Chapter 371 Everything is ready


Zhang Rang suddenly laughed.

"That's right, that's right, you guessed right. The old man deliberately let you get close to the emperor. With your Chi Xiao's methods, you can definitely turn the emperor's obsession into obsession and ignore political affairs. This will make it easier for us to arrange. Basically, we Thank you also for giving us this convenience."

He took another step closer, and said with a sneer: "When the little emperor ascends the throne, the old man will reveal the reason for the emperor's death. If the little emperor finds out that you Chi Xiao killed his father with medicine, you think he will let him go." Have you ever missed you? At that time, you Chi Xiao will definitely become homeless dogs with nowhere to go."


Wang Meiren couldn't help but gasped.

She entered the palace to cause chaos in the palace because of Chi Xiao's plan.

Once Han Lingdi died, the world would be in chaos, and chaos would be beneficial to Chi Xiao.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Rang from Heishui was watching from the side after the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole, and he accidentally helped Zhang Rang.

"Dog slave, I will not let you succeed!"

Wang Meiren gritted her teeth and said.


Zhang Rang Yin Cece smiled, and the long sword in his hand didn't stop at all.

"Do you think you can still do it?"


Zhang Rang's long sword stabbed Wang Meiren again.

Wang Meiren staggered and was about to die under Zhang Rang's long sword.

At this moment, the window suddenly opened wide, and countless rays of light hit Zhang Rang.

Jingle Jingle!

Zhang Rang had no time to hurt the enemy, so he swung his sword to protect himself.

When he blocked the last hidden weapon, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was not a hidden weapon, but a pottery vase.


The bottle burst, sending up powder all over the sky.

A black shadow took the opportunity to rush over and took Beauty Wang's hand.

"Come on!"

Wang Meiren breathed a sigh of relief when she heard someone's voice. She knew it was reinforcements.

The two supported each other to rush out of the room.

Where to go!
Zhang Rang's ghostly figure stood in front of the two of them, and he waved his sleeves to disperse the powder.

His big sleeves also serve this purpose.

not good!

The visitor and Wang Meiren's hearts sank at the same time.

Zhang Rang suddenly felt that the figure of the man in black was somewhat familiar.

"I'm blocking him, you go away! He has already sent everyone away in order to kill you."

The man in black knew that Zhang Rang was extremely high, and the two of them might not be his opponents, so he let Wang Meiren go first.

Brother be careful!

Wang Meiren knew that she was injured and there was nothing she could do to help, so she took a few steps back and escaped from the window.

Want to escape?
Zhang Rang was about to catch up, but was entangled by the man in black.


The two each took a step back.

Ha ha!

Zhang Rang retracted his sleeves, and said with a smile: "There are people from Chi Xiao under the old man's nose. I'm really careless. But it's normal. If this woman wants to pass on news, she must have an internal response who can enter and leave the palace at any time. Isn't that right? Ah, Pan Yin and Pan Sima!"

Hearing that Zhang Rang exposed his identity, the man in black tore off his veil, revealing a white and beardless face. It was Sima Panyin, the captain of the military academy.

Pan Yin was also an eunuch, and Jian Shuo promoted him to Sima because of his bravery.

Pan Yin is Chi Xiao's eyeliner buried in the palace.

"Master Zhang! Although Chi Xiao and Heishui have some grievances, they are still in the same direction. Now that the emperor is dead, we all get what we need. Why are you being aggressive?"

Ha ha!

Zhang Rang sneered.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for your hard life, and you insisted on bumping into the old man's hands."

Said forced to come up.

Pan Yin drew his sword and fought Zhang Rang.

But where is Zhang Rang's opponent?

Chi la sound!

Pan Yin took a few steps back, bleeding profusely from one of his left arms.


Zhang Rang smiled coldly, and was about to leave to chase Beauty Wang.

"Zhang Rang"

Pan Yin suddenly said loudly: "Are you not afraid that I will spread the news of your ambush He Jin?"

Hearing this, Zhang Rang's heart sank.

This hit his sore point.

In order for Liu Xie to succeed to the throne smoothly, He Jin must die.

As long as He Jin is killed, the rest is insignificant. With the help of the Yunzhou Army, Zhang Rang will definitely be able to deter the rest of Xiaoxiao.

If the news of this incident leaks out and He Jin notices, the matter may become difficult.

"The dead don't pass on messages!"

Zhang Rang narrowed his eyes and looked at Pan Yin coldly.

There is plenty of time, he can kill Pan Yin first, and then go after Wang Meiren.

Pan Yin seemed to understand Zhang Rang's thoughts, and immediately said: "Master Zhang, do you think there are only two people in Chi Xiao hiding in the palace?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Rang stopped suddenly.

This is what worries him the most.

If Pan Yin is not the only eyeliner of Chi Xiao in the palace, this matter will be difficult to handle.

"How are you doing?"

Zhang Rang hesitated for a while.

"Let her go, and Chi Xiao will naturally keep his mouth shut. Otherwise, we'll die, and we won't get any better."

Pan Yin gritted his teeth.

Zhang Rang's eyes were gloomy for a while.

"How can I trust you? What if the two of you are released and you both inform He Jin?"

Without even thinking about it, Pan Yin said: "Let her go, I will stay, and you will let me go when He Jin bestows the head."

very good!

Zhang Rang nodded, he had already made up his mind, even if He Jin was awarded the head, he would not let Pan Yin leave alive.


Zhang Rang suddenly called out.

In an instant, Zhao Zhong came up with the guards.

"Take this Pan Yin down!"

Zhang Rang sneered.

Although Zhao Zhong was a little strange, he still obediently took Pan Yin down.

Pan Yin closed her eyes, didn't struggle, and just caught her without a fight.

"Zhang Hou!"

Zhao Zhong lowered his voice.

"Empress Dowager Dong has received news that she has successfully deceived Empress He's trust. He Jin will enter the palace tomorrow morning. Once He Jin enters the palace, General Wei Dong Zhong will close the gates of the palace. Jian Shuo has already entered the palace. Fifty knives and axes were ambushed at the Jiade Gate of Changle Palace. Whenever you see He Jin, click!"

He made a cutting gesture.

very good!

Zhang Rang nodded in satisfaction.

He thought for a while, and said: "Immediately send a secret order to the Yunzhou army, let them rush to the capital overnight, as long as He Jin is killed, the world will be ours."


Zhao Zhong smiled complacently.

Up to now, he has to fight.

If you bet right, you will get inexhaustible wealth and glory, if you bet wrong, you will lose your head, anyway, Zhang Rang is right, once He Jin monopolizes power, they will die without a place to die.

Zhang Rang took a deep breath, and his eyes fell to the northeast direction.

Everything is ready now, just waiting for the Yunzhou Army to arrive.

Once the Yunzhou army came, this matter could come to a complete picture.

Guo Jia!

Zhang Rang narrowed his eyes.

"Don't let the old man down!"

He said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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