Chapter 375
Let's say that Bao Hong escaped from Mengjin and galloped all the way to Luoyang overnight.

"Open the city gate quickly, open the city gate quickly, I am Bao Hong, the captain of the military academy, and I have a hundred thousand urgent military information."

When Bao Hong arrived, the gate of Luoyang had been closed.

However, there was an urgent military situation, and the captain of Chengmen did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported it to General He Jin.

At this time, the city defense of Luoyang had fallen into the hands of He Jin.

He Jin was also very surprised to hear that Bao Hong was back, but he still brought his men to come.


Seeing He coming in, Bao Hong crawled up to him.

"My subordinate Bao Hong has [-] urgent military reports!"

He Jin saw that Bao Hong was covered in blood and his left arm was still bandaged, and felt a little bad in his heart.

"Bao Hong, why did you come by yourself? Where is Mengjin Pass?"

he asked sharply.

"Back to General, Meng Jin...has fallen into Guo Jia's hands!"

Bao Hong said with a mournful face.

He Jin swayed and nearly fell to the ground.

Mengjin is one of the eight passes in Luoyang. Once it falls, Luoyang will be under the nose of the world.

darn thing!

He Jin kicked Bao Hong to the ground.

"The general gave you five hundred elite Habayashi troops, and there are thousands of guards at Mengjin Pass. How could it be so easy for the Yunzhou Army to take the pass?"

He was a little furious.

The eight passes are the defenses on the periphery of Luoyang. Once they fall, the army of Yunzhou can go straight to the city of Luoyang.

In this way, Luoyang will have no danger to defend.

General, General!
Bao Hong knew he was in the wrong, and hurriedly said, "It's true that Meng Jin was lost, but the matter is not so bad that it is irreparable."

Then he said what Guo Jia told him.

"For a long time, we have misunderstood Guo Jia. He came from an ordinary background, so he had no choice but to go as a ten-year-old servant in order to become an official. But he didn't have a good impression of the ten-year-old servant. It's just that we repeated it over and over again. To attack him, he had no choice but to rely on Shi Changshi to fight back. Guo Houye also said that this time he came to Beijing not to help Shi Changshi, but to help the general. To show his sincerity, he decided to stay in the Mengjin pass, don't take a step into Luoyang."

Everyone who said this looked at each other in blank dismay.

He Jin was also a little puzzled.

At this moment, I came to report to Ma Lai.

"Report to the general, the Yunzhou army has already stationed at Mengjin Pass, and there is no sign of going to Luoyang."

Hearing the news, Bao Hong hurriedly said: "The last general just said that Master Guo will not lie."

At least Guo Jia said to let him go, so he let him go.


He Jin also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Guo Jia didn't help Shi Changshi, then he would have more chances of winning this palace fight.

Seeing that He Jin calmed down, Bao Hong seemed to think of something again, and said immediately: "Master Guo also said that the general should be careful of the people around him. made contact."

He Jin was furious when he heard the news.

"That bastard eats inside out?"

He was already a little outraged.

All the generals looked at me and I looked at you, all a little at a loss.

At this moment, Yuan Kui Shi Shiran arrived.

"General, don't be fooled by traitors. This is Guo Jia's countermeasure, and he deliberately made us mess up."

The master is here!

Seeing Yuan Kai coming, He Jin seemed to have a backbone.

"General, everything this subordinate said is true!"

Bao Hong said with a sad face.

What he said is indeed true, because Guo Jia said so, but whether what Guo Jia said is true or not is another matter.

How dare you speak sweet words!

Yuan Kui pointed to Bao Hong and said, "Since Guo Jia wants to help the general, why didn't he station his troops outside Mengjin Pass? Since he wanted to help the general, why did he kill all of your five hundred feathered troops?"


Bao Hong couldn't tell!
Yuan Kai cupped his hands and said: "This is obviously because Bao Hong is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he agreed to cooperate with others in exchange for his life. The old man thought that this person should be killed!"

It's time to kill!It's time to kill!

All the generals shouted in unison.

Originally, some people who were close friends with Bao Hong wanted to intercede, but this guy's words almost killed everyone, so no one interceded with him now.

darn thing!

After listening to Yuan Kai's words, He Jin changed again.

He was originally a hesitant temperament.

"Bao Hong, this general treats you well, why do you conspire against me together with Guo Jia?"

"General, what your subordinates say is the truth!"

Bao Hong pointed at the sky and complained.

How dare you lie!

The more He Jin thought about it, the angrier he became, and he almost fell for this bastard.

"Running away, come here, drag this guy down and cut him down!"

Two mighty personal soldiers immediately carried Bao Hong down, and with a scream, Bao Hong's head was sent up.

Bao Hong opened his round eyes, and he did not rest in peace.

It never occurred to him that he escaped from Guo Jia's hands, and he still couldn't escape death when he came to He Jin's side.

Thank you Tai Fu!

He Jin cupped his fists sincerely and said, "If the Grand Tutor hadn't arrived in time, the old man would have almost fallen into Guo Jia's scheme."

Right now, he already hated Guo Jia to the bone.

You are welcome, General!

Yuan Kai also clasped his fists in return.

"Nowadays, the ten ministers are in power, and the general is the mainstay. To help the court clarify Yuyu, I have to ask the general."

Hear Yuan Kui's flattery.

A smile appeared on He Jin's face.

"Teacher, please don't worry, Dong Zhuo has already entered the customs, and the surrounding areas of Luoyang are also people from the old man. Even if Guo Jia comes in, it will not be a big deal."

He suddenly said happily: "Not long ago, the old man received a message from Empress He, saying that Empress Dowager Dong had finally figured it out and wanted to make the prince Liu Bian the crown prince. Tomorrow morning, the old man will enter the palace to discuss the appointment of the prince. Once the prince Liu Bian becomes the prince Prince, it is just around the corner to inherit the great power in the future. At that time, the Taifu and the old man will all be meritorious officials. You also have the merits of Conglong's support."

Thank you General!
All the generals thanked in unison.


He Jin left contentedly.

After He Jin left, all the generals dispersed, and only Yuan Shu and Yuan Kai stayed behind.

"My man, I'm afraid tomorrow will be the day of your death!"

Yuan Kai said in a dark tone.

Empress Dowager Dong has always been at odds with the He family, so how could she take the initiative to appoint Liu Bian, the nephew of the He family, as the crown prince?
This must be the conspiracy of Shi Changshi.

They are trying to earn money to enter the palace.

He Jin's life is in danger.

Uncle's high opinion!

Yuan Shu on the side was convinced.


Yuan Kai laughed a few times, looking smug.

The Yuan family had reached an agreement with Dong Zhuo, governor of Xiliang, in private.

Once He Jin was killed, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu would lead an army into the palace, behead all the ten permanent attendants, and take advantage of the chaos to kill the two princes.

When the time comes, there will be no leader in the imperial palace, so Yuan Kui will command the ministers as Taifu, and with the support of Dong Zhuo, he will choose a son of the royal family as emperor, following the old path of the great generals Dou Wu and Chen Fan.

In this way, the Yuan family will inevitably lose power.

(End of this chapter)

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