Chapter 377
Hearing that Yuan's family came to the barracks to talk about Xiang, everyone was very surprised.

It seems that these aristocratic families have never taken such rough men seriously.

It was really strange for the Yuan family to come to the Xiliang army.

"This official is also a little strange. The fourth and third members of the Yuan family have never taken our rough tricks seriously. Why did he send people to find this official? Only when Yuan Shu came, this official understood their purpose. More precisely It's a conspiracy."

Dong Zhuo said to himself.


The generals looked at each other a little.

Dong Zhuo coughed and continued: "Yuan Shu is acquainted with this official, he came to see this official and revealed the Yuan family's intentions. It turned out that Yuan Kai planned to let us sit and watch He Jin and Shi Chang Shihuo fight together. The two sides are evenly matched, and most likely both will suffer. When He Jin and Shi Changshi no longer exist, and Yuan Kai comes out to clean up the mess in the name of the Taifu, the Yuan family will naturally become the head of all the officials, and the power will be in the court. Of course, ours will also be indispensable. Credit."

He suddenly raised his voice.

"Everyone is my right-hand man. Let's talk about it. We should help He Jin, or listen to Yuan Wei."


Everyone looked at each other again.

Yuan Kai and He Jin wore a pair of trousers, and now they conspired to harm He Jin and monopolize the government.

Scholars are really insidious.

All the generals cursed one after another.

This is really a bit difficult to do.

This is a question of standing.

If you stand wrong, you will not get credit for it, and you will be punished if it is serious.


Xu Rong hesitated, and said: "According to my subordinates, it's better to help General He."

Dong Zhuo's eyes fell on Xu Rong.

"tell me the story?"

He also cared about what this confidant general said.

"Judging from the current situation, General He Jin still has the upper hand. The Ten Permanent Attendants are no match for the General. Besides, General He holds the military power in Luoyang. The Ten Permanent Attendants will definitely die, and the Yuan family is also impossible. What to do."

Xu Rong was born in a poor family, and he didn't like the Yuan family, a wealthy family, so he still leaned towards General He Jin from the bottom of his heart.

Not bad!

Xu Rong is Dong Zhuo's confidant. Hearing the boss's words, the rest of the generals said yes.

No foster father!

At this time Lu Bu suddenly stood up.

"Although He Jin has great power, the Yuan family is not easy to deal with. Yuan Kai is full of tricks, and Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are He Jin's right-hand men. If the Yuan family suddenly gets into trouble, He Jin will most likely capsize in the gutter. From what I can see , it would be better to help the Yuan family."

It's not that he has any friendship with the Yuan family, but he is thinking about his own future.

Ding Yuan was He Jin's confidant. Lu Bu killed Ding Yuan and voted for Dong Zhuo. If Dong Zhuo helped He Jin succeed, his position would be very embarrassing.

Simply put, Lu Bu insisted on helping Yuan.

Dong Zhuo hesitated for a moment.

What Xu Rong said was good, and what Lu Bu said was also reasonable.

Whether to help Yuan or to help He Jin, he was really a little undecided.

At this moment, Li Ru, who was silent at the side, suddenly said: "My lord, in fact, we can just watch from the sidelines."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said happily, "Let's listen to what Wen You said."

It is these generals who fight the war, but when it comes to fighting minds, they are still the best scholars.

Dong Zhuo still relied heavily on Li Ru.

On the sidelines?

Both Lu Bu and Xu Rong looked at Li Ru.

Li Ru said confidently: "The conflict between He Jin and Shi Changshi has been going on for a long time, and now it is even more irreconcilable. The outcome of the battle between the two sides was unpredictable, but Yuan Jia's ulterior motives actually attacked He Jin from behind. He is careless, and all the military power has fallen to the top of the Yuan family's children. If he is careful or not, I expect that He Jin will definitely lose this time."

Makes sense!
Lu Bu responded first.

He wished that He Jin would be finished, so that he could be Dong Zhuo's godson smoothly.

Xu Rong and the four generals of Liangzhou looked at each other in blank dismay. After all, they still wanted to help the Yuan family.

Since you want to help the Yuan family, why do you want to sit on the sidelines?

Wouldn't it be better to do it in advance.

After all, giving charcoal in the snow is better than icing on the cake.

Li Ru smiled and said, "Everyone, the reason why the Yuan family came to our lord is because we are the only army that can control the situation in Luoyang."

Even Dong Zhuo couldn't understand this sentence.

Although the Liangzhou army has 10,000+, Dong Zhuo only brought tens of thousands of people.

These tens of thousands of people can still support the scene in Liangzhou, but they don't even make a sound in the capital.

The entire Luoyang Imperial Guard has [-] people, and they are in charge of He Jin and General Dong Zhong respectively.

Don't worry, my lord!

A smile appeared on Li Ru's face.

"Although the garrison of the capital is known as 5, most of them are stationed at the surrounding checkpoints. The entire capital has a maximum of [-] soldiers from the north and south, each under the command of He Jin and Dong Zhong. Yuan Wei is an old fox, how could he Fight an unsure battle?"

He took a deep breath and continued: "If the subordinate is Yuan Kai and wants to conspire to seize power, He Jin and the ten permanent servants will not stay. He Jin is strong but the ten permanent servants are weak. The Yuan family must first use the ten permanent servants and Dong Zhong dealt with He Jin, and then encouraged He Jin's subordinates to annihilate Shi Changshi and Dong Zhong. Once there is a problem between the two, the Northern and Southern Army will be leaderless. The Yuan family will do something. At this time, we are the biggest force, That's why Yuan Kai did not hesitate to humble himself and cooperate with the lord."

well said!
Dong Zhuo laughed again.

"As expected of Dong Zhuo's think tank, I was a little puzzled. Why did the Yuan family come to ask us to cooperate. It turns out that it is useful to us."

He pondered for a moment, then asked again: "Wenyou, what do you think we should do?"

Li Ru said with a smile: "It's very simple. My lord just needs to wait and see what happens. He Jin's order is ignored, and Yuan Kai's order is ignored by us. Then so and so..."

Then whispered a few words in Dong Zhuo's ear.

These few words are the most important.

In order to prevent any mistakes, Li Ru did not intend to announce it to the public.

Hearing Li Ru's words, Dong Zhuo instantly opened his eyes wide.

This this……

Even if he was so bold, he was a little shocked when he heard Li Ru's words.


Li Ru smiled lightly.

"The princes and generals are so kind. The master is a hero, so why should he be inferior to others? Yuan Wei can follow Huo Guangyi Yin, why can't the master? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, I'm afraid you will regret it." For life."

With a gloomy expression on his face, Dong Zhuo got up and took a few steps.

Suddenly, he slapped the table fiercely.

"Fuck your mother, wealth and honor are in danger. If it succeeds, you and my Dong family will live a lifetime of prosperity and wealth. If you lose, you will die. Fight!"

As he spoke, he raised his sword and cut off the corner of the table.

"Send the order, the whole army is on alert, ready to attack at any time."

Dong Zhuo passed down the military order.

All the generals responded in unison.

Although they didn't know what the lord was planning to do, they also noticed that something was unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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