Chapter 370 Black Water and Chi Xiao

Empress Dowager Dong couldn't help being surprised.

Kill He Jin!
What if his subordinates rebel?
At this time Zhao Zhong also said: "In fact, the old slave has long ordered the Yunzhou Army Guo Jia to secretly enter King Qin, the Yunzhou Army is brave and good at fighting, and Guo Jia is your son-in-law, so he will definitely be able to deter He Jin Subordinates. At that time, we only need to step by step to help the prince Liu Xie to the throne and everything will be fine."


The old lady still hesitated.

She is just a woman, and it's okay to make small troubles in the palace, but it's not suitable for bloody politics.

Queen Mother!

Zhang Rang added a strong medicine again.

"If you don't kill He Jin, you will die. If you kill He Jin, there may still be a glimmer of life. Since ancient times, wealth and wealth are in danger, and time is running out. Please make a decision as soon as possible."

Saying prostration to the ground.

Empress Dowager Dong was stunned for a while, but finally made up her mind.

"Since that's the case, let's do it according to Master Zhang's wishes! I'll call Dong Zhong in now, and let's discuss important matters together."

A look of joy flashed across Zhang Rang Zhao Zhong's face.

Now Empress Dowager Dong nods, great things can be accomplished!

That night, Empress Dowager Dong immediately sent someone to see Empress He, saying that the emperor's time was running out, and pretended that Liu Bian wanted to establish the crown prince as soon as possible, and asked Empress He to call He into the palace to discuss matters.

Empress He didn't know there was a fraud, so she happily sent someone to call He Jin into the palace that night.


After persuading Queen Mother Dong, Zhang Rang and others returned to Weiyang Palace.

At this moment, Emperor Han Ling was lying upright on Wang Meiren's bed, his eyes were empty, his lower body was swollen, and he was speechless.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Wang Meiren knelt aside with a miserable face, as if she was in pain.

"Morning Mother's Day!"

Zhang Rang said a few words of relief in a low voice.

Shi Changshi is still very grateful to this beauty Wang.

This empress was so awesome, she stole Empress He's limelight as soon as she appeared, and Emperor Han Ling was fascinated and stayed by Wang Meiren's side all day long.

Peerless allure, disaster for the country and the people!
It's this lady.

Of course, they also have the capital to harm the country and the people.

If the ten permanent servants were not all eunuchs, they might not be able to resist the charm of this empress.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Rang came to the emperor cautiously.

"The old slave is Zhang Rang!"

Emperor Han Ling opened his eyes with difficulty, looking at the person closest to him.

uh uh!

At this moment, he was speechless, only a little sound came from his throat.

"The old slave knows what His Majesty is thinking, and has already planned to make the prince Liu Xie the crown prince."

Zhang Rang whispered in Han Lingdi's ear.

Only then did Han Lingdi heave a sigh of relief, and slowly closed his eyes.

The reason why he insisted on this breath was to arrange the funeral.

At this time, Zhao Zhong stretched out his hand to probe the nose of Han Lingdi, and his face turned pale with shock.

"The emperor is dead, the emperor is dead!"

Zhang Rang kicked him to the ground suddenly.

"Idiot, do you want everyone to know?"

Zhao Zhong couldn't help but shuddered before he realized it.

If this news gets out, the whole Luoyang will probably be in chaos.

"Block the entire Weiyang Palace and gather all the maids and eunuchs. Anyone who dares to leak the slightest bit of news will be killed!"

Zhang Rang snorted coldly, his eyes showing murderous intent.

He Jin has not been put to death, the crisis has not yet passed, the news of the emperor's death must not be spread.

Yes Yes Yes!
Zhao Zhong immediately came back to his senses, and crawled out to make arrangements.

The reason why Zhang Rang was able to become the top ten servants was because he was fierce and decisive at the critical moment.

It was Zhao Zhong's younger brother who was in charge of guarding this place, and he quickly restrained the eunuchs of Weiyang Palace.

"Zhang Hou!"

Zhao Zhong came to Zhang Rang's side.

"There are a total of 33 palace maids and eunuchs, all of whom are under control."

very good!

Zhang Rang nodded and secretly made a cutting gesture.

Only the dead don't tell the news.

For their great cause, these people must die.


Zhao Zhong also nodded and left in a hurry.

At this time, only Zhang Rang and Wang Meiren were left in the hall.

"Young lady, don't blame me! This old slave is also thinking about the overall situation."

Zhang Rang showed a smiling face, and then walked forward slowly.

"Master Zhang is thinking about it!"

Beauty Wang responded in a low voice.


Zhang Rang suddenly lowered his voice, and said: "There is something that the villain wants to report to the empress alone, it is..."

The voice of the next few words was very low, and Wang Meiren couldn't hear clearly for a moment.

"What is it about?"

Wang Meiren was puzzled.

Zhang Rang suddenly rushed in front of Wang Meiren, and said ferociously: "Of course I will send you back to the west!"

Then a ray of light shot out from his sleeve and went straight to Beauty Wang.

This time the rabbit rose and fell very quickly.

Wang Meiren reacted very quickly, and immediately drew out a dagger to block Zhang Rang's long sword.However, he was stabbed in the arm by Zhang Rang, and blood burst out immediately.

Where did she think that Zhang Rang, who was still smiling just now, would change his face when he said that he would change his face?
Brush brush!
The long sword in Zhang Rang's hand changed a few moves, immediately forcing Wang Meiren into a panic.

Wang Meiren is an outstanding talent cultivated in the organization, and her martial arts are even more ingenious, but even so, she is forced to face danger.

"Dog slave, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply?"

Wang Meiren was shocked and angry.

She suddenly realized that she and even everyone in the palace underestimated this eunuch.

Unexpectedly, this Zhang Rang is actually a person with unique skills.


Zhang Rang smiled triumphantly.

"Your Majesty is very kind to you. Now that the old man has gone, you have the heart to leave him alone!"

While speaking, while pressing.

After cleaning up the maids and eunuchs in Weiyang Palace, he didn't intend to let Wang Meiren leave alive.

His swordsmanship is very weird, he uses his long sleeves as a cover, and often stabs out at unbelievable times.

Soon Wang Meiren was cornered.

This is the sword in the sleeve!
Wang Meiren woke up suddenly.

"Slave dog, so you are... from Heishui. To achieve your goal, you will do whatever you can to achieve your goal. You, Heishui, are really willing to spend your money!"


Zhang Rang smiled and said: "Don't dare, if you are willing to spend the capital, you still have to belong to Chi Xiao. For an old man who is dying, you have to marry such a stunning beauty as the empress. In fact, once the empress enters the palace, The old slave recognized it. Except for Chi Xiao, no one can cultivate a perfect woman like Niangniang."

Dog minion!
Beauty Wang was sweating coldly.

It turned out that Zhang Rang knew everything about him.

Pity she has been kept in the dark.

"In that case, why didn't you reveal my identity?"

Beauty Wang was puzzled!
Heishui and Chixiao have always been at odds with each other. Since Zhang Rang is a member of Heishui, he will definitely not sit back and watch himself, a member of Chixiao, enter the palace to destroy their plan!
This dog slave has been holding back, could it be...

Thinking of this, Wang Meiren's heart sank immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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