Chapter 383

Wang Meiren hesitated.

Although the drugs were not poison, they were also some laxatives, and it would be very troublesome in case of poisoning.

But if this officer is killed now, her plan will be in vain.

You can't lose the big because of the small!

After thinking for a while, she resolutely took it and took a sip.

very good!

The officer nodded.

"You can go, remember you can't come here anymore!"

Yes Yes Yes!
Wang Meiren hastily left the camp, and at the same time was secretly grateful.

Fortunately, he took laxatives, otherwise he might have been exposed.

Just as Wang Meiren withdrew, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of the officer's mouth.

"Finally showing off!"

The officer tore off his helmet, revealing his long black hair, who is it not Cai Yu?

At this time, a person came in from another entrance, and it was Guo Jia.

As soon as he came in, he hugged Cai Yu in his arms, and said with a smile, "What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? They sneaked into my barracks and hid here without seeing me. It made me feel as if my heart was caught by a cat." It's itchy. No, when I heard you asked me to come, the hairs on my whole body were excited. In other words, this is a good place to fight in the wild."

Tighten your hands tight!
It turned out that Cai Yu had been staying in Luoyang to collect intelligence during this time.

The reason why Guo Jia knew everything about Luoyang was through Cai Yu's channel.

After Guo Jia came to Mengjin, the first thing he did was to contact Cai Yu.

Luoyang is about to be in chaos, and Guo Jia is also worried about the safety of this girl.

Furthermore, he also wanted to know the specific situation of Luoyang from this girl.

Although Cai Yu replied, the person did not show up.

Guo Jia has always been thinking.

Just now, Cai Yu suddenly sent a letter to Guo Jia asking him to meet here.

Guo Jia hurried over without even thinking about it.

"You whore, you only think about those messy things."

Cai Yu reached out and pointed at his head.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just hugged his hands tighter.

"The desire of men and women, the joy of fish and water, these are all human feelings, where are the messy things? Besides, do you like my messy things?"

Cai Yu giggled at being teased by him.

Guo Jia even took the opportunity to do something!

alright, alright!

Being touched by Guo Jia's hands, Cai Yu felt a little soft all over, and she was also a little emotional after the two hadn't seen each other for a long time.

It's quiet here at night, but it's also a place for field battles.

It is said that when the two were together, they did not play less field battles.

But now is not the time for big field battles!
Cai Yu suddenly stopped Guo Jia's mischievous hands.

"You are really heartless, you are almost in danger, and you still don't forget to tease your sister-in-law."

Catastrophe is imminent!

Guo Jia was a little puzzled.

Where is the catastrophe looming?
Cai Yu tugged at his hand, sat aside, and told the events of the past few days one by one.

It turned out that when she left Luoyang and went straight to Mengjin, she accidentally found a strange person who was also targeting Mengjin and sneaked into the military camp along the way.

Fearing that this person might pose a threat to Guo Jia, Cai Yu also sneaked into the barracks following this person, monitoring him day and night, so he didn't come to meet Guo Jia immediately.

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

During this period of time, he has been keeping a close eye on Luoyang's side, but really ignored other things.

It never occurred to him that someone would make small moves under his nose.

This is a place to cook for the officers. If someone drugged them, they would suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, Cai Yu found out.

"Who dares to play wild with me!"

A cold light flashed across Guo Jia's eyes, he was really murderous right now.

"It's not as serious as you think!"

Cai Yu waved his hand.

She pondered for a while, and said to herself: "It seems that this person didn't intend to kill anyone, otherwise it would be poison. If it was poison, he would definitely not drink it himself."

Hearing Cai Yu's words, Guo Jia broke out in a cold sweat again.


He hurriedly hugged Cai Yu in his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Don't do this before, if you find anything, you can come to me directly, what if that person jumps over the wall in a hurry to attack you? "

Hearing Guo Jia's concerned tone, Cai Yu's heart suddenly became sweet, but on his face, he looked like you had a conscience.


Cai Yu smiled and said: "I have been observing for a long time. This person has been in the barracks for two days. There are many opportunities, but he has never made a move. He didn't do anything until he came back after going out for a while tonight. It seems that this person is also There is another purpose."

Another purpose!

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

After a long time, he suddenly came to his senses and said, "You mean to hold me back on purpose so that I don't have time to deal with the changes in Luoyang?"

Yes, children can be taught!
Cai Yu nodded.

"Luoyang has become a mess, and the surrounding forces are all ready to move. At this time, someone put some medicine in your diet, so that you have no time to participate in this feast. As for why it is not poison, it may be that these people do not intend to put you Offended to death."

Is this really the case?
Guo Jia was a little suspicious.

"Whether it is true or not, it will be revealed soon!"

Cai Yu looked at the direction of the civilian husband's camp with a smile.


Let's say that Wang Meiren drank the medicined water and didn't dare to stay all the way. She went straight to the camp of civilian husbands and immediately found out the antidote and ate it.

After taking the antidote, her heart relaxed a little.

Fortunately, it was a laxative this time, otherwise things would be really tricky.

Soon, Beauty Wang felt a little bad, and her stomach seemed to hurt a little.

This medicine is very powerful, even if you take the antidote, but the rest of the absorbed medicine is still very overbearing.

Scared, Wang Meiren hurried to the toilet.

If she had known that the medicine was so strong, she would rather kill that bastard officer than take a sip by herself.

Tomorrow morning, I am afraid that most of the officers of the Yunzhou Army will be vomiting and diarrhea, including that bastard Guo Jia.

For some reason, thinking of that bastard Guo Jia vomiting and diarrhea, Wang Meiren felt a little happy in her heart, and felt a little worthwhile for her experience.

But it seemed a little too early for her to be happy, and soon, she frowned and went to the toilet again.

Fortunately, all the peasants here were sent to Mengjin to repair the fortifications, otherwise, Beauty Wang would have been discovered long ago after going back and forth for so long.

After Wang Meiren left again, there were two more figures in the camp, Guo Jia and Cai Yu.

The two sneaked in like thieves.

Wang Meiren's package is also very simple, there are only some replacement clothes in it.

"Girl, did you make a mistake!"

Guo Jia rummaged around for a while, but couldn't find anything of value, so he couldn't help feeling suspicious.


Cai Yu was also a little uncertain.

Could it be that she was mistaken, that this is really a civilian husband?

(End of this chapter)

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