Chapter 361
"Rolling Stones, Raigi, and Fire Oil are ready!"

Seeing that the Bingzhou army had arrived at the city, Yu Jin was not in a hurry.

The siege battle between the two sides is the beginning of the siege battle, and the previous point can only be regarded as a warm-up.

The auxiliary soldiers of the Yunzhou Army entered the field one after another.

The duty of these people is to deliver things to the city head, and the guards at the city head will throw them down and injure the enemy.

The kill from top to bottom is still impressive.

All of a sudden, countless rolling stones and wood fell on the heads of the Bingzhou army, instantly turning those they beat on their backs.

If throwing rocks from crossbows and crossbows can be resisted, then the rolling stones falling from the sky are unstoppable.

The attacking side must fight through with flesh and blood.

If you hold on, you will have a chance to fight hand-to-hand. If you can't hold on, you can only become a wronged soul under the wall.

This is also the most tragic moment of the siege battle.

Some people and their shields were smashed into flesh by rolling stones, some people and their ladders were pushed down by the defenders, and some people were drenched in hot oil and wailed to death.

The people in front kept falling, and the people behind continued to move forward.

This is military discipline, and it is also a competition of will.

Whoever can persist until the end is the winner.

In an instant, the stumps and short knives all over the city turned into a sea of ​​Shura flames.

The siege soldiers didn't even look at Zepao who died tragically beside them. Their eyes were only attacking and attacking!

The soldiers guarding the city had no time to put their dead brothers in place, so they had to continue fighting on their corpses.

This is a battle of will and faith!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, and whoever is the most ruthless will have the last laugh.

The brutal siege battle continued, and as the commanders of both sides, Yu Jin and Gao Shun remained calm.

There was no tragic scene, no wailing of the soldiers, they only had the whole battle in their eyes.

At this moment, they are chess players, and these soldiers are chess pieces.

Focusing on the battle situation and ignoring details is the quality that an excellent commander needs to possess.

Bingzhou army is fierce, not afraid of death, and dares to fight.

If the Taiping soldiers in the mainland were replaced, this round of crazy attack would have destroyed the opponent's confidence long ago.

Once the army's morale is scattered, the victory and defeat will be determined.

But this time they encountered the Yunzhou Army.

The Yunzhou army crawled out of the pile of corpses all the way.

For the contempt of death, they are no worse than the Bingzhou Army, and for the leader's belief, they are even higher than the Bingzhou Army.

Countless times, the Bingzhou army has climbed to the top of the city and occupied a powerful position, but was finally driven down by the crazy Yunzhou army.

So, it's a close war.

War is like a machine, constantly reaping the lives of soldiers.

In an hour's time, thousands of corpses lay under the city of Wen County.There are Bingzhou Army and Yunzhou Army.

However, the Yunzhou Army occupied the advantage of the city, and the casualties were much smaller than that of the Bingzhou Army.

Ding Yuan, who had been watching the battle, couldn't sit still.

He originally thought that taking Wen County would be a smooth effort. In his eyes, no army was an opponent of the Bingzhou Army.

But what he never expected was that Wen County seemed to be more capable of fighting than he had imagined. Now, after nearly two hours of fighting, the Bingzhou Army had nearly [-] casualties, but they still hadn't won the city of Wen County.

I haven't even climbed to the top of the city.

Gao Shun!

Ding Yuan roared angrily, "What's going on?"

He is a very self righteous person.

Self-righteous people usually think about problems from their own perspective.

Ding Yuan didn't think that the Bingzhou Army was inferior to the Yunzhou Army, let alone Guo Jia. There was only one other reason why they couldn't fight now, and that was Gao Shun's improper command.

Self-righteous people can't make mistakes, the mistakes are others.

"Lord Inspector!"

Gao Shun clasped his fists and said, "The Yunzhou Army has strict military discipline and strong combat effectiveness. The generals in charge of defending the city are skilled in tactics, and there are really no flaws."

During this period, Gao Shun had changed the way of attacking the city many times, but Yu Jin cracked them one by one.

Only then did Gao Shun realize that he had encountered a difficult opponent.


Ding Yuan's face darkened.

"I and the state army fought bloody battles with the Huns. Everyone can stop a hundred with one, especially a small Wen County?"

He pointed his horsewhip.

"I'll give you another hour to capture the top of the city, otherwise the military law will be followed!"


Gao Shun frowned.

Commanding a battle is originally a process of fighting wits and courage. On the one hand, it depends on the commander's proficiency in tactics, and on the other hand, it also depends on the commander's performance on the spot.

How well you perform on the spot can determine a battle.

Now that Gao Shun and Yu Jinqi are facing each other, they will meet Liangcai. The two sides are fighting wits and courage, and the conventional methods are almost used.

If you want to break the game, you must win by surprise.

But Ding Yuan gave Gao Shun a time limit, and this time limit is the most taboo for impromptu performance.

"Subordinates try their best!"

Gao Shun said in a low voice.

Yu Jin was a tough opponent, and for the first time he felt unsure of the outcome of the battle.

"The whole army obeys the order! Attack the city with all your strength."

Gao Shun drew out his long knife, pointed at Wen County and said.

Originally, Gao Shun divided the army into three teams to attack the city in turn, but Ding Yuan had already given the order, so he had no choice but to go all out.

So Gao Shun gave up the step-by-step procedure and started a desperate attack.

The Bingzhou Army heard the order, and the offensive momentum rose again.

The pressure on the city of Wen County suddenly doubled.

How could Gao Shun be so desperate?
Yu Jin was a little surprised.

After half a day of probing, he has roughly figured out Gao Shun's characteristics. This person is as cautious and steady as himself, and he is a difficult opponent.

Yu Jin is ready to fight a tug of war.

Because he is not sure that he can beat Gao Shun who is cautious in using troops.

But the current situation surprised Yu Jin very much, Gao Shun suddenly gave up being cautious, and began to put all his eggs in one basket.

This doesn't match his temperament!
Is it a conspiracy?
This was Yu Jin's first thought.

Soon, the Bingzhou army rushed up like a tide, and when they began to attack the city in an all-round way, Yu Jin knew that this was not a conspiracy.

Gao Shun is crazy!
Yu Jin murmured a little to himself, but at the same time he was a little excited.

Although both sides have suffered losses at the moment, neither of them has hurt their muscles and bones. Now the Bingzhou army is attacking the city with all its strength, which will only be counterproductive.

"The whole army obeys the order, hold the top of the city and never give up!"

Yu Jin pulled out his long sword, and personally led the guards to the top of the city, commanding his men to defend the city wall.


"The Bingzhou Army is crazy!"

Xu Shu, who was watching the battle, shook his head.

The defenders did not appear to be exhausted, and charging at this time could only cause greater losses.

"It's not that the Bingzhou Army is crazy, but that Ding Yuan is too self-righteous."

Guo Jia smiled.

Ding Yuan!

Xu Shu looked in the direction of the city, and then he saw something.

"A layman leading an expert will really kill someone!"

He said something sincerely.

Fortunately, the current Yunzhou Army is not like this. Guo Jia is a rare all-rounder in civil and military affairs.

Not bad!

Guo Jia said with a smile: "There are not many soldiers, but dispatch. Although there are many Bingzhou troops, it is probably extremely sad to have such a self-righteous boss."

(End of this chapter)

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