Chapter 374 The Insidious Lord

let him go!
Hearing this, Bao Hong froze for a moment.

"Is what Lord Hou said true?"

He couldn't believe his ears.

Not only him, but even others are a little bit disbelieving.Especially the old people who follow Guo Jia, they all know Guo Jia's classic questions.

It seems that the people who were visited by Guo Jia's classic question did not end well.

If this Bao Hong was really released, he might have created a piece of history.

of course!

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "This Marquis keeps his word!"

As he spoke, someone brought a horse.

Bao Hong pondered for a moment, then clasped his hands together.

"Thank you, Master Guo."

He struggled to his feet.

Since he was spared his life, he was naturally more polite.

let go!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Zhao Yun untied his rope and said calmly, "Thank you, Lord Guo."

Bao Hong bowed, turned around, mounted his horse, and was about to leave.

Guo Jia suddenly came in front of him and said a few words in a low voice.

Bao Hong's face changed, and he clasped his fists again and said, "So that's the case, Lord Guohou, please rest assured, these few words will definitely be brought to me next time."

He flattered the horse and left.

Looking at Bao Hong's leaving figure, Guo Jia showed a smug smile.


Yang Fan on the side whispered: "Just let him go, do you want your subordinates to catch up?"

He is a sharp shooter, even if Bao Hong leaves first, he is still sure to shoot him.

Need not!

Guo Jia waved his hand and said with a smile, "A living Bao Hong is more valuable than a dead one."

Yang Fan was puzzled, and everyone was equally puzzled.

But seeing that Guo Jia didn't want to explain, they didn't ask.

At present, the Yunzhou Army took over Mengjin's defense and began to station.Not only that, they also set up camp and set up grain depots to stock up on grain and grass, and it seemed that they were going to stay permanently.

Army Sima Zhao Ming was very puzzled.

Isn't the Yunzhou Army going to Beijing?Why are you stationed in Mengjin?
Which song is this sung?
But even though he slandered, he didn't dare to speak out. The Yunzhou army is strong and strong, and they are not opponents.

Fortunately, the Yunzhou Army took good care of them from Guo Jia down, and did not short of their due supplies.

Although Zhao Ming didn't understand Guo Jia's plan, he could only feel bored in his heart.

Now that his boss is dead, he doesn't want to be troublesome, just be a monk and hit the clock for a day.


Let's say that after the Yunzhou army settled down, Guo Jia immediately found a clean barracks for Cai Meimei to rest.

Speaking of traveling along the way, Cai Meimei suffered a lot from the exhaustion.

She is no better than Cai Yu, that girl has been honed from traveling all over the world.

Cai Meimei has always been a big lady who doesn't stick to the sun, if there is any loss, wouldn't Guo Jia be guilty?
So as soon as she settled down, Guo Jia let Cai Meimei take a good rest.


That night, Xu Shu came uninvited.

"Today, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

he asked with a smile.

How can there be any medicine!
Guo Jia was also smiling.

He also knows that he can hide from others but not from this confidant think tank.

"Since the lord refuses to say it clearly, then Xu Shu will make a bold guess."

Xu Shu said with a smile.

He got up and took a few steps, and said: "My lord's classic question is clear to all three-year-old children in Yunzhou. No matter how the questioner answers, he will die. The reason why the lord made an exception this time, Xu Shu thought only Three reasons."

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Three reasons?"

Xu Shu stretched out a finger and said, "First of all, although this Bao Hong is one of the captains of the West Garden, he doesn't have much real talent and learning. It doesn't matter whether he kills him or not."

Makes sense!
Guo Jia nodded.

Seeing Guo Jia's noncommittal, Xu Shu immediately regained his spirits.


He held out a second finger.

"Before the lord left, he whispered a few words in his ear, probably to let him pass it on to He Jin. Compared with the dead Bao Hong, the surviving Bao Hong is more convincing."

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded again, with a smile on his face.


Xu Shu paused.

"My lord actually didn't want to participate in this palace change in Luoyang, so I was stationed in Mengjin and didn't move my troops for a long time."

Guo Jia raised his thumb again.

A thumbs up for Xu Shu's IQ.

He didn't expect his purpose to be seen by this subordinate.

Seeing that Guo Jia did not deny it, Xu Shu's face became serious.

In fact, he had long suspected Guo Jia's purpose for bringing troops here.

It stands to reason that this master doesn't have a good impression of Shi Changshi, and he would never travel thousands of miles to Luoyang for their one piece of advice.

After confirming the fact that Guo Jia didn't plan to go to Beijing, Xu Shu's mind began to spin rapidly.

"Right now, the struggle between Luoyang's ten permanent servants and He Jin has reached a point where fire and water are incompatible. Either you die or we die. With the strength of the Yunzhou Army, if you support one side casually, the other side will definitely lose. My lord, stand still here, Is it for the benefit of both ends? No, since it is the benefit of both ends, then the army commander should drive straight in and threaten Luoyang. Why do you want to survive in Mengjin? Could it be..."

Xu Shu suddenly raised his head in surprise, and Shi Potian said in shock: "Could it be that the lord is not optimistic about both of them? That's why he decided to stay out of the world and wait for an opportunity?"

Xu Yuanzhi is so good, even if he is not in the middle, he is not far away!
Guo Jia smiled and stood up.

It was just a small move by himself, but he saw almost the whole plan.

Guo Jia gave a thumbs up again.

Fortunately, he was deceived and abducted by himself and brought to Yunzhou, otherwise Xu Shu would be a serious problem for him if he followed someone else.

Is that really the case?

Xu Shu was also taken aback.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it became normal for foreign relatives and eunuchs to compete for power.

Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west overwhelms the east wind.

This time, Xu Shu thought it was no exception.

Either the ten servants will win, He Jin will be finished, and then there will be new relatives rising up, and the struggle between the two parties will continue.

Either He Jinsheng and Shi Changshi are finished, and there will be new eunuch forces rising, and the contradiction between the two parties still exists.

Except for these two situations, Xu Shu really didn't think of other results.

There is another result!
Guo Jia smiled, and said word by word: "He Jin and Shi Changshi are all finished, and the Han Dynasty has entered an era of warring for hegemony."

Hearing these words, Xu Shu trembled and looked at Guo Jia in disbelief.

He Jin and Shi Changshi are finished!
If this is the case, then the imperial court will definitely lose its strength. Once the imperial court's strength is greatly weakened, it will not be able to control the place, and the rise of the princes is a matter of course.


Xu Shu was a little puzzled again.

How did the lord know?

If it is calculated, then this lord is too enchanting.

Not only evil, but also a little sinister!

(End of this chapter)

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