhang Liao who rose later.

In fact, the game of the ban was also inexplicable. According to the interpretation, Guan Yu watched the sky at night and knew that it was going to rain heavily, so he camped on the high ground to prepare for it.

This is purely Luo Guanzhong's nonsense.

At that time, both sides were camping on flat ground, and suddenly it rained heavily in the middle of the night, forming a mountain torrent, and the flood only rushed to Yu Jin's camp, but Guan Er's camp, Ru Chun's possession, was fine.

I have to say that this is a bit inexplicable!
This inexplicable defeat completely ruined Yu Jin, and his reputation and future were gone overnight.

However, with Guo Jia's time travel, Yu Jin's tragic ending will never happen again.

Guo Jia wants to make Yu Jin the number one general in Yunzhou.

In the future, it will also exist independently.

(End of this chapter)

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