Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 384 The Dumbfounding Punishment

Chapter 384 The Dumbfounding Punishment

If this person is really a spy, he must be able to find some clues in his carry-on bag.

But the two tossed and tussled for a long time but found nothing.

This made Guo Jia a little suspicious.

Cai Yu herself was a little undecided.

Could it be that she was wrong?
At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the tent, and Wang Meiren came back.

The two immediately hid.

After Wang Meiren came in, she tidied up.After a while, he frowned suddenly, then turned and left.

After telling the truth several times, the two hiding in the dark immediately realized something was wrong.

It's a laxative!
Guo Jia and Cai Yu glanced at each other, and both could see each other's excitement.

But here comes the question, who is going to trip the Yunzhou army?
It's easy!
As long as people are arrested and interrogated, they will understand.

But Guo Jia knew that this kind of person was very persevering, and he would not give in easily.

If you want them to speak, you have to think of a trick.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately, and a clever plan appeared in his mind.

When he told Cai Yu this trick in a low voice, the latter was stunned for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Why are you so bad, whoever provokes you is really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

Even though he said that, Cai Yu didn't have a way to deny Guo Jia, on the contrary, he was a little eager to try.

Although Guo Jia's method is harmful, it may be really effective.

Guo Jia is naturally daring, and Cai Yu is not a girl who keeps her own law in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't see Guo Jia right.

The two hit it off and started preparing separately.

Besides, when Wang Meiren finally came back from the latrine, her legs were already sore from tossing. If she had known that the medicine was so powerful, she would rather die than take a sip.

It's finally over!
Wang Meiren was so tormented right now, she was lying in the tent and didn't want to lift a finger.

Guo Jia, you bastard, my wife must make you look good!
She gritted her teeth a little.

Naturally, he attributed all the crimes he suffered to this bastard.

But her anger didn't last long, and a familiar feeling came.


Wang Meiren was powerless to complain, and hurriedly got up and ran to the toilet again.

But what she didn't expect was that there were two people standing outside the tent at some point.

A young man was looking at her with a smile.

It was Guo Jia who Wang Meiren had sworn at just now.

"Why, did you eat your stomach badly?"

Beside Guo Jia was standing a girl dressed as an officer, it was Cai Yu.

Wang Meiren's complexion changed drastically, she still didn't realize that she was exposed.

Being exposed in the barracks of the [-]-strong army, Wang Meiren is in danger.

Fortunately, there were only two people in front of me.

I don't know if these two guys are bold, or they have other plans, but Wang Meiren can't care about it anymore.

If Guo Jia is captured, she still has a chance.

Guo Jia!

Wang Meiren gritted her teeth, shook her body, and rushed forward suddenly.

But just after walking a few steps, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, and she almost couldn't stand still.

not good!

Wang Meiren secretly groaned.

But at this time, the laxative started to attack again, she didn't dare to fight Guo Jia, so she had to turn around and run away.

Want to escape?
Guo Jia chuckled, and dodged to block Wang Meiren's way.

After Zuo Ci's double cultivation method cured his stubborn illness, his body became stronger and stronger, and most of his previous skills could be displayed.

He was a top agent in his previous life.

Although he may not be the opponent of those fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms on the horse, in close combat, Guo Jia can probably beat the opponent full of teeth.

To deal with a spy, it is natural to be able to catch it easily.

Especially a soft-legged shrimp that has been tossed by laxatives is no problem.

This is also the fundamental reason why Guo Jia did not ask Dian Wei and others to help.

Get out!

Seeing Guo Jia approaching, Wang Meiren was shocked and angry.

Although Chi Xiao didn't intend to offend Guo Jia, but at the moment Luoyang City's big plan is in full swing, and Dong Zhuo's entry into Beijing to dominate is already a certainty.

Chi Xiao has been planning for a long time, and he will definitely not let Guo Jia destroy it.

If she changed her usual routine, she would definitely not mind beating this guy up.

But at this moment...

Wang Meiren groaned secretly, not wanting to confront Guo Jia, so she turned around and fled again.

Bang bang bang!
Guo Jia stood in front of her again.

Get out!

Wang Meiren suddenly pulled out a hairpin from her head, then pressed it, and a steel needle popped out, stabbing at Guo Jia quickly.


The smile on Guo Jia's face remained unchanged, and he dodged left and right calmly.

He was already proficient in melee combat, and Wang Meiren's body was hollowed out by laxatives. Who is his opponent now?
Without exception, Wang Meiren's attacks all failed.

This bastard!

Wang Meiren was almost crying.

She only felt that her abdomen was turned upside down, and her stomach almost jumped out of her heart.

However, this Guo Jia in front of him is still entangled.

It's really going to kill me!
Wang Meiren wished to tear Guo Jia's body into ten thousand pieces, but at the moment she was really exhausted and endured very hard.

If it's just pestering her, it's fine, but this guy is still talking coldly.

"It's self-inflicted. Don't you want to give me medicine? Why did you taste it first? Tsk tsk, you are a very competent spy. You have to do everything yourself, and you actually want to try the medicine for me yourself."

"Your laxatives are pretty good. Do you have any intention to sell them? I'll take them all!"

"If you want to go to the toilet, don't put up with it so hard, just do whatever you want!"

"I'm sorry, it's okay, isn't it just a change of pants? If you don't have one, I'll give it to you!"

"Don't worry, I will never let anyone come to see it. Even if they are waiting outside, they will not step in without my order."


Wang Meiren was about to collapse.

She has endured it very hard, but this guy still keeps chattering in her ear.

"I kill you!"

At this moment, Wang Meiren was already impatient, and regardless of Chi Xiao's order, the hairpin in her hand stabbed at Guo Jia's vitals.

This needle is also smeared with this powerful medicine, once it is stabbed, it is inevitable to die.


Guo Jia sneered a few times, grabbed the white blade with a light hand, and then restrained Wang Meiren on the ground with another anti-joint restraint.

Not to mention that Wang Meiren is weak after taking laxatives, even if she is normal, she may not be Guo Jia's opponent.

Wang Meiren felt that her hands and arms were being pinched, and Guo Jia's knees supported her lower back. Her body felt sore and numb, and she couldn't move immediately.

What frightened her even more was that the churning in her body was getting stronger and stronger, and she was almost about to roar out.

This time, Wang Meiren's soul came out of her body.

She would rather die than make a fool of herself in front of an enemy, especially a man.

But she didn't dare to move even more, for fear that if she moved, she wouldn't be able to hold back anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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