Chapter 362 A crushing defeat

Hearing that Lord Inspector had agreed to plunder, the eyes of the Bingzhou army were all red, and the siege of the city became more violent.

All the soldiers gathered at the foot of the city again and started a new round of siege.

Guo Jia couldn't help but sighed!
"Ding Jianyang, it's just a show!"

Xu Shu sneered.

Although the two armies were at war, the people of Wen County did nothing wrong, but Ding Yuan, the bastard, promised his men to plunder at will after breaking through the city.

What's the difference between this and bandits?
"Change to heavy incendiary bombs!"

Guo Jia said something lightly.

The artillerymen took out a large wine jar one after another, which was the ultimate weapon they prepared.

The reason why it is called a heavy incendiary bomb is that it is a container that can be filled with kerosene.

The Tiger Guards moved these big guys to the edge of the city wall, and the artillerymen calculated the distance and ignited and fell.


The heavy incendiary bomb exploded at the waist, and the fire quickly swept across a distance of several feet, covering all the soldiers, siege equipment, and ladders within this range.

The surrounding area of ​​the city wall immediately became a sea of ​​flames.

Kerosene is flammable and once contaminated it is very difficult to get rid of.


Ding Yuan was stunned!

Gao Shun was stunned!
All the generals in Bingzhou were stunned!
They never expected that the Yunzhou Army would have such a killer weapon.

"Artillery ready to fire crock bombs!"

Guo Jia on the top of the city waved again!

The trebuchets were assembled again and began to launch conventional crock bombs.

Whoosh whoosh!
One after another, crock bombs were thrown out and landed on the heads of the Bingzhou army, sending out bursts of explosions.

The Bingzhou Army turned on its back again.

They had just recovered from the power of the Yunzhou army's heavy incendiary bombs, and now they were frightened by these crock bombs.

Is this still something human can resist?
Seeing Zepao's miserable state covered in flames, listening to their horrific screams, and smelling the pungent smell of meat in the air.

The Bingzhou Army finally couldn't hold it anymore.

They turned around and ran away. How could they care about any military orders?
"Don't run, don't run, don't run, don't run!"

Ding Yuan was a little hysterical, and immediately tried to stop the defeat of these people.

But the army was defeated like a mountain, how could he stop it alone?

Soon Ding Yuan was submerged in the ocean of Bingzhou's defeated army.

The soldiers only wanted to escape for their lives, how could they care about their Lord Inspector?

"Can't retreat, can't retreat!"

Ding Yuan drew his sword and killed several retreating soldiers, but he still couldn't stop the army from being defeated.

It is unknown who slashed Ding Yuan's mount, and Ding Yuan's mount crashed to the ground, and was soon overwhelmed by the defeated soldiers.

Ding Yuan struggled to stand up, but half of his body was held down by the dead horse.

"My son first, save me quickly!"

His eyes fell on the Bingzhou cavalry who were still in order.

Lu Bu's expression was very strange, it was a kind of half-smile feeling.

Behind him were Cao Xing, Hou Cheng, and Wei Xu, all looking at Ding Yuan with a sneer.


Lu Bu sneered, "You're done. From then on, there will be no such person as Bingzhou Dingyuan."

He rode his horse fiercely and charged over, swung his halberd and stabbed Ding Yuan to death on the ground.


Ding Yuan never thought that he would die under the halberd of his adopted son Lu Bu.

"Lu Bu, I treat you well, you...why do you..."

Ding Yuan was stabbed by the painted halberd and was still alive for a while, so he gritted his teeth and asked.


Lu Bu looked up to the sky and smiled.

"I, Lu Bu, is a hero, but because I came from a poor family and my official career is uncertain, I have no choice but to succumb to the banner of a waste like you. These years, there have been many battles in Bingzhou, which battle was not me, Lu Bu, who led the battle? Do you really think you are a character? Humph, no I, Lu Bu, you are nothing."

As he spoke, with a smooth movement, the painting halberd was pulled out from Ding Yuan's body.


Ding Yuan spat out a mouthful of old blood again.

"Lu Bu, if you go against the grain, you won't get any good results..."

A cold light flashed across Lu Bu's eyes.

"Perhaps, but you certainly won't see it!"

As he spoke, he swung the halberd again, and Ding Yuan's head rolled down like a rubber ball.

Lu Bu!

A tall figure looked at all this in surprise, it was Gao Shun.

Immediately after the defeat of the Bingzhou Army, Gao Shun tried to stop it with his personal guards, but was dispersed by the defeated soldiers.

So when Ding Yuan was killed, Gao Shun was not there.

Lu Bu picked up Ding Yuan's head.

"Gao Shun, Bingzhou is over. I planned to vote for Xiliang Governor Dong. You are a talent. You are willing to go with me, Lu Bu. I, Lu Bu, will not treat you badly."

Gao Shun still didn't react.

"He...he is your adoptive father!"


Lu Bu laughed again.

"What foster father is just a way to buy people's hearts. Why did he, Ding Yuan, ever regard me as his son? In his eyes, I, Lu Bu, are just his sword."

His face sank.

"Gao Shun, let me ask you one last question, do you want to come with me, or stay with this dead ghost?"

Lu Bu gripped Fang Tian's painting halberd tightly.

Gao Shun is a general, if he can use it, he will be happy.

If it cannot be used by him, he will not leave it to others.

At this moment, the gate of Wen County opened wide, and Zhao Yun flew out on a horse.

"Lu Buxiu is going to escape, let's fight another three hundred rounds!"

Hearing this voice, Lu Bu panicked.

Zhao Yun is the strongest opponent he has encountered since his debut. Although he is slightly inferior to him, it is just a first-line opponent.

In normal times, Lu Bu wouldn't mind fighting Zhao Yun again.

But now that the Bingzhou army has been defeated, and Lu Bu himself has suffered some injuries, it is naturally inconvenient to fight.

Lu Bu immediately left Gao Shun on his horse and rushed out.

When Gao Shun came to Ding Yuan's side, he suddenly felt sad from his heart.

Unexpectedly, Ding Yuan, the dignified governor of Bingzhou who dominated one side, died in the hands of a villain.

"Master Inspector, rest in peace!"

Gao Shun picked up Ding Yuan's head and put it away, knelt down on the ground again, and bowed.

He is a loyal minister, and he is still very grateful to Ding Yuan.

At this moment, a loud arrow rushed towards him, and it was Lu Bu who fired the arrow.

This is Lu Bu's most proud shot back.

His riding bow is longer than ordinary riding bows and has a longer range.

This guy is very cunning, he only shoots when he rides his horse for a certain distance, this is to ensure that he can escape smoothly.

Are you going to die?

Hearing the sound of the wind, Gao Shun knew that he couldn't stop Lu Bu's fast arrow, so he closed his eyes immediately.

Seeing that the long arrow was about to pierce through Gao Shun's body, a silver spear suddenly hit Chang Jian's body with a backward shot.

The long arrow was hit by the silver gun, and it was cut in two when it landed.

It turned out that at the critical moment, Zhao Yun made a sudden move.

But just as Zhao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, the second long arrow came again.

It turned out that just a moment ago, Lu Bu shot two arrows, the first arrow was to attract Zhao Yun's attention, and the second arrow was shot by him under the horse's belly.

The arrow flew close to the ground, very concealed, and hit Gao Shun who was kneeling on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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