Chapter 378
After convincing Dong Zhuo, Li Ru quietly heaved a sigh of relief.

When he came to his camp, a graceful figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was Wang Meiren who escaped from Zhang Rang.

At this moment, Wang Meiren has changed into another appearance, she is completely different from the noble, elegant and breezy empress before.

In fact, in Chi Xiao, she is known for her changeable appearance, and her surname is not Wang.


Wang Meiren whispered: "What's the matter?"

When he spoke, he touched the wound, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned, which made me feel pity.

"Junior Sister!"

Li Ru's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to reach out, but he stopped abruptly.

He knew that this junior sister was born beautiful, won the master's favor and placed high hopes on her, and would definitely be a key figure in Zhongxing Chixiao in the future.

Li Ru naturally didn't dare to think about this junior sister.

"Everything is going well. I have encouraged Dong Zhuo to take advantage of the chaos and enter the capital. As long as the time is right, I will be able to replace him."

Li Ru's eyes flashed brightly.

He was also ordered by Chi Xiao to hang around Dong Zhuo and wait for an opportunity.

Hearing this, Wang Meiren heaved a sigh of relief.

If this is the case, this time their task has been successfully completed.

"There is one more thing that needs to be taken care of by the old man, Master."

Li Ru said suddenly.

what's up?

Wang Meiren asked puzzledly.

"Although the rebellion in the capital has always been in the master's plan, there is one person who is really out of the plan."

Wang Meiren also became vigilant.

They have already placed their bets on Dong Zhuo. Once Dong Zhuo becomes the overlord, Chi Xiao will definitely be able to rise again.

At this time, no one is allowed to destroy it.

"Yunzhou Shepherd Guo Jia!"

Li Ru said seriously.

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, Wang Meiren flashed a strange look again.

This was the first man who "abandoned" her. At the beginning, Chi Xiao was very optimistic about Guo Jia, so he spent a lot of energy to get Wang Meiren to approach Guo Jia as a prisoner of the Huns.

As long as he is a man, it is difficult to resist the charm of Wang Meiren.

Wang Meiren also thought it was a matter of course, and even thought about how to deal with Guo Jia.

But what she never expected was that Guo Jia was not even interested in looking at her again.

mission failed!

This is Wang Meiren's first mission in her debut.

For this man who abandoned her, Wang Meiren can be said to hate to the bone.

So when she had the opportunity to embarrass Guo Jia in the palace, Beauty Wang didn't even frown.

But it's a pity that Wang Meiren's embarrassment did not cause difficulties to Guo Jia at all, on the contrary, it helped him.

Thinking of this episode, Wang Meiren felt a little itchy with hatred.

"Guo Jia came to Beijing at the call of the ten servants, but he didn't move after occupying Mengjin. His intentions are hard to guess. In addition, he doesn't seem to be completely on the side of the ten servants. I'm worried about my brother. What's more, he is also like us, and he is going to have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind him."

Li Ru said worriedly.

The Yunzhou army was strong and strong, and the Bingzhou army that Wenxian fought in the First World War lost its helmets and armor, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

Judging from the combat effectiveness displayed by the Yunzhou Army, Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Army may not be an opponent.

Once Guo Jia intervenes in the affairs of the palace, Chi Xiao's plan may become a little tricky.

"What do you think, brother?"

Wang Meiren asked in a low voice.

As the number one wise person under her master's seat, she also had a high regard for Li Ru's wisdom.

Li Ru frowned.

For such a powerful opponent, it is natural to eliminate them quickly, but...

He couldn't help shaking his head.

This is a bit of a dream.

"Talk if you can. If you can't talk, find a way to hold him back. When Dong Zhuo takes control of the situation, Guo Jia has nothing to do."

Li Ru lowered his voice and said.

Wang Meiren was stunned.

How to talk about this?
It was very difficult for her to get on line with Guo Jia.

Wang Meiren took a few steps, and resolutely said: "Okay, leave this matter to me, and I will find a way to support Guo Jia. I will leave this to the senior brother."

Saying that Wei Wei is blessed, she dodges and leaves the tent.


Meng Jin!

There was silence, except for the guards on duty, the soldiers of the Yunzhou Army had already fallen asleep.

Guo Jia didn't sleep, he was standing on the tower, overlooking the direction of Luoyang.

He knew that tomorrow must be the day of the meeting of wind and clouds.

According to a reliable tip, the ten servants have sharpened their knives and pointed at He Jin.The ambitious Dong Zhuo also came to the city of Luoyang.

History is still developing in the established direction, and Guo Jia's arrival did not stop this trend.

After this moment, the prelude to the separation of the Three Kingdoms will officially kick off.

From the perspective of Yunzhou's development, this coup has nothing to do with Guo Jia. No matter who is in power, Guo Jia's position in Yunzhou cannot be shaken.

But Guo Jia came to Luoyang by accident.

Because he didn't want to miss this historical moment.

Even as a bystander, he has to leave his footsteps at this historical moment.

Guo Jia didn't rest, and Xu Shu who was beside him followed closely.

The lord does not sleep, and as a subordinate, he is too embarrassed to rest.

Since the conversation that night, Xu Shu has been thinking about what the lord wants?
Want money?

Not like!

The border trade in Yunzhou is booming, and it is only a matter of time before Guo Jiafu can defeat the enemy.No matter which side offered the price, Guo Jia was not uncommon.

Want power?

Guo Jia's foundation is in Yunzhou, and other positions are meaningless to Guo Jia.

What exactly do you want?
Xu Shu was at a loss.

Originally Xu Shu thought that he was the one who knew Guo Jia best, but the fact was very embarrassing, he knew nothing about Guo Jia at all.

Did you come here for a woman?
Xu Shu slandered in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

It is said that the emperor has a network of beauties from the Sangong and Liuyuan. Could it be that this lord came here for this purpose?

"Yuanzhi, do you remember what I said before?"

When Xu Shu was slandering, he suddenly heard Guo Jia speak.He was startled immediately.

The two of them had said a lot, which sentence did he remember?
Guo Jia smiled, and said: "I once said that the emperor of the Han Dynasty will survive in name only, and the feudal lords will reappear in the Warring States Period."

Xu Shu froze for a moment, then nodded slowly.

He did remember.

Guo Jia once suffered from a serious illness, and then began to talk nonsense after the illness, said some words that others could not understand, and did some weird things.

Originally reduced from a son of a noble family with excellent character and learning to a joke in the academy.

But it was also at this time that Guo Jia got together with Xu Shu and Xi Zhong who were born in a poor family.

At that time, everyone thought Guo Jia was crazy.

Because the humble family and the gentry are basically two distinct classes.

Some also thought that everything Guo Jia said was nonsense.

Xu Shu also thought so before, but now he doesn't think Guo Jia is talking nonsense, he thinks Guo Jia guessed it.

First came the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and then came the separatist regime. Guo Jia hit every guess, and became the overlord of one party in just a few years.

Xu Shu cast all his admiration for this classmate and protagonist.

At this time, Dongfang turned pale, and Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

"It's finally here!"

He said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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