Chapter 372 Take down Mengjin
A sneeze!

Guo Jia suddenly sneezed.

He couldn't help rubbing his nose and found that it was already dawn.

Another night of driving!

Cai Yan was sleeping in the car at Haitangchun, Guo Jia didn't intend to wake her up, but quietly put on her clothes, opened the curtain and walked out.


Seeing Guo Jia coming out, Dian Wei stood up hastily, and he guarded the carriage all night.

Hard work!
Guo Jia nodded approvingly.

He was very pleased with Dian Wei's loyalty.

Shaoqing, Yu Jin, Gao Shun and Xu Shu both rode up to catch up.

"Yu Jin, have you arrived in Mengjin yet?"

Guo Jia, he suddenly discovered that the army was already on the bank of the Yellow River.

"Back to my lord, I've already arrived in Mengjin."

Yu Jin replied.

Guo Jia led the crowd to the river.

Not far away, a pontoon bridge leads directly to the opposite bank, and the other bank is Mengjin Pass.

What a majestic pass!
Guo Jia's eyes fell on Meng Jinguan.

Mengjin Pass is adjacent to the Yellow River in the north and Mangling Mountain in the south. With the support of mountains and rivers, the pass is easy to hold, forming a situation in which the pass controls the river and the river defends the pass.Because of its dangerous situation, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it has become a battleground for military strategists.

The Yellow River flows out of Shaanxi and rushes through the canyon in the west of Henan Province. The water flow is turbulent. When it reaches Mengjin, the river channel gradually widens and the flow speed drops sharply, making it easier for boats to cross.Therefore, Mengjin Ferry has been the hub of traffic between the north and the south since ancient times.The Mengjin Pass was set up here, with the Yellow River as a natural barrier, and it took advantage of the geographical advantage.

At this time, the flow of the Yellow River was not in a hurry, and the pontoon bridge was very stable, allowing the army to pass through.

"Zilong, show the imperial decree, follow me into the pass!"

Guo Jia said proudly.

Zhao Yun took out the imperial decree, led the vanguard to protect Guo Jia, stepped across the pontoon bridge, and arrived in front of Mengjin Pass.

When they came to the gate, the city gate was closed tightly. Zhao Yun signaled his subordinates to protect Guo Jia, and he came to the gate with the imperial decree.

"Listen, guards, we are the Yunzhou Army, and we are entering Beijing at His Majesty's will."

Zhao Yun raised the imperial decree in his hand.

There was no movement at the entire pass.

Zhao Yun shouted again, but what greeted him was a wave of bows and arrows!
darn thing!

Zhao Yun's reaction was extremely quick, his spear swept across, and immediately knocked down the long arrow.

"I will say it again, we are the Yunzhou Army, and we entered Beijing by imperial decree."

Zhao Yun retreated to a safe distance and said in a deep voice.


There was a cold voice from the top of the city.

A tall general suddenly stood up.

"I am Bao Hong, Captain of the Xiyuan Military Academy of the Great Han Dynasty. I was ordered by the General to guard Mengjin Pass. Without the order of the General, no soldier or soldier can enter the pass!"

Captain Xiyuan!

Guo Jia who was behind was shocked.

Did He Jin take the lead?

His eyes narrowed immediately.

"Please come out and answer the captain guarding the gate."

Guo Jia shouted loudly.

From the secret letter of Shi Changshi, it is known that this guard officer is from the department of Shi Changshi, and is responsible for opening the door for the Yunzhou Army, so Guo Jiacai decided to land in Mengjin.

Captain Shouguan!

Bao Hong on the top of the wall sneered, and casually dropped a head.

"This guy disrespected the general's order, and has already been punished by the school's captain. Please retreat quickly, or don't blame the school's captain for being blind to swords and swords."

As he spoke, another rain of arrows fell.

But this time Zhao Yun was prepared and stood in front of Guo Jia.

darn thing!

Guo Jia was furious.

But the terrain of Mengjin Pass is dangerous, and a strong attack will definitely outweigh the gains, and besides, he doesn't want to waste his troops in such a place.

Guo Jia's heart suddenly moved, and he pretended to be indignant: "Bao Hong, I have an imperial edict in my hand, and the Yunzhou Army also entered Beijing by order. Is He Jin's order more effective than the emperor's?"

As soon as these words came out, all the surrounding soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

Bao Hong's heart sank.

He led five hundred troops to raid Mengjin Pass overnight, and took down the guard with lightning speed.

Meng Jin was captured, but the thousands of defenders here are still subordinate to the original captain.

Although Bao Hong executed the original guard with a bloody wrist, these thousands of people may not be convinced.

It would be fine if it changed from usual, he can clean up slowly.

But now that the Yunzhou army was on the other side, it was too late for him to clean up.

"Listen, officers and men, they are pretending to go to Beijing to plot wrongdoing, and there will be a warrant from General He Jin here."

Bao Hong took out He Jin's warrant again.

The soldiers guarding the pass were forced again.

On one side is the general's warrant, and on the other side is the emperor's imperial decree.

Who is this listening to?

Guo Jia suddenly laughed.

"Soldiers guarding the pass, this guy is the one who passed on the false order? General He Jin is a relative of the emperor, how could he block the Yunzhou army who came to Beijing under the order? Besides, who is real and who is fake? You can tell it at a glance. You can drop it in a basket, and I will put the imperial decree on it for you to examine?"

The garrison guarding the city hesitated.

Since people dared to let them inspect the goods, the imperial decree was certainly not fake.

Besides, they did receive a notice from the palace before, asking them to let the Yunzhou army in.

But with the arrival of Bao Hong, the captain of Xiyuan, things became complicated.

Bao Hong first killed the defender involuntarily, and then seized the military power with the order of General He Jin.

Although everyone was upset, there was nothing they could do.

"Brothers, don't listen to this blandishment, shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow!"

Bao Hong said angrily.

This time, the soldiers guarding the pass were obviously dissatisfied.

People support the inspection, but you try your best to stop it. It is clear at a glance who is real and who is fake.

Originally, these people were somewhat dissatisfied with Bao Hong for killing his boss, but now it has completely exploded.

Seeing this, Guo Jia suddenly raised his voice.

"Soldiers and soldiers, if you were deceived by others, and it is justifiable, immediately switch the switch to allow the Yunzhou army to enter the city, and the matter will be canceled! But if you make mistakes again and again, and help the evildoers, you will end up beheading everyone. "

As soon as these words came out, Bao Hong couldn't bear it anymore.

"Send the arrow, release the arrow!"

The guards were unmoved.

"Why don't you shoot arrows?"

Bao Hong grabbed a general and said angrily.

That general hesitated for a moment, but still bit the bullet and said: "What if the imperial decree is true?"

Once the imperial decree is true, they are considered to be rebels, and rebellion is full of murder.

The family members of these people are all in Luoyang, and they don't want to be implicated in this way.


Furious, Bao Hong drew his sword and chopped off the general.

"Those who disobey orders will be killed without mercy!"

At the beginning, he used this method to seize the military power of Mengjinguan.


This time, there was no previous effect.

The guards on the top of the city turned their weapons and stared at Bao Hong angrily.

Bao Hong was taken aback, secretly screaming that it was not good.

It was only then that he realized that it was a foolish move to vent his anger and kill people just now.

"Do you want to rebel? I am Lieutenant Xiyuan, and I hold General He's warrant in my hand."

Bao Hong said bravely.

He could only use military orders to suppress the dissatisfaction of the guards again.

(End of this chapter)

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