Chapter 382 Potential Crisis

In addition, Yuan Shao led the northern army into the palace, and killed the eunuchs whenever he saw them, and he would not let go of the white-faced ones.

Whether it was intentional or not, some of He Jin's loyal subordinates also died for no apparent reason. This time, the command of the Northern Army completely fell into the hands of Yuan Shao, the Marquis of the Northern Army.

For a while, the palace was in chaos, and many soldiers took the opportunity to rob the palace of property.

Dong Zhong was killed, and the southern army was soon disbanded. They also took the opportunity to create chaos.

The entire palace was in great chaos.


The gate of the Jiade Hall was finally opened.

The body of General He Jin was lying in the corridor.

Yuan Kui was overjoyed.

He Jin is finally dead!

Good to die, good to die!
A pig butcher shouldn't be equal to him in the first place.

To deal with a few eunuchs and call the Quartet soldiers into Beijing, you are really a fool.

Maybe killing a pig and killing a fool!

If he is not dead, how can Yuan Wei monopolize the government?
"Soldiers, Your Majesty is trapped by the Ten Permanent Attendants, quickly follow this old man into the palace to rescue Your Majesty!"

As he said that, he turned around and took his hands down to Weiyang Palace, and handed over the Jiade Palace to Yuan Shu and a group of confidants.

He had already learned about the death of the Han Ling Emperor from Shi Changshi's mouth. The so-called rescue of His Majesty was just a cover-up, and the real purpose was to facilitate Yuan Shu's removal of the two princes.

Everyone shouted in unison, they were all big soldiers, how could they know what Yuan Kai was thinking, they rushed into Weiyang Palace screaming, no one took a look at He Jin's body.

Yuan Shu took the lead and rushed into the Jiade Hall with a few confidants.

He had already been instructed by Yuan Kai to take advantage of the chaos and kill the two princes, and then push them on the heads of the ten servants.

Once the princes are all dead, Yuan Kui will establish a new king with the honor of Tai Fu.

At that time, just find a little emperor, and the power of the government will naturally fall into Yuan Wei's hands.Yuan Kui is the head of civil servants, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu control the military power of the capital, and the Yuan family will be able to pour power into the government and the public.

But when they broke into the Jiade Palace, they found that the inside was already in chaos, and Empress He's body was lying in the Jiade Palace.

Zhang Rang and others have long since disappeared!

Yuan Shu's heart sank suddenly.

"Quickly, find out the two Highnesses!"

He came to the Jiade Palace to find this other prince, once they escaped, things would become uncontrollable.

Yuan Shu's confidantes searched everywhere.

After a while, the news came.

"Report, General, someone saw that Zhang Rang and others hijacked the Empress Dowager Dong and the prince to the direction of the Imperial Garden."

"Report! A corpse was found in the pond, and it was identified as Prince Bian."

it is good!
Yuan Shu couldn't help but smile a little.

The prince is dead, so he won't have to do anything.

But there is still a prince association!

"Hurry up and find the Prince's Association!"

Yuan Shu shouted hastily.

As long as this prince's association is eliminated, everything will be settled.

At this moment, people from Huben Army came to report.

"I found a secret passage in the rockery in the garden, and the inside seems to lead to the outside."

not good!

Yuan Shu murmured that something was wrong.

Zhang Rang, the thief, probably ran away with the prince.

If he ran out of the capital, things would become difficult.

"Chasing, you have to see people in life, and you have to see corpses in death!"

As he spoke, he rushed into the secret passage first.


A scout quickly rushed into the camp of the Liangzhou Army.

"My lord, there is news from the third master. The emperor passed away, He Jin was killed, the palace was in chaos, and the prince identified the dead body in the pond. Only Zhang Rang and the new emperor Liu Xie did not know where they were. The third master found out that Zhang Rang and the young emperor Go to the north. Let you raise troops to meet the young emperor as soon as possible. Whoever finds the young emperor will be the final winner."


Dong Zhuo jumped up excitedly.

This time, he really bet right.

Congratulations, my lord!

Li Ru on the side hurriedly said: "This opportunity is not to be missed, Zhang Rang and the young emperor are not far away, let's hurry up and look for it, it is a great achievement to find it."

Things finally developed in the direction Chi Xiao hoped for, and Li Ru slowly let go of his heart.

good good!
Dong Zhuo made a quick decision: "Lu Bu, immediately lead your troops to join forces with the old man's Xiliang iron cavalry, and head to the north of Luoyang immediately."

Lu Bu's cavalry and the cavalry brought by Dong Zhuo numbered more than 1.

The cavalry moves quickly and has strong combat effectiveness, so it is just right to look for the young emperor.

Lu Bu was fully clothed, and had already made preparations.

Dong Zhuo also put on his horse.

Leaving Xu Rong and Li Ru to guard the camp, he took people to meet the young emperor in person.

set off!

The cavalry of the Xiliang Army came out in full force, and quickly disappeared into the dust.

Seeing that Dong Zhuo had left, Li Ru immediately returned to the camp and wrote a letter.

After a while, a carrier pigeon flew into the distance through the night.

The carrier pigeon flew for a long time, and when it fell again, it had already fallen into the hands of a farmer.

"It seems that the senior brother has already succeeded!"

The farmer suddenly raised his head, it was Wang Meiren who escaped from the barracks earlier.

Now she has long covered her beautiful face.

In order to deal with Guo Jia, she sneaked into the barracks and became a cook.

Wang Meiren took a deep breath, and quietly came to the water source in the military camp responsible for cooking for senior officials, took out a paper bag, opened it, and poured it into the water carefully.

This is the top-level laxative developed by Chi Xiao. Although there is only a little bit, it is enough to make these people lose their fighting power.

Guo Jia!

Beauty Wang's eyes flashed for a while.

This time, she wanted to make this guy look good.

Thinking of the scene of the generals of the Yunzhou Army scrambling to squat in the latrine, Wang Meiren couldn't help but smile.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

Wang Meiren couldn't help stretching.


A patrolling officer suddenly spotted Wang Meiren.

Has it been discovered?
Wang Meiren's heart sank, her eyes showed murderous intent.

Such a single officer is naturally no match for her.

Wang Meiren gave up this idea after a little thought. If the officer's body is found, the barracks will definitely be vigilant.

"Small, small..."

Wang Meiren pretended to be panicked.

"The little one is a little thirsty, come out and find some water to drink."


The officer was furious and his voice was rough.

"This is a logistics tent for military officers. How dare you, a servant, come here to drink water?"

sorry Sorry!
Wang Meiren hurriedly said: "The villain is a new cook, I don't know the rules, I hope the military master will forgive me."

Hearing that she was new here, the officer snorted and came in front of her.

Wang Meiren was relieved again, it seemed that this person did not see her actions just now.

In this way, there is no need to get rid of him.

The officer walked around the bamboo tube several times.

"This is drinking water for the generals, you must have poisoned it!"

Wang Meiren's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said: "Master Jun is wronged, the little one is just thirsty and has some water, how dare he poison him?"

She already had some doubts.

The officer didn't believe it, so he scooped up water with a bamboo scoop.

"Take a sip!"

(End of this chapter)

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