Chapter 386

Hearing that the poisoning happened in the rear, Xu Shu came in a hurry.

If there was a poisoning incident in the battalion, he, the military adviser in charge of life, would be a bit dereliction of duty.

"never mind!"

Guo Jia waved his hand.

This was not Xu Shu's fault alone.

Besides, the surrounding area of ​​Mengjin is mixed with fish and dragons, how could they outsiders figure it out.


Xu Shu said with shame: "This is all Xu Shu's mistake!"

"Yuan Zhi doesn't need to blame himself! Just pay attention in the future!"

Guo Jia smiled.

People can not escape from doing wrong!
Naturally, he would not chill the hearts of his confidantes because of this kind of thing.

Hearing Guo Jia's relief, Xu Shu was even more embarrassed.

As the life director of the military camp, the officer's kitchen was poisoned, and he indeed had an inexcusable responsibility.

"Where are the spies? I want to interrogate them strictly and dig them out."

Xu Shu said angrily.

Fortunately, it was broken by Cai Yu, otherwise, if the spies succeed, the entire Yunzhou Army may suffer heavy losses.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

He's already had a preliminary interrogation.

"The spy is a woman named Yu Linglong. She said she was instructed by Chi Xiao to come and hold back the Yunzhou Army and prevent us from participating in Luoyang's affairs."


Xu Shu's body shook, and he lost his voice and said, "Chi Xiao reappeared, and the blood flowed like a river."

"Yuan Zhi knows the details of this Chi Xiao?"

Guo Jia looked at Xu Shu in surprise.

When Yu Linglong mentioned this name, it was the first time he had heard of it.

How could Xu Shu know?

It stands to reason that Guo Jia in the original version has more knowledge and knowledge than Xu Shu.

Xu Shu lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "My lord was born into a wealthy family, so it's normal not to know Chi Xiao. This Chi Xiao is actually a mysterious folk sect."

Folk Mystery School!
Guo Jia is interested again.

"Xu Shu was favored by his mentor and taught him swordsmanship. He knows some secrets among the people. This Chi Xiao is a mysterious organization that has been spread among the people. Except for the people inside, no one knows the inside story of Chi Xiao. As long as it appears, once it appears, there will be rivers of blood."

Is there such a thing?

Guo Jia suddenly regained his spirits.

Xu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Actually, my subordinates are just hearsay about Chi Xiao, and have never really seen it. I heard that Chi Xiao's people aim to overthrow the government, and they are quietly developing among the people. They are good at collaborating The art of separation often plays a major role at critical moments. They have their shadows in the several chaos of the big man."

Merge and divide!

Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he said, "Could it be someone who passed it on?"

Vertical and horizontal means combining vertical and horizontal, and it is also one of the hundreds of schools of thought.

They are in the Qin Dynasty, Muchu, and they are uncertain and capricious. They set up plans and plan mostly based on the country's political needs.The main representative of the Hezong School is Su Qin, and the main representative of the Lianheng School is Zhang Yi.From "Zi Zhi Tong Jian · Zhou Xianwang 36 Years" "Zhang Yi, a Wei native, and Su Qin are both Mr. Guigu".

Therefore, Zongheng is also called the descendant of Guigu.

Xu Shu also nodded.

"My subordinates think the same way. It's just that Zongheng has been dead for hundreds of years. I'm afraid it's not Zongheng long ago, and most of them have also merged with other schools. Chi Xiao reappeared, blood flowed like a river, what an evil spirit, how can there be half a demeanor of the descendant of Guigu ?”

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded.

Hundreds of schools of thought have gone through ups and downs several times, and their successors have long been panning for gold, so it is only natural to integrate other schools.

There are no good or bad ways in the world, only suitable ways.

If the schools of thought want to pass on, they must first survive.

Only by surviving can there be a chance to make a comeback.

Guo Jia pondered for a while, and said: "I have understood a little from Yuan Zhi's words. Although the schools of thought have been eliminated for hundreds of years, they have always wanted to re-enter the altar and regain their glory. This is the case with the Yin-Yang family. It's the same, this vertical and horizontal, right, Chi Xiao is also the same."

He got up and took a few steps.

"The death of Hanling Emperor, He Jin's killing, and the rebellion of the ten permanent attendants may seem accidental, but there is something inevitable."

Chi Xiao sent people to assassinate the emperor, lured He Jin to fight with Shi Changshi, and tricked Dong Zhuo into Beijing.

Is the driving force behind this series of things.

Guo Jia once again found himself underestimating these histories.

Sometimes what is left in history may not be the truth.


Xu Shu couldn't help asking: "According to the information that Yu Linglong gave, Chi Xiao's misfortune is to let Dong Zhuo take over the situation smoothly. Now that we know about Chi Xiao's plot, how can we let them do what they want?"

Right now, the capital is in chaos, He Jin was killed, and the power has been left behind. It is a good time for the Yunzhou Army to show its talents.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

not the right time yet!
He said something meaningful.

Not the time!
Xu Shu was stunned.

From beginning to end, he never guessed Guo Jia's intention.

If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. Xu Shu is very clear about one thing.

The lord will definitely not suffer.

In other words, this protagonist hasn't suffered a loss since his debut.

All right!

Guo Jia stretched his waist, and said to himself: "It's getting late, everyone, let's have a rest. If you have enough energy, you will have the energy to do other things tomorrow morning."

do something else!
The clever Xu Shu immediately heard the key words!
During this period of time, the lord has been standing still, does he really have a plan?
Hearing this, Xu Shu immediately became excited.

He had known for a long time that Guo Jia's coming here was definitely not as simple as watching a play, he must have taken some action, but he didn't realize it.

At this time, Xu Shu realized that the chief guard Dian Wei who had been inseparable from Guo Jia had disappeared.

In addition, the number of tiger guards is also somewhat wrong, at least half of the people are missing.

Where did these people go?
Xu Shu was even more puzzled.


Cai Yu's tent in the military camp.

A woman with her limbs bound was paralyzed in front of Cai Yu. It was Chi Xiao's proud disciple Yu Linglong.

At this moment, she has been washed away by those burly women and her original appearance has been restored.

"National color and heavenly fragrance!"

Cai Yu couldn't help but give a compliment.

She never expected that this spy would be so delicate and charming, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is so beautiful.

Rao Cai Yu is a little conceited about her appearance, but she also feels a little jealous when she sees this Yu Linglong's real face.

Compared with the Yu Linglong in front of her, Cai Yu's beauty was a bit inferior.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Chi Xiao to be really generous. He sent out a spy with such a beautiful face. I feel pity for him."

Cai Yu gently lifted Yu Linglong's chin, and praised her a few times.

"You shouldn't be in a place like this."

Yu Linglong turned a blind eye with empty eyes.

When the last bit of dignity was unceremoniously trampled by Guo Jia, she had already collapsed at that time.

At this time, she suddenly felt that everything didn't matter.

So there was no reaction to Cai Yu's words.

(End of this chapter)

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