Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 365 Gao Shun returns to his heart

Chapter 365 Gao Shun returns to his heart
According to historical records, Shun was a clean and dignified person, he did not drink alcohol, and was not subject to bequests.There are more than [-] soldiers in the army, numbered as a thousand men, all armored and fighting tools are neat and neat, and those who attack every attack without fail are called the trapped camp.Shun every remonstrance, said: "Anyone who destroys a family and destroys a country is not without loyal ministers and wise people, but he can't use his ears when he is in trouble. The general's actions are unwilling to think carefully, and he likes to make mistakes, and the mistakes are countless."Bu knows his loyalty, but he can't use it.After Bu turned from Hao Meng, he became more smooth.Wei continued to have relatives outside and inside, and he learned that the generals who seized Shun would continue with him.And when the battle, Shun will continue to lead the troops, and Shun will never have any hatred.

In December of the third year of Jian'an, the city of Xiapi was broken, and Gao Shun and Chen Gong were captured by rebel generals Hou Cheng, Song Xian, and Wei Xu. Lu Bu had no choice but to surrender.

Later, Chen Gong, Gao Shun, Lu Bu and others were captured before Cao Cao. Gao Shun refused to surrender to Cao Cao and remained silent. Lu Bu, Chen Gong, and Gao Shun were beheaded one after another and sent to Xuchang. He was shown to the public in front of the gate of Xuchang City, and then he was buried richly.

It can be said that Gao Shun is very loyal to Lu Bu, although this boss is not worthy of loyalty.

Facing Cao Cao's recruitment, Gao Shun remained silent, not at all moved, which shows how stupid and loyal he is.

Can Cai Yan persuade Gao Shun?

Guo Jia's first impression was that it was impossible.

But what Xu Shu said made sense.

Gao Shun is a man of integrity, if Guo Jia surrendered himself, it might be counterproductive.

At that time, if he comes and ignores and wants to die with all his heart, the matter will be irreversible.

That's why Xu Shu suggested that Cai Yan give it a try.

Although Cai Yan is a woman, she is familiar with ancient and modern times by reading poetry and books, and being a woman brings her own negotiating advantages.

As long as Gao Shun's mouth is pried open and he moves it with affection and righteousness, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Guo Jia had no other choice, so he reluctantly let Cai Yan try.

Sure enough, Cai Meimei did not disappoint him, she successfully persuaded Gao Shun.

They have been waiting outside the door for a while.

It wasn't until Gao Shun was persuaded by Cai Yan that he showed up to meet each other.

"General Gao is a great talent. I have heard about it for a long time. I also appreciated General Gao's performance in the previous battle. With the help of General Gao in Yunzhou, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings."

As he spoke, he untied his robe and put it on Gao Shun's body.


Gao Shun hastily kowtowed to the ground.

In this era, it is a great honor to be given clothes by the superiors. How could Gao Shun, a defeated general, ever receive such an honor?
"The villain was originally a defeated general. It is already a great blessing that Meng Hou Ye did not give up and take it back to his tent."

"Yes, yes!"

Guo Jia smiled and put the robe on Gao Shun's body.

After subduing this powerful general, Guo Jia's heart has already blossomed.

Gao Shun was also not good at words, so he had to prostrate himself on the ground again.


A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Since people valued him so much, how could he refuse to die?
"Does General Gao have a sign?"

Xu Shu on the side suddenly asked.


Gao Shun's face was slightly ashamed.

"When I was young, my family was poor, and I didn't read much. Later, when I joined the army, I came into contact with military men, and everyone called me by their names, and I never took their names."

With a move in his heart, he cupped his fists again and said, "Now Gao Shun has changed his mind and defected to the lord, please give me a letter from the lord, Gao Shun is very grateful!"

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

This Gao Shun is not as rigid as he imagined.

Those who can give Biaozi are usually given by the elders to the juniors, or by the high-ranking ones to the subordinates.

Don't underestimate this gift word, it represents the intimate relationship between two people.

Looking at the entire Yunzhou, Dianwei is the only one who can bestow the calligraphy from Guo Jia.

very good!

Guo Jia thought for a moment.

Gao Shun is actually the same type of person as Yu Jin, but Gao Shun's performance is far more loyal than Yu Jin.

Now Yu Jin has become the number one general in Yunzhou, and it can be said that he is under one man and above ten thousand people.

Guo Jia also had the heart to train Gao Shun to such an extent.

"Let's call Wu Zhen!"

Wu Zhen!

Gao Shun murmured a few words and thanked him again.

From now on, he has been in contact with Guo Jia.

"The ban!"

Guo Jia suddenly called out!
Yu Jin's tall figure appeared in the room.

"Gao Shun will be handed over to you. After his injury heals, he will be your deputy. Don't neglect him!"

Guo Jiayu said earnestly.

A smile appeared on Yu Jin's face for the first time.

"My lord, please rest assured that Yu Jin will do his best."

Yu Jin also admired Gao Shun's ability.

In the previous battle, Gao Shun used his troops rigorously. If it weren't for Ding Yuan's interference, who would win this battle?

Heroes are always sympathetic to each other.

Yu Jin was also very happy to have such a helper who was no less powerful than him by his side.


"Congratulations to my lord for recruiting another general!"

Xu Shu said with a smile.

Yunzhou has strong soldiers and horses, and generals are like rain.

Among them, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun can all be regarded as peerless generals.The rest of Zhang He, Gao Lan, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang are also talented for a while.

Yu Jin was not famous for his bravery in Yunzhou.

But among these people, no one can take the place banned in Yunzhou.

Because Yu Jin is the talent of a general in Yunzhou who can stand on his own.

The talent of a general has nothing to do with personal bravery.

With the development of Yunzhou, the military structure is also getting bigger and bigger, and there is an urgent need for generals who can stand alone.

It's a pity that so far, only one person from Yunzhou, Yu Jin, has barely been selected.

However, Yu Jin, as the captain of Zhongshan, was in charge of the mission of defending the core of Yunzhou, so he couldn't easily be dispatched.

At this time, Yunzhou urgently needs another general to solve this difficulty.

Now Gao Shun's arrival relieved this embarrassment.

His ability to command troops is not weaker than Yu Jin, as long as he solves the problem of loyalty, he will definitely become Guo Jia's right-hand man.

"Thanks to Yuan Zhi's suggestion, this stubborn temper was successfully subdued."

Guo Jia was happy.

Hearing Guo Jia praise Xu Shu, Cai Yan on the side was a little unhappy.

The real hero is her.

If it weren't for Cai Meimei's three-inch tongue, how could Gao Shun take refuge in Guo Jia so easily?
Really full to play cook.

Cai Meimei has worked so hard for so long, but Guo Jia didn't even say a word of gratitude.

It really makes no sense!
Xu Shu immediately noticed Cai Yan's displeasure, he was very obedient.

"My lord, I really have to thank Madam for this matter. If it weren't for her, Yunzhou would have missed the opportunity of this great general. In terms of merit, Madam should be the first!"

He flattered and slapped him calmly.

Of course!

Guo Jia also realized the mistake, and immediately changed his words: "Madam has made great contributions, how can I thank you so easily?"

He was so happy to get Gao Shun, so he left Cai Yan in the cold.

Cai Yan also laughed.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's not a great achievement!"

She still admires Gao Shun very much.

This man is a sincere gentleman, the two of them are in the same room, yet he doesn't squint his eyes, this is much stronger than Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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