Chapter 364
Hearing what Cai Yan said, Gao Shun was even more at a loss.

He was just a defeated general, and he was really flattered to be able to let Guo Jia's wife, His Royal Highness Qian personally serve him.

"Madam is too polite. Gao Shun is just a defeated general. Now that he has fallen into the hands of the Yunzhou Army, Gao Shun only wants to die quickly."

Gao Shun said lightly.

He commanded the Bingzhou army to attack the city and killed many soldiers of the Yunzhou army. Now that they are in the hands of the Yunzhou army, there will probably be no good end.

Gao Shun is not afraid of death, so he is calm instead.

"General, don't underestimate yourself!"

Cai Yan smiled slightly.

"Now that the Bingzhou army has been defeated, and Ding Yuan has also died at the hands of Lu Bu, he has already brought his own destruction. The general has the talent to hold the sky and navigate the sea, so why bother to go all the way to the dark?"

Gao Shun smiled.

He suddenly understood Cai Yan's purpose.

This is to recruit surrender!
Gao Shun has always been serious, but now he smiles very strangely.

"Your Highness, there is no need to say anything."

He took a deep breath.

"I respect that you are His Royal Highness Qian of the Han Dynasty, not the wife of the rebel Guo Jia, so I treat you with courtesy."

Rebel Guo Jia!

Hearing this word, Cai Yan frowned slightly.

Cai Yong has always been a model of Confucianism, and has always managed his family with loyalty and filial piety.

Although she did not dare to agree with some of Guo Jia's actions, after all, Guo Jia did not blatantly rebel.

Now being slandered as a traitor, Cai Meimei is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

"General Gao, I have always heard that you are a loyal gentleman, but from what you said, it seems that the rumors are wrong!"

what did you say?
Gao Shun was a little annoyed, he had always cherished his reputation.

Gao Shun can tolerate others to make irresponsible remarks on his behavior, but he absolutely cannot tolerate others to make irresponsible remarks on his own character.

If someone else had said that, Gao Shun would have fought each other long ago.

But it was Cai Yan who said this, but he had nowhere to vent his anger.

Gao Shun took a heavy breath in protest.

Ha ha!

Cai Yan smiled slightly, she suddenly found that this Gao Shun was quite cute sometimes.

"The general slandered my husband as a traitor? I don't agree with this point. The Bingzhou Army entered Beijing for the sake of the country and the public. Bingzhou Governor Ding Yuan actually attacked the Bingzhou Army in private for his own sake. Now it is self-destruction? May I ask? General, who is the traitor?"


Gao Shun was speechless.

This time, the Yunzhou Army entered Beijing by order, but the Bingzhou Army was ordered by General He Jin to intercept it.

One is the general's order, and the other is the imperial decree of the emperor. It is clear at a glance who is rebellious.

But Gao Shun was not convinced either.

"Your Highness, it was Guo Jia who brought the Huns into Bingzhou, and he led his men to plunder in Bingzhou. This can't be said to be according to the order!"

The reason why the Bingzhou army gnashed their teeth at Guo Jia was not only Ding Yuan's instruction, but also because of this time.

is it?

Cai Yan smiled lightly, and said: "If it wasn't for the fact that Le Ping, the army stationed in Bingzhou, had misguided intentions against Yunzhou, the Yunzhou army wouldn't have caused trouble to the east! I don't understand, Bingzhou is not the territory of the big man, and the Bingzhou army is not the territory of the big man. Not the soldiers of the Han Dynasty? Since they are all the soldiers of the Han Dynasty, why must we let the Yunzhou family do the fighting against the Xiongnu?"


Gao Shun was speechless again.

He is also very clear about this matter.

When the Huns invaded, Ding Yuan was also instructed by He Jin to avoid fighting and sit back and watch the Huns invade Yunzhou.

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with Guo Jia misfortune Shui Dongyin?
never mind!

Gao Shun sat down dejectedly.

Ding Yuan died, Lu Bu defected, and the Bingzhou army dispersed.

What's the point of discussing this again?
"Loyal ministers don't care about the two masters. His Highness's kindness is accepted by Gao Shun, and I just want to die quickly."

Said and closed his eyes!
When he was defeated, he had already made up his mind that he would not surrender even if he fell into the hands of the Yunzhou Army.

What a loyal minister does not matter to two masters!
Cai Yan stood up slowly.

She stared at Gao Shun, and said word by word: "The Bingzhou Army came to Beijing by order to serve the country and the public. Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, actually attacked the Bingzhou Army in private for his own sake. This is treason and treason. It turns out that this is also suicidal. Dare I ask General Gao, are you a loyal minister of the big man, or his loyal minister Ding Yuan?"

Although Cai Yan's voice was not high, every sentence hit Gao Shun's heart like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.


Gao Shun was a little tongue-tied.

Cai Yan refused to give up.

"Your parents, your body, hair, skin, skin, and skin, General Gao wants to die, but have you ever thought about raising your parents? No. Did General Gao ever think about cultivating your court? No? Loyalty and filial piety?"

She suddenly said sharply: "Gao Shun, do you feel that doing this is wronging your parents, the court, and yourself?"

Gao Shun trembled all over and couldn't help but collapsed on the ground.

He was speechless.

Sorry parents!
Sorry court!
sorry for myself!
He, Gao Shun, is sorry for anything he did. The only one who is right is Ding Yuan, who was so vicious and abusive for his own interests.

Cai Yan went one step further.

"Gao Shun, now there is an opportunity in front of you. My husband, Guo Jia, is thirsty for talents. You have the talent to control the sky and the sea. Why do you have to go all the way with Ding Yuan, a rebellious minister and thief? Come to our Yunzhou Come on, army, here you can display your talents, and it is no problem to make great achievements in driving out the Hulu and establish a career as a marquis and general. At that time, the imperial court will be proud of you, and your parents will also be proud of you."

After hearing Cai Yan's words, Gao Shun suddenly came to his senses as if enlightened.

What is he joining the army for?
It is for the sake of making meritorious deeds and sealing his wife and son, but now he has gone all the way to the dark for a Ding Yuan, which is really not worth it.

Now that he hears Cai Yan's good words to persuade him, where does he have any scruples?
"Thank you for the reminder, Your Highness. Gao Shun was so confused that he almost made a big mistake. If General Guo is willing to take in me, a defeated general, I, Gao Shun, will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

As soon as the words fell, a loud laugh came.

"General Gao is a great talent, I, Guo Jia, have admired him for a long time!"

Two figures walked in, they were Guo Jia and Xu Shu.

It turned out that Guo Jia cherished Gao Shun's talent and wanted to use it for himself.But knowing that Gao Shun is foolish and loyal, it might backfire if he steps forward.

At this moment, Xu Shu suddenly recommended someone, confidently saying that he would be able to convince Gao Shun.

Guo Jia was still a little puzzled, when did such talents appear in his subordinates.

When Xu Shu said the person's name, Guo Jiadeng was a little taken aback.

The person Xu Shu recommended was Cai Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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