Chapter 373 Let him go

However, Bao Hong was wrong again, very wrong.

A deputy general guarding the gate stood up.

"Lord Colonel, you said that you took General He's general order, but no matter how great General He's general order is, how can it compare with the imperial court's imperial edict? You let us attack the Yunzhou Army, isn't this forcing us to rebel? Besides, this What is the crime of this brother, you can't help but kill him."

As soon as he stood up like this, the guards stood behind him one after another, looking at Bao Hong with unfriendly expressions.

Bao Hong's heart sank, and he pointed at the crowd.

"Military law is not merciful, don't think that if you gather a crowd to make trouble, our school captain can't kill you? Come and take these people down!"

The confidants behind him immediately rushed out and surrounded all these generals.

At this time, the soldiers guarding the city quit, and turned their weapons and aimed at Bao Hong's men one after another.

There are thousands of soldiers guarding the pass, while Bao Hong has only 500. In terms of military strength, Bao Hong is at a disadvantage.

"Call in the cavalry!"

Bao Hong gritted his teeth and shouted.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

As long as these rebellious generals are taken down, the rest will be no threat.

He had already prepared himself, and all the generals who were guarding the gate had their weapons confiscated.

There was a lot of commotion on the top of the city, and Yang Fan of the Yunzhou Army had not noticed that Yang Fan had already touched it quietly.

"If you don't listen to orders, you will be killed without mercy!"

Bao Hong roared.

Since the blood of one or two people is no longer able to coerce these people, then simply kill these generals.

He gave one kind of subordinate a wink, and all the subordinates understood, and suddenly drew their swords to kill the general guarding the pass.

The generals defending the city were caught off guard and immediately fell into a pool of blood.

"Brothers, these people don't give us a way to survive, everyone do it!"

The leading lieutenant general was also slashed, and he yelled in pain.

The soldiers guarding the pass rushed over immediately and fought with Bao Hong's men.

Bao Hong killed a general, and gritted his teeth, said: "General Meng Jin gathered a crowd to rebel, and all the brothers will be killed by me. Only the chief culprit will be eliminated, and the rest will not be punished."

At this moment, Yang Fan below looked carefully and immediately shot an arrow.

Bao Hong was shot unexpectedly, and fell to the ground grumbling.

"Brothers, kill these bastards who fake orders, switch the switch, and let the Yunzhou army come in!"

The deputy general guarding the gate shouted.

Since Bao Hong planned to wash them with blood, they were naturally not polite.

The soldiers guarding the pass rushed to the top of the city and fought with Bao Hong's men.

Frame the frame!
A general opened the drawbridge.

Zhao Yun took the lead and rushed into the pass.

Yang Fan behind him also led his men into the pass.

Yang Fan's men were all good cavalry soldiers selected from Baima Yicong. As soon as they came in, they sniped and killed Bao Hong's men.

What Bao Hong brought was Habayashi Guard, with feathers stuck on his helmet, which was originally a thing of superior status in the Real Guards, but now it has become a life-threatening talisman.

A group of Habayashi Guards turned their backs on their backs, and were quickly submerged in the anger of the former guards.

Guo Jia waved his hand fiercely and led the army into Mengjin Pass.

The battle soon drew to a close.

Bao Hong's five hundred troops were quickly wiped out by the angry gate guards and the bow cavalry of the Yunzhou Army.

Even he himself was captured alive by Zhao Yun.

After all the dust settled, the bloody lieutenant prostrated himself in front of Guo Jia.

"Mengjin Defender Sima Zhao Ming pays homage to Lord Guo Hou!"

He has seen the imperial decree and knows that the imperial decree is true.

"Zhao Sima please get up!"

Guo Jia hastily helped him up.

In other words, the reason why he was able to enter the customs smoothly this time was due to Zhao Mingjue's great contribution.

"Master Guo, please forgive me, the general was also deceived by the traitor, and it almost caused a catastrophe."

Zhao Ming said tremblingly.

Those who don't know are not guilty!
Guo Jia smiled slightly, and gently opened the page.

Seeing that Guo Jia didn't blame him, Zhao Ming was relieved.

At this time, Zhao Yun came to Guo Jia with Bao Hong, who was soaked in blood.

"My lord, Bao Hong has already brought it!"

Zhao Yun let go of Bao Hong and threw Bao Hong at Guo Jia's feet.

"Guo Jia, you traitorous minister!"

Bao Hong raised his head and said through gritted teeth.

He is He Jin's confidant, so he naturally hates Guo Jia.

Chaotic thief!

Guo Jia suddenly pulled his hair.

"Why don't you open your dog's eyes and take a good look, is this the imperial decree of today?"

Bao Hong snorted.

He naturally recognized the imperial decree and knew that the imperial decree was true.

"The ten permanent servants have harmed the country and the people, and falsely preached the imperial decree. You, Guo Jia, are the lackeys of the ten permanent servants. Just wait, the general will definitely avenge me."

This person was quite stubborn, and he had fallen into Guo Jia's hands, and he had no intention of leaving alive.

very good!

Guo Jia sneered.

He likes to torture such hard bones the most.

There is no point in torturing the cartilage.

"I'm Shi Changshi's running dog, so what are you?"

Guo Jia stepped on Bao Hong's ankle.

Bao Hong yelled in pain.

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated. Guo Jia, you traitor, you will die badly."

is it?

Guo Jia smiled again and stepped on his right foot.

Bao Hong screamed again, and now he was in so much pain that he couldn't speak.

"Do not worry!"

Guo Jia said with a smile: "You still have your hands, your calves, and that thing. After I step on it slowly, I will bandage it up for you. After the wound is healed, I will tear it open and sprinkle some salt. Desperate to die."

Although Bao Hong wanted to die wholeheartedly, he was still a little horrified to hear this method.

"Guo Jia, tormenting people is not a good man, please give me a good time!"

He finally couldn't hold it anymore, and his tone began to soften.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

"Aren't you stubborn anymore?"

Bao Hong stopped talking.

His stubbornness was just for quick death, now that Guo Jia wanted to torture him slowly, he didn't dare to be stubborn anymore.

Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Are you satisfied?"

As soon as these words came out, the generals around him were a little dumbfounded.

Well, the protagonist's classic question has begun.

In other words, they haven't heard the lord say this for some time.

Bao Hong was also stunned.

Isn't this nonsense?
Can you let him go?
Ever since he fell into Guo Jia's hands, he had no intention of leaving alive.

But ants are greedy for life, and so is Bao Hong.

He calculated carefully for a while.

Unconvinced, of course, is a dead end.

Persuaded, it may be a dead end, but after all, there is still a little life.

Besides, it doesn't matter if it's a dead end, he just wants to die quickly.


Bao Hong said in a low voice.


Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

Those who seem to be persuaded do not end well.

They all seemed to have seen the scene of Bao Hong's head falling.

Guo Jia laughed a few times, and said: "I knew it was so, why bother. Now that you are convinced, this Marquis will no longer be as knowledgeable as you. Someone give him a horse and let him go back!"

Everyone fell down.

 Thank you book friends ◆. Heart~ for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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