Chapter 385 Collapse
"Guo Jia, if you have the ability to wait for me for a while, just for a while..."

Wang Meiren said in a crying voice.

She couldn't take it any longer.

This kind of torture is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

Especially for a clean freak like Wang Meiren.

Making her incontinent is worse than killing her.

Ha ha!

It turned out to be a woman!

Guo Jia already sensed something was wrong when he did it, so he tied her up.

"Very well, then tell me who are you?"

He smiled.

"If you are satisfied with the answer, I will let you go there!"

As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of the toilet.

Women are better!

This method of extorting confessions by torture is more effective.

Wang Meiren's tears were rolling in her eyes, and she was really struggling at the moment.

"My name is Yu Linglong!"

This is her real name.

Yu Linglong!
Guo Jia frowned.

He doesn't seem to have heard it.

Cai Yu also shook her head.

"Why did you drug me? What conspiracy do you have?"

Seeing how Wang Meiren was struggling, Guo Jia asked with a smile.

People have three urgencies, the living will not be suffocated by urine, but the feeling is not good.

At this time, it is most likely to loosen, and ordinary people can't support it for a long time.

So he wants to take this time to ask the truth.


Yu Linglong gritted her teeth.

You can tell Guo Jia by name, but you can't tell Chi Xiao's matter, because it is related to Chi Xiao's century-old plan.

Don't say yes?

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

"Then I'm sorry!"

He stood up slowly as he spoke.

"no, do not want……"

Yu Linglong felt a little desperate.

She was suffering with the last of her strength.

"Then tell me, who sent you?"

Guo Jia lowered his head and asked.

He knew that this woman named Yu Linglong had reached her limit.


Yu Linglong opened her mouth, but said nothing.

She knew the serious consequences of defecting to the organization.

Even if she is Master's most beloved disciple, she will be severely hunted down by the organization.


Her face became extremely ferocious due to suffering.

Yu Linglong is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of making a fool of herself in front of others.

It was worse than killing her.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia's eyes flashed with admiration.

In later generations, this kind of punishment will be very difficult to survive.

It is not easy for this person to be able to survive until now.

In this way, he became more interested in the forces behind this person.

"It seems that we have nothing to say between us."

Guo Jia turned around and took a few steps.

No...don't go!

Yu Linglong suppressed the roar in her stomach.


Tears came out of her suddenly.

Now she is on the brink of collapse.

"I'm a member of Chi Xiao. In order to hold you back and prevent you from going to Luoyang, that's why I put medicine in your diet."

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said it in one breath.


Guo Jia was stunned again, as if he was also vague about the name.

"Very good, you really belong to Chi Xiao, tell me what conspiracy Chi Xiao has?"

Even if you don't know, you have to pretend that you have everything in mind. This is the most basic need for interrogation.

Betrayal, obstacles are like dams, as long as a small hole is opened, it will eventually collapse.

Yu Linglong didn't hesitate, and told about Chi Xiao's conspiracy like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

Hearing Yu Linglong's words, Guo Jia was secretly startled.

First, he used beauties to mess up the court and killed Emperor Ling of Han, then seduced the powerful Dong Zhuo to enter Beijing to take power, and finally waited for an opportunity to get rid of Dong Zhuo, and finally achieved the goal of monopolizing the court.

One link after another, one step at a time.

What is the origin of this Chi Xiao, who actually has such ambitions?
"Let me go, let me go..."

she yelled hysterically.

Guo Jia didn't move, but turned around and walked a few steps.

Guo Jia!

Yu Linglong screamed: "You don't believe what you say..."

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

Originally, after he asked about the mastermind, he didn't intend to embarrass this woman.

But after learning of Chi Xiao's plan, Guo Jia suddenly had the desire to subdue this person for his own use.

It's easy to get her to tell the truth, but it's probably impossible to get her to use her.

But you can also try.

There was nothing to lose anyway.

The reason why this woman persisted until the end was because she still had a little shame in her heart.

For this shame, she was able to betray Master and the organization.

What Guo Jia has to do is to destroy her shame.

In this way, her will will completely collapse, and she will be more easily controlled by herself.

However, it is not a shortcut to make her look ugly in public.

"Everyone, come out!"

Guo Jia suddenly clapped his hands.

The Tiger Guards appeared nearby.

They have been ordered by Guo Jia to hide and observe in secret.

Now that he heard Guo Jia's greeting, he appeared in front of him.

I saw so many people watching me.

Yu Linglong panicked, but her panic was even worse, she could no longer hold back the desire to defecate with her own will.


The crowd burst into laughter.

It's the first time they've seen a woman make such an ugly face when they grow up so big.

Yu Linglong was even more ashamed and passed out.

This guy is really cruel!

Cai Yu couldn't help shaking her head.

This method has never been heard or seen, but it works very well.

The spy who is not afraid of death is tortured so badly that it is better than anything else to ask and answer.

Although it is a bit inhumane, it is very effective and can be used for a while.

It is said that as the intelligence leader of Yunzhou, Cai Yu also had to torture to extract a confession.

Guo Jia's move inspired her.

Just now, Guo Jia only asked half of the question, and the rest will naturally be asked by himself, the chief intelligence officer.

Thinking of this, Cai Yu is a little eager to try.

Seeing Yu Linglong being tortured, the girl didn't feel any sympathy at all, instead she was a little excited.

She was born to be a little devil.

"Come on!"

Cai Yu smiled and said, "Find some women to wash her up, and then send it to my room."

Several tiger guards responded, and went out to find some thick women.

There are officers and soldiers stationed here.

Checkpoints often repair houses, strengthen walls and so on.

The people in the surrounding areas all came back to beg for some life, helped the officers and soldiers with sundries, and exchanged some pocket money.

Many people use this as a career, and even a lot of shanty towns gather around it.

These are the families of the coolies in the shantytowns, and sometimes some things that are inconvenient for men are taught to them.

These women work all year round and are strong and fit for this kind of work.

Soon, a few people dragged the unconscious Yu Linglong into the tent, and began to wash and peel.

(End of this chapter)

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