Chapter 360

For Guo Jia's analysis, Xu Shu deeply agrees!

Ding Yuan is not a good general, but his subordinate Gao Shun is a general.

There are not many soldiers, but dispatch.

Similarly, although a general is good, it depends on who uses it.

This battle was obviously a battle between Yu Jin and Gao Shun for general talent, but in essence it was a battle between Guo Jia and Ding Yuan for employment.

Guo Jia was very reassured about Jin, and handed over the entire military power to Yu Jin, and did not give a damn about Jin's command.

This is a kind of trust, and it is also a way of controlling people.

With such trust from Guo Jia, Yu Jin will naturally try his best to win this battle.

On the other hand, on the side of the Bingzhou Army, Ding Yuan gave Gao Shun instructions, so that the latter was timid and could not follow his own way.

Sit down!

There is no doubt that the Bingzhou Army will be defeated!

The battle once again fell into a bloody battle.

The Bingzhou army fought desperately, and the pressure on the defenders doubled.

"The left side of the wall is empty, so a couple of people will be drawn to fill it up. The right side of the wall will be transported with rolling stones and trees. The heavy armored soldiers will guard the top of the wall. Once the enemy climbs up, surround them and destroy them."

Yu Jin held a long knife and commanded it calmly.

"The ban!"

Guo Jia suddenly raised his voice.

Hearing the lord's shout, Yu Jin immediately handed over the matter at hand to his deputy Zhou Cang, and came to the tower in person.

"My lord, what are your orders!"

Yu Jin said respectfully.

"You did very well!"

Guo Jia praised a few words.

I am ashamed of my subordinates!

Yu Jin hurriedly said: "This is all due to the wise master, and the soldiers of the three armies are desperate. Although the Bingzhou Army is attacking with all its strength, it will not last long. This is a good opportunity for us. As long as we prevent it with all our strength, the defeated That's them."

no need!

Guo Jia smiled and shook his head.

In all fairness, Yu Jin's strategy is correct.

In one go, it will decline again and die three times.

As long as the first wave of crazy attacks by the Bingzhou Army is blocked, the Bingzhou Army will then decline and die. At this time, the Yunzhou Army will take the initiative.

But Guo Jia didn't intend to let Yu Jin do this.

Because he has better options.

"You did a good job, leave it to me!"

Guo Jiayu said to Jin earnestly.

Subordinates lead!

Yu Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he did not show any negative emotions because of the deprivation of command power.

What a shame!

Xu Shu on the side gave a compliment.

If a general who is happy is taken away rashly, he will be somewhat dissatisfied, especially if he is taken away all of a sudden at the current level, he will probably have some complaints.

But this Yu Jin did not.

Judging from his expression, no matter what Guo Jia said, he would obey unconditionally.

This is the performance that a confidant general should have.

Thinking of this, Xu Shu couldn't help but look at Guo Jia.

Sometimes, he really couldn't understand the young protagonist.

Why, he always gets these talents to work for Yunzhou wholeheartedly.

Why, he always has a way to get through the difficulties?

Could it be that this is the so-called destiny?
Xu Shu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Although he doesn't really believe in fate, since he met Guo Jia, he has been on the rise.From a poor boy to a hot figure in Yunzhou, it can be regarded as a person who is more than ten thousand.

"The artillery is ready!"

Guo Jia stood up slowly, and took the command flag from Yu Jin.

Although Yu Jin's step-by-step approach is calm, it is too moderate, and many people will die if both sides try their best.

Guo Jia didn't want so many people to die, so he immediately sacrificed the artillery as a big killer.

This time the artillery did not set up a trebuchet, but filled one crock pot after another with baskets.

This is Yunzhou's improved crock bomb.

Do it!

Guo Jia fiercely waved the command flag.

The artillerymen used long poles to light and hang the crock bombs, stretched out the top of the city and placed them in the center of the city.

Bang bang bang!
Enemies in the city waist were killed in large numbers.

In order to better cover the siege, the enemy often nailed nails on the city wall, established footholds one after another, and sent crossbowmen up to shoot and kill the defenders who exposed the city wall.

For the guards on the city wall, the most difficult thing to deal with is the enemy on the waist.

The guards on the city wall must expose the city wall to attack them, but once the city wall is exposed, they will become living targets for the crossbowmen below the city.

Therefore, to deal with the enemies on the waist, we can only use the clumsy Rolling Stone Leimu Fire Oil.

But these things are okay to kill in densely populated places, but the accuracy is very poor, and they cannot strike these people in a large area. .

Guo Jia's hanging bomb perfectly solved this problem.

Taking advantage of the fishing rod, the crock bomb was placed halfway up the city and exploded, causing great damage to the crossbowmen halfway up the city.

After a few rounds, the enemies on the half waist were basically wiped out.

In the face of gunpowder, cold weapons are still not enough.


Bingzhou Army was dumbfounded.

Where have they seen such a thing that can ignite and glow?

The Yunzhou army was also dumbfounded.

Nor had they seen such a novelty bomb.

"My lord is truly a god-man!"

Yu Jin was also amazed!
Yu Jin knew about crock bombs and had seen the power of these things.

But in his impression, these things were still at the time when the trebuchet was launched, and he was really not very clear about what Guo Jiaxin developed.

If he knew that there was such a good thing as Diao Lei, he would have used it long ago.

"Master Inspector, it's not good!"

Gao Shun hurriedly reported: "The Yunzhou army has dropped countless earthen pots from the city. These earthen pots can emit light and fire, killing and injuring countless soldiers. With such things in Wen County, the city may not be able to be captured!"

He has a good eye and knows that these things hung down by the Yunzhou Army are the nemesis of half-waist crossbowmen.

Without the cover of half-waist crossbowmen, it is difficult to win the siege.

36 counting is the best!
So Gao Shun immediately proposed to withdraw troops.

Although they lost [-] to [-] percent of their troops, the Bingzhou Army did not suffer any injuries.

A whip was thrown on Gao Shun's face.

"Bastard, you retreated when you encountered such a little difficulty? I don't believe it if you push me up. How many such things does Guo Jia have?"

Ding Yuan gritted his teeth and said.

During this period of time, nearly [-] troops of the Bingzhou Army have been lost under the city of Wen County.

He was still unwilling to reconcile, and planned to continue to attack the city with refueling tactics, anyway, his troops were relatively sufficient.

Lord Inspector!

Gao Shun wanted to say something, but Ding Yuan slowly drew out his long sword.

"The whole army obeys the order to take down Wen County. You are allowed to loot at will, and those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"

His voice echoed far across the battlefield.

At the critical moment, Ding Yuan still revealed his nature as a bandit.

Burning, killing, and looting are generally a way for bandits to stimulate the morale of the army.

hoo hoo hoo!
Hearing Ding Yuan's words, Bingzhou Jun's eyes turned red.

It has to be said that this move is still very attractive to them.

I don't know who said something, and the Bingzhou Army rushed up again.

(End of this chapter)

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