Chapter 363 Mrs. Diplomacy
Gao Shunxue was caught off guard and was shot by the long arrow. He screamed, fell to the ground, and soon passed out.

"Lu Bu, you despicable villain!"

Zhao Yun was furious!
Originally, he still had some appreciation for Lu Bu, but after seeing Lu Bu's despicableness, the goodwill in his heart has disappeared.


Lv Bu let out a long laugh, retracted his bow and arrow, and led his men out of the battlefield.

They were all cavalry and did not participate in the siege battle, so the losses were minimal.

Zhao Yun was a little hesitant. He wanted to pursue Lu Bu's remnant soldiers, but he was too late. He was worried about the injured Gao Shun, so he reluctantly stopped.

Because when chasing, Guo Jia once explained.

Ding Yuan Lu Bu can be let go, but Gao Shun must be captured alive.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, picked up Gao Shun who was unconscious, put him in front of his horse, and beat the horse back to the city.



After the defeat of the Bingzhou Army, the Yunzhou Army cheered from top to bottom.

"Master is mighty!"

All the generals fell to their knees in unison.

Yu Jin was even more excited and burst into tears.

Only then did he realize the importance of artillery.

In this offensive and defensive battle, the artillery, which was less than 90.00% of the combat force, exerted [-]% of its power.

It can be said that it played a role in determining the universe.

With artillery, the Yunzhou Army is already invincible.

Not only that, I am afraid that the future war situation will be completely changed because of the artillery.

With the long-range firepower of artillery, where is the need to charge forward?

"Congratulations, lord!"

Xu Shu also smiled.

This is also the first big victory for the Yunzhou Army since it has been dormant for three years.

The meritorious service is still the artillery.

Dian Wei clicked his tongue a few times, and circled around the cannon carriage a few times.

"A certain family can't figure it out, how can this little thing exert such great power?"

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

Not only Dian Wei couldn't figure it out, but all the Yunzhou sergeants couldn't figure it out either.

Such things as chemical reactions are simply beyond the comprehension of this era.

"Report, my lord, in the battle of Wen County, our army suffered 3000 casualties. Thanks to the timely treatment by the team doctor, 2000 people have been out of danger."

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that this increase in the number of team doctors is still very effective.

These team doctors are all a mixture of surgery and Chinese medicine trained by Hua Tuo, which is of great help to soldiers injured in the war.

Some can even undergo surgery to amputate hands and feet.

To this end, Guo Jia improved many medical devices, proposed the concept of disinfection, and produced high-purity spirits.

In this way, the chance of postoperative infection is much smaller.

Casualties in war are inevitable, but Guo Jia set up an ingenious organization of team doctors so that they can rescue injured soldiers at any time.

This policy is very supported by the soldiers, and there are a large number of team doctors accompanying the army, and they can receive timely medical treatment when they are injured.

"Report, my lord, the Bingzhou army was defeated across the board, and nearly ten thousand corpses were left outside the city. General Zhou Cang is cleaning up."

And the state army is over!
This is the thought in everyone's mind.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and it was defeated today. It may take a long time for the Bingzhou Army to regain its strength.

"Report, my lord, Ding Yuan was killed by his adoptive son Lu Bu, and Lu Bu led the rest of Bingzhou to seek refuge with Dong Zhuo!"

Hearing the news, Guo Jia couldn't help being surprised.

After co-authoring and quarreling, Lu Bu still went to vote for Dong Zhuo.

One is a house slave with three surnames, and the other is a rebellious courtier and a traitor. The two are passionate, and they finally meet together.

It seems that this history is still somewhat inevitable.

"My lord, do you want to follow the trend?"

Xu Shu hurriedly asked.

The Bingzhou Army was defeated, and if the Yunzhou Army followed the trend, it would definitely achieve greater results.

never mind!

Guo Jia shook his head!

This time, he still has an important purpose, not to destroy the Bingzhou Army.

Just run away, anyway, there will be a chance to meet in the future.


At this time, Zhao Yun trotted in with a wounded general on his back.

"Gao Shun was shot with a right arrow by Lu Bu."

Hearing this news, Guo Jia became a little flustered again.

Gao Shun was the talent he had always coveted, and he finally met him, so he must not just die like this.

He was still thinking about how to let Gao Shun cultivate an invincible camp?
Gao Shun injured his right chest, luckily, the arrow missed the heart, but pierced the main artery.

This made the military doctor a little helpless!

Although they have learned a little bit of surgical skills from Hua Tuo's side, they still have nothing to do with this kind of penetrating injury!
"Get ready for surgery!"

This time, Guo Jia plans to fight in person.

As the king of secret agents in his previous life, Guo Jia is still very good at general surgery.


I don't know how long it took before Gao Shun woke up leisurely!
He suddenly found himself lying on a bed.

Gao Shun subconsciously stretched out his hand, but when he moved, he suddenly froze for a moment, only to realize that his right arm was gone, and a lot of white cloth was wrapped around his shoulder.

"My arm!"

Gao Shun yelled, but his voice was extremely hoarse.

"you're awake!"

A soft voice sounded, and then a beautiful woman in white clothes walked in.

"You saved me?"

Gao Shun regained his composure, and then recalled what happened before he passed out.

It seemed that he was shot by Lu Bu with an arrow, and then he passed out, and was lying in bed when he woke up.

"Don't move, you still have a fever!"

The beauty smiled, picked up the white cloth from the copper basin, twisted it and put it on Gao Shun's head.

Gao Shun was stunned, did not move, and let her put the wet cloth on her head.

There was a burst of coolness.

"Madam is..."

Seeing that the woman was dressed as a married woman, Gao Shun regained his composure and asked in a low voice.

The beauty smiled sweetly.

"My name is Cai Yan!"

This woman is naturally Guo Jia's wife Cai Yan.

Hearing this name, Gao Shun couldn't help being taken aback, and he struggled to sit up.

"So it's Your Highness!"

Three years ago, the story of Empress Dowager Dong accepting Cai Yan as her goddaughter to marry Guo Jia spread throughout the country.

Gao Shun also knew about this.

Cai Yan's husband-in-law is Guo Jia, governor of Yunzhou!
That is, not long ago, the deadly enemy of the Bingzhou Army.

Although Gao Shun also expected that he would fall into Guo Jia's hands, he never expected that Guo Jia would let his wife serve him.

It really terrified him.

"The defeated general dare not bother His Highness!"

Gao Shun rolled and crawled down from the collapse, and said to Cai Yan in shame.

"Don't be nervous!"

Cai Yan smiled faintly, and said: "The men have all gone out to clean up the battlefield, and there are only a few auxiliary soldiers left in the entire camp. I have nothing to do, so I took over the job of taking care of the sick from the hands of the military doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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