Chapter 359 The First Contest


Gao Shun gave an order, and the front army began to advance slowly.

Although the Bingzhou Army is not well-equipped, but it has lived in Bingzhou for a long time and often fought against the Huns, so it can be regarded as a relatively strong fighting force in the local army.

Of course, those Taiping soldiers in the south who have never seen a battle formation can compare.

Although they lost for a while yesterday, it did not affect the foundation of the Bingzhou Army. They are still one of the best local troops.

Especially under the command of Gao Shun, the Bingzhou Army can exert a powerful destructive power.

Although Gao Shun was only a general under Ding Yuan, he was extremely talented in commanding the army, and he became one of the actual commanders of the Bingzhou Army in a short period of time.

The cavalry looked at Lu Bu, and the infantry looked at Gao Shun, which became a highlight of the Bingzhou Army.

Although Ding Yuan is the supreme commander, he is far inferior to these two subordinates in terms of real talent and learning.


Yu Jin on the top of the wall also shouted loudly, and at this moment, he was also ready.

Since artillery is the core secret of Yunzhou, Yu Jin did not use this force.

Even with conventional tactics, he is confident of defeating the Bingzhou Army.

Don't rely too much on crock bombs with great destructive power, this is the quality that a general should have.

"The catapult is ready!"

In the hands of the ban, the flag was waved out.

The crock bomb can be used, but the catapult in the hands of the artillery cannot be used.

Although the ability of Guo Jia's modified catapult to throw heavy objects has been greatly reduced, but it is installed on the city wall to command a high position, and it will also cause huge damage to the attacker early.


Wave the banning flag!
The cannon carts installed on the city wall are running endlessly. Although they can only throw some small heavy objects, they are also very lethal when they are condescending.

"Pre-army defense!"

Gao Shun of the Bingzhou Army ordered the flag to be unfurled.

Under his command, the former army changed its formation.

The soldiers with large shields pushed forward slowly against the stone rain on their heads.

Under the protection of the large shield soldiers, the catapult cart of the Bingzhou Army slowly came to the moat.


Gao Shun also roared!
The catapult truck of the Bingzhou Army began to operate.

Their catapults are larger than those of the Yunzhou Army, and the stones they throw are heavier and have a longer range.

But the shape is simple, the precision is not high, and there is no substantial destructive power to people.However, their purpose is not to hurt people, but to destroy the city wall.

In this era, except for a few large cities, most of the other small cities were built of rammed earth.

For these rammed earth cities, trebuchets are a disaster.

Whoosh whoosh!
Huge stones bombarded the city wall, knocking out deep pits one after another.

"Arrowers prepare!"

On the forbidden hand, the flag is waving.

The crossbowmen of the Yunzhou Army appeared on the city wall.

In order to fight against the Huns' archers, Guo Jia deliberately concentrated the archers in Yunzhou on a 5000-man army.

In the battle to annihilate the Qiangqu tribe, these crossbowmen made great contributions.

After the battle, the [-] crossbowmen were also dispersed and distributed to other troops, but the Yujin Corps, which was tasked with guarding the Yunzhou government, remained with more than [-] people.

This time when he came to Beijing, Guo Jia brought everything with him.

Three thousand crossbowmen are not a small number, and they are condescending and have extremely strong lethality.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless arrows rained down.

Naturally, the large shields of the Bingzhou Qianjun Army were not enough, and the places without shield protection were immediately turned upside down.

"Get on the board!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gao Shun immediately waved the flag and changed the formation.

The big shield soldier gave way a few ways, and countless soldiers came out from behind the big shield soldier with the boards on their backs.

These people are very weird, each of them is holding a big wooden plank, which can cover most of the arrow rain on the city.

duh duh!
Countless feathered arrows were nailed to the wooden array of the Bingzhou Front Army, greatly reducing their damage.

Under the cover of the plank array, the former army of the Bingzhou Army continued to move forward.

Good guy!
Yu Jin nodded secretly.

This Gao Shun is indeed not a simple person.

Facing the rain of arrows on the top of the wall, he broke the plank array with one move.

Compared with large shields, these wooden boards are very light and practical.

After a while, the Bingzhou Army attacked in front of the moat.

The front line of the catapults also began to move forward, and the range of the catapults of the Bingzhou Army was longer than that of Yunzhou. This forward movement immediately enveloped the entire city.

"The catapult retreats!"

Yu Jin made a decisive decision!

The artillery's trebuchets were not professional for throwing heavy objects, and short combat was useless, so Yu Jin immediately asked them to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Knife and shield step forward!"

Yu Jin's command is determined!

Since the opponent's crossbowmen and catapults were already approaching, Yu Jin immediately commanded his sword and shield hands to step forward to protect his crossbowmen.

There was only so little space on the top of the city, but as soon as the sword and shield hand came in, the space for the crossbowman was greatly compressed.

Only one-third of the 3000 people can play a role.

In this way, the offensive suffered by the Bingzhou Army was greatly reduced.

"Large shields forward, lay the planks!"

Gao Shun waved the command flag again.

The big shield stepped forward again, replacing the defense of the plank array.

The Bingzhou auxiliary soldiers of the plank formation dismantled the plank formation and began to lay planks on the moat.

It turns out that the plank array also has such a wonderful function, that is, to pave the road on the moat.

Wen County is just a small city, and the moat is not wide.

Soon the moat was paved with countless roads by the Bingzhou Army.

Without the protection of the wooden array, the former troops of the Bingzhou Army fell into the arrow rain one after another.

However, they still stubbornly paved the road to make it easier for their comrades to pass.

Combat is brutal and can be fatal.

This is sacrifice!
Without sacrifice, there can be no victory.

The Bingzhou Army withstood the sacrifice and laid a road on the moat outside Wen County.


Gao Shun drew out his long knife.

The Bingzhou army swarmed in, and countless people set up a ladder against the rain of arrows and began to climb up.

At this moment, the siege is just beginning.


"Gao Shun is indeed a general!"

Guo Jia, who was watching the battle inside the city tower, showed eager eyes.

From this battle, the Bingzhou army remained calm in the face of danger, taking one step at a time, not afraid of sacrifice, and finally reached the foot of the city.

Especially in the face of the rain of arrows on the top of the city, the former army did not show any fear, even if they were hit by arrows, they did not retreat in any way.

The entire siege troops are methodical and skillful, which shows that Gao Shunzhi's soldiers are very rigorous.

"Gao Shun is really good!"

Xu Shu on the side also nodded slowly.

As a general, there is really nothing to criticize in Gao Shun's actions.

"Yu Wenze may have met his opponent!"

Xu Shu said meaningfully.

Yu Jin is the number one general in Yunzhou, and this Gao Shun is probably also the number one general in Bingzhou, who is stronger between the two first Jiujiu?
He was also looking forward to it.

Guo Jia's eyes flashed for a while.

The ban!

Don't let me down!
(End of this chapter)

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