Chapter 366 The Second Young Master of the Sima Family
Xu Shu left quickly.

The war was over, the Bingzhou Army was defeated, Ding Yuan died tragically, and Gao Shun surrendered. For the Yunzhou Army, this result was very ideal.

There are still many things to do?
Naturally, he, the left army division, couldn't be idle.

Besides, the lord and his wife are in the same room, so it is natural for him to have something to say, it would be inappropriate for him to stay any longer.

"Thank you ma'am!"

Seeing Xu Shu leave, Guo Jia came to Cai Yan with a smile on his face, and stretched out Lushan's claws.

Cai Meimei unceremoniously stretched out her hand to pat the back of his hand.

"Look how good you are, just now you were pretending to be serious in front of people, but in the blink of an eye you have revealed your true colors again. Guo Fengxiao, you are a rascal!"

As she spoke, she laughed too.

It was also this scoundrel that made her love and hate at the same time.

What happened to the rogue?
Guo Jia said with a smile: "A rascal can have such a beautiful woman, so what if I become this rascal?"

In the end, Cai Meimei did not escape his Lushan's claws, and was held in his arms by him.

alright, alright!

Cai Yan suddenly pressed his mischievous big hand, and said seriously: "This Gao Shun is really good. We are in the same room, and he doesn't squint. Shun can be regarded as a sincere gentleman. He is much better than the rogue lord."

Guo Jia also nodded.

The word "sincere gentleman" is perfect for Gao Shun.


He suddenly put more strength in his hands, immediately hugged Cai Yan, and said with a smile.

"My wife's perfect tongue persuaded Gao Shun, and I'm very lucky for my husband. Now that it's getting late, why not enjoy the lady's perfect tongue."

Guo Jia made a point of speaking very eloquently.

Cai Yan immediately blushed.

This bastard!

She bit her lip.

How could Cai Meimei, who is so smart, fail to understand what he meant?
To be honest, Cai Meimei is well-versed in ancient and modern times, and she is also very good at eloquence.

It's a pity that Guo Jia has always let her three-inch tongue do some embarrassing things, and has never given her a chance to show it.

Now that Gao Shun has been persuaded, Cai Meimei has proved herself.

Her three-inch tongue can do more than that.

Unfortunately, before Cai Meimei could protest, Guo Jia had already carried her into the room, happily enjoying Cai Meimei's penetrating tongue.

It is said that a talented woman is a talented woman, and a good tongue can not only persuade Gao Shun, but also subdue Guo Jia.

Soon, Guo Jia's happy groans came from the room.


In the battle of Wen County, the Yunzhou army won a big victory, Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, was killed, Lu Bu took refuge in Dong Zhuo, Gao Shun was subdued by Guo Jia, and the Bingzhou family had existed in name only.

This battle also attracted countless eyes.

A small village twenty miles away in Wen County.

Several men in black entered a farmhouse in the dark.

The leader knocked on the door a few times, slowly or collectively.

With a creak, the door opened, and a man dressed as a farmer came out. It was Sima Yi who escaped from Wen County not long ago.

"Second son!"

Several men in black fell to their knees.

"Master asked us to pick up the young masters back."

The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, this is the foothold of the Sima family outside Wen County.

Sima Yi is only ten years old at the moment, but his eyes are sharp and his face is gloomy, showing the true colors of a hero.

"How's the big brother?"

he asked in a low voice.

In order for them to escape smoothly, the eldest brother Sima Lang stayed on the top of the city to block the Yunzhou army and buy time for them.

Although Sima Yi was fierce and decisive, he still had a lot of affection for this elder brother.

Several black people looked at each other, their faces were a little sad.

They also got the news not long ago.

The county magistrate of Wen County found a large number of crossbow armor under the Sima family ancestral hall, and reported the news to the court.Sima Yi's father, Sima Fang, was in the capital, and he went through the connections of a few dignitaries overnight, so he put the matter down.

The Sima family also had some skills, and turned a sign of rebellion into a nonsense, so naturally it was nothing.

But Sima Lang died in the Yunzhou military camp.

Yunzhou Army, Guo Jia!

Hearing this, Sima Yi's eyes flashed coldly.

"As long as I, Sima Yi, live, I will never let this thief go. I will tear the bodies of the Guo family to pieces."

Although the voice was not loud, it was unusually gloomy, and it made several subordinates feel cold when they heard it.

It is said that they are a little in awe of this second son.

"You take Shuda and the others back first, I want to go back to Wen County."

Sima Yi said suddenly.

Hearing these words, the men in black all looked at each other in blank dismay.

They came here this time to pick up the young masters. If Sima Yi didn't go back, how could they complete the task?
"You don't have to make things difficult!"

Sima Yi seemed to sense their thoughts.

"Guo Jia probably didn't think that I would dare to go back after I escaped. Besides, I have been in Wen County for many years and am very familiar with the surrounding environment. There will be no problem in lurking."

Second son!
A man in black hurriedly said: "The lair in Wen County has been exposed now, and going back is very dangerous. Master and sir are concerned about your safety, you should reunite with them earlier."

Needless to say!

Sima Yi looked serious.

"In the first battle in Wen County, the Bingzhou Army had far more troops than the Yunzhou Army. With the help of a peerless general like Lu Bu, the Yunzhou Army defeated all doubtful points. There are many doubtful points in it, and I want to figure it out!"

He is a successor of the military family. He has been interested in military books and war strategies since he was a child. He was praised by Sima Fang as a rejuvenating figure of the Sima family.

As the descendants of the military family, the Sima family has a wealth of military books and strategies handed down from their ancestors.

Although Sima Yi is only ten years old, his attainments in the art of war are no less than that of a veteran general.

According to Sima Yi's deduction, even if the Bingzhou Army could not defeat Wen County, it would not be completely defeated.

There must be some unknown secret in this.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi felt excited.

On the day of the battle, there were countless thunderous explosions in Wen County.

There have long been rumors among the people that Guo Jia is a god descending to earth, accompanied by a general with golden armor and silver hammer, who can call wind and rain.

Of course, this is all rumors, Sima Yi naturally does not believe it.

However, he has been keenly aware of the secret weapon of the Yunzhou Army.

Wen County's victory in the First World War must have something to do with this thing.

So, he must figure it out.

The second young master can't!
The man in black was a little anxious.

"I have made up my mind!"

Sima Yi's face darkened, and he took out a scroll from his pocket.

"This is a letter I wrote to the owner and husband. You only need to take this letter back, and they will not punish you after reading it."


The man in black hesitated a little, and didn't know what to do!

Go on!

Sima Yi didn't pay any attention to these people, but just stared in the direction of Wen County in a daze.

Guo Jia!

He suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "I will never let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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